The Diary Game - March 10th, 2024 | a Good Day

in Steem Cameroon3 months ago (edited)

Hello my Fellas Steemians..

As usual, i awoke early this morning, said my morning prayers, and had a shower. Despite the fact that it is Sunday, the target for today is to finish some tasks pertaining to our school's certification.

IMG_20240310_073241.jpgHealthy breakfast

I used to eat breakfast before leaving. I believe this is an excellent practice. Breakfast provides us with energy, allowing us to stay up and active throughout the day. Furthermore, I believe that having breakfast and eating frequently will help to prevent stomach disorders and improve blood sugar control. So eating breakfast can help to minimize your risk of developing diabetes.

IMG_20240310_074520.JPGtake vit C

After breakfast, I take vitamin C in pill form. Actually, my mother suggested this vitamin C some time ago. Given how abruptly the weather has changed recently, she advised me to drink vitamin C on a regular basis so that my body's immunity improves and I am less susceptible to disease. I accepted it because it was an excellent suggestion.


I set off for school. When I arrived, I went directly to the TU room and turned on the computer to do some work. Our school will soon undergo an assessment to establish its new accreditation. As a result, today I have a large number of files to prepare.


After three hours in front of a computer, the body feels a little sore. I left the room for a bit to smoke and stretch. After a while, it was midday and time to head home. I put away the incomplete work and planned to continue it next morning.

It was really hot this afternoon. I went straight home since I didn't want to stay on the road. My pet cat greeted me when I got home. I gave him some food right away as it appeared like he was starving.


Before the sun set in the afternoon, I engaged in some little exercise. I frequently engage in this activity because I spend a lot of my workday seated in front of a computer and rarely move. I work out frequently to maintain my body in shape because of this. I just make small, delicate movements when I move. At minimum, sweating causes the body to truly replenish itself.

In the night, I attended the weekly recitation in my village. The evening recitations are usually held on Friday and Tuesday nights. Usually, young folks attend. But tonight, it seemed quieter. I thought it might be because it was the weekend.

IMG_20240310_201637.JPGjoin the recitation

I joined this recital to find peacefulness. Religion has always provided consolation to the soul and guided us in the best path in life. Religion also provides positive teachings. I believe that partaking in this type of recitation is a form of relaxation since it provides me with serenity and peace.

I finally went home to rest. My body is exhausted today after a long day of activities. I expected to fall asleep early tonight. And sure enough, about 23:00, I fell completely asleep.

Best Regards


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