Steem Cameroon Contest - My Short Movie Script Witchcraft (A Tree With Human Parts)

in Steem Cameroon9 months ago


Good day everyone and a happy new day. Welcome to my blog once again, today, I will be participating in @steem-cameroon contest titled My Short Movie Script Witchcraft (A Tree With Human Parts). It has always been a mind blowing contest as one needs to brainstorm the inner creativity in them, stay with me while I bring you this wild story.

Do You Believe In The Possible Of A Tree With Human Parts: Give Reasons


Firstly, we live in a world of wonders where unimaginable things happens daily, so yes, I believe there is a possibility for a tree to have human parts. I mean, look at the Seven Wonders Of The World, if you can look at these things and more, you will certainly believe there is nothing close to impossible that can't happen in this world.

Also, through supernatural enchantment, probably Witchcraftcy, trees can even move from one place to the other. Also, miracles do happen, so why not?. My grandmother has told me a lot of stories about these and I will tell you with all earnest of truth, I do believe there is a possibility for a tree to posses human parts.


Dead To Trap


Miriam: A 13year old orphan

Martins: Miriam's Father

Rebecca: Miriam's Stepmother

Edet: The Dibia


Miriam was a very gentle girl born to this wicked world and lost her mother as well at birth. So Mariam grew up only to live with her cruel father and stepmother. Everyday, she will cry hoping to see her mother for just a minute so she can tell the mum her pains and what she has been going through in her father's house.

Martins who is Miriam's Father married Rebecca (Miriam's Stepmother) when Miriam was just a year old and ever since then, he lost touch of the love he once had for his family and became a nightmare of himself because he was bewitched by Rebecca so his heart will turn against Miriam his own daughter.

Rebecca has on many occasions inflicted pains on Miriam hoping to see her die but she kept being strong. Sometimes, Rebecca will wakeup at midnight and punish Miriam for sleeping earlier than her. Since Miriam was denied access to the rest of the world, she had no other option than to make the mango tree in her father's compound her comforting friend. Unknowingly to her, that was where her mum was buried.

This ill punishment mated on her kept on going till Miriam's 15th birthday, she kept on crying under the mango tree and each time she the mango tree leaf falls down , she will pick it up and make a wish and it has always been one, which I "for the tree to open up and take her". So on her 15th birthday, she was really tired and decided to take her nap under the mango tree, after some few seconds,she find herself in a very strange place.


The place never looked familiar but was far too beautiful to behold, she kept on walking and saw beautiful young ladies as well. On this other side of the world, the stepmother began looking for her but could find her, her dad spent the whole day looking for Rebecca but she was no where to be found. But at night, they heard a very serious cry from outside and Martins decides to go check it out. To his greatest surprise and shock, he found the mango tree laughing and spreading out his branches that looked somehow like a human hands calling on him to come.

With that shock,he ran inside, called Rebecca from her sleep and they went out again. This time the tree was more of human than a tree. They couldn't contain their fears, so they ran out of the compound together. The next month morning, they visited the Dibia to inquire of what just happened .


Edet the Dibia told them, the spirit of Miriam's mother was crying and asking for her child to be treated right every day and night but to no avail. That's why she decided to posses the mango tree where she was buried under and made sure she took her daughter back to where she won't have to suffer anymore. He also told Martins that Rebecca had bewitched him 14 years ago but Martins became angry because of that, the Dibia noticed this and blow some powder towards him and the spell Rebecca had put on him left him.

He began crying profusely regretting how bad he has treated his daughter, he requested of the Dibia to return his daughter to him, but the Dibia told him it was too late for that. The only thing to do Is to go plead with the possessed tree and ask for forgiveness. He went back home, pack all of Rebecca's belongings and sent her packing of his house as he went to the crying tree to beg, the tree was shedding tears profusely but after some minutes of plea, it returned to a normal tree and Martins lived happily after.

I invite @emily08, @wirngo and @chant to participate in this contest if they are yet to.

To know more about me, please visit my introduction post


Thanks for reading

 9 months ago 

Shockingly reading this post and getting the story that a tree walk and turn to human really shock me.
Indeed it's amaze me and look so real to me.

 9 months ago 

Thank you so very much my friend d.
I am honoured I could get you glued to your screen.

Very captivating. I'm glad the evil stepmother got what she deserved. If not for the interference from Miriam's late mother and the mysterious tree, she would have continued to suffer.

 9 months ago 

Yea, I decided to add that so it can reflect the reality of what some people are going through in the hands of their stepmother.

Thank you for dropping by my friend.

 9 months ago 

Beautiful script

 9 months ago 

Thank you very much my friend.

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