in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Good day steemit world
So this week I want to discuss about seven things required to become great in life which includes
1: Inspiration
2: Determination
3: Perseverance
4: Discipline
5: Humility
6: The word of God
7: Holy spirit
It should be noted that each topic will be backed up with bible verse.
So yesterday we spoke of inspiration.Today we shall focus on.




Make up ur mind there is nothing stopping me. Tell ur self if it doesn't work now ur one step closer to making it work. DONT GIVE UP TOO SOON. 1corinthians 15: 58. Says "So then, my dear brother and sisters, stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord's service is never useless". Does who succeed in life is because there are determined. They have the same devil walking against them but they stand their grounds. Tell urself it's not going to be over until you have worn. God is the referee and his on ur side and is not going to blow the final whistle until you worn. The top belongs to be you cus your a child of God.


No matter how small ur hand work is, no matter how small ur buisness is think big. Be determined to make it. Look for places u think can help u establish ur success. I for instance am selling doughnuts, many condemned my idea but funny enough no one helped me with a dime. That didn't bother me. I started with it cus I was determined in proving to people that cus it didn't work for them my case will be different and am happy to say I have commands coming in when I least expected. Nothing is to small or big in the eyes of our God. I tell myself each day am determined to succeed and I work for it and I achieve I conquer.

Stay tuned...............

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