in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Good day steemit world

So this week I want to discuss about seven things required to become great in life which includes
1: Inspiration
2: Determination
3: Perseverance
4: Discipline
5: Humility
6: The word of God
7: Holy spirit
It should be be noted each topic will be backed up with bible verse. Today we shall focus on.


WhatsApp Image 2021-03-22 at 10.50.09 PM.jpeg

There is something worth looking up to. Life is interesting, when a person stops being inspired, life becomes dull. Don't stop being inspired, don't stop dreaming, DREAM AND DREAM BIG. THIS WORD BELONGS TO DREAMERS. What u aspire to accomplish, to belong. Dream big for God. Out do your past. Aim to set new record.

Asiah 60: 1-2 says "Arise, Jerusalem and shine like the sun; The glory of the Lord is shinning on you!. Other nations will be covered by darkness, But on you the light of the Lord will shine; The brightness of his presence will be with you"

Tell yourself am arising am shining this is my year am accomplishing big things this year. This year is my year of breaking record, breaking my past record and a year if setting new record. As a child of the kingdom there is nothing that is to big.. Joseph... It will take the power of the holy spirit to accomplish such inspiration, to make bold declaration. Say to your self am moving forward. Nothing can stop me because born of God....

Act 19: 20.Says"In this powerful way the word of the Lord kept spreading and growing stronger"

Job 32: 8. Says" But it is the spirit of the almighty God that comes to human beings and gives them wisdom"

So pray again and again so your inspirations shall be accomplished. The holy spirit is a limit breaker....

Stay turn ....

 3 years ago 

I love this

 3 years ago 

Am happy u did

 3 years ago 

Thanks for sharing...

 3 years ago 

Your most welcome

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