STEEM CAMEROON Best Day Contest : 09/11/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Hello dear Steemians, it's an opportunity to be exploited for me to tell you about my best day of last week, which happens to be Thursday the 4th of November 2021


Waking up this fateful day i had so many places to go to, but i began with a word of prayer and some quiet time with the Holyspirit. Then got out of bed, greeted @nackasnelson and we began our chats. I had never met any of his family members but God was faithful, i saw his lil sister. Infact she is a prospective mommy GO 😂 she brought fufu and huckleberry which we got as breakfast.

I continued with my bible journey then ended at 10am, got my bath and we went together to see her off to the road. I originally wanted to get to Bambili coz that's where I wanted to meet @saxopedia but on second thought, he asked me to go to the office. Here's where part 2 of my best day begins😂


After lights came and i charged my phone, i prepared to get to town (mile 2) to meet Mr Bull 😊 and Nelson followed me to the road, originally i thought he was seeing me off but we ended up taking a bike to an unknown destination 😂 for a while i thought it was a kidnapping 😅

Halfway we stopped and he made a withdrawal, i thought it was like in those american movies where the kidnapper takes his victim and makes them comfortable before continuing😅 my imagination at times wonders me too.

Making the withdrawal

We passed beside a field, a solitary place and i was like "okay, it's happening 😱" and the bike man took another lil path, ohhh small so i for start speak in tongues😂 then here we were in a place that looked like a store! Everyone was a suspect in my sight! This guy beside me spoke a kind of pidgin like Nigerian pidgin and i told myself, "Okay, a Nigerian is here, na them that so". We had a sit, then @nackasnelson said, "Mami abeg give we achu, 1½ each".
At that precious moment, i cared less about the people beside me, i just took the bowl and washed my hand. Time no dey.

Diminishing time

We ate and i didn't look like a kidnapped victim at the end, i took a second round to calm down my temper and stress😂 then we left on foot for the road where i got a taxi for mile 2.


Arrived at mile 2 but had difficulties in locating Mr Bull's office so i seemed for help from @chiabertrand who sent me airtime with which i called @fombae😊. And he described the office, within some secs, i was present at the office. Can somebody shout FAVOUR!!!?

He arrived and we chatted, he offered me coffee and after sometime grand @saxopedia got in, we continued our chats and then it was 5:45pm. We got outta the office and trekked from mile 2 to mile 3 still talking 😂 but what ran through my mind was, "If someone seizes our phones here with all the passwords then he's a millionaire". I couldn't voice it out😂

The steemit gurus and myself

Sax and i got a taxi from mile 3 and he dropped at polytechnic while i continued to Bambili. I got a lot of info from him as concerns on what stands to curate accounts😅

I arrived Bambili and first things first, i got myself dessert in sugarcane form😅 after all that walking i needed energy.
After having the dessert, my lil man was cooked potatoes while i chatted with @nafisatu😊 though the chat lasted for a while coz MTN was making making😂. I finally ate and drank hot tea in that cold weather at about 10pm while on another call with @ymelda who bombarded me with questions😂

My dessert
My last meal


Though that whole week was full of wonderful moments, i tagged this one my best day for the following reasons.

  • I finally met and chatted with part of the Steemit team admins, @saxopedia and @fombae.
  • I enjoyed myself with fufu, achu, potatoes, coffee, sugarcane and tea.
  • I met with my bro's family member😅 who can be a mommy GO one never knows😊
  • I fulfilled my promise to my lil man to sleep over at his place.

A day full of joy and laughter❤️

Those are just some of the reasons coz they're so many. Thanks for reading and below is a proof of me resteeming the contest post.



 3 years ago 


Good writeup boss what a lovely day you had. You are an african man indeed. Reading through your dairy has inspired me to joint the contest

 3 years ago 

I'm happy i did, 😊 thanks for reading, I'm waiting on your post, you can tag me so i read and be blessed too

 3 years ago 

Meeerde 🙆. You are 1½ bundle achu and still went for the 2nd round?🙆🤣. I get wuna faith nor, that means you can compare with me even though I will still beat you hands-downd because I can eat 4 bundles before I satisfy my self 🤣🤣🤣.

It's really great meeting steemit gurus like sax man and Mr 🐂, I really see you guys had great moments together.

In general, I see your day was full of enjoyment and Chopping chopping.

Concerning that issue of mommy GO, I am really waiting to see you finally convinced one and settle down with her because right now, time so no de to wast time ma brother. So I de ya back strong strong because once you fine ya mommy GO, I can now officially look for mine as well🤗.

In general, I love the way you had organized your day because it was really fun fill and beautiful because you achieve all your goals for that day

 3 years ago 

Hahaha i don't eat much ohhh, I've repented from gluttony.

You want to marry in 2036???😂😂😂 Coz mine is 2035 oh hahahaha aww lie you?

Yeah thanks to you i could meet these people, I'm grateful bro

 3 years ago 

You had a good day. Just that you are visiting only the bosses around town. Who is mummy GO sir?

 3 years ago (edited)

Hahaha I'm sorry, didn't know where you were, but on the 4th we'll surely meet🤗 and you'll cook nice achu that we'll eat na.

Mommy GO is da mother in Israel 😅 @chiabertrand come and explain

 3 years ago 

The point about the phones had me dead🤣🤣🤣

 3 years ago 

Hahaha I'm telling you ohh. If you power down only these 2 people's account then you're a rich man/woman

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Having friends is good and most especially having a trusted one. What a great day in did. Next will be me finding you to give my own plate of food

 3 years ago 

Hahaha I'll gladly do that ohhh. When next I'm on bda you remind me

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Boss.. your day was the bomb. From prayer time to good food to fear and tremble to more good food and I shout FAVOUR!!.. So you got to meet the other bosses and you drank coffee. You guys are living fine ehh. All in out, your day was beautiful and sure sounded like the best. Thanks for sharing your Wonderful adventure with us..

 3 years ago 

Thank youuuu. It'll be complete if i had mommy GO around🥺 i just want to be happy na, what's a life without my rib?🥺

😂 Can't wait to see my moda in Israel

 3 years ago 

😂😂😂😂🙌.. mummy GO is on her way oo. Keep calm

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