Engineering and Science Output (Different types of Robots)

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

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I did a post on the basics ( Engineering and Science Output (Robotic)), where I made a summary of this technological innovation and used cases. A Robot needs a power supply to function, that is why the functionality has is backed by an electric current (a battery) to carry out its functions. Another aspect of functionality is the software, put together by computer engineers, which tells the robot what to do using code. The computer program (code) controls the actions of the robot, given the ability to carry out a particular instruction. In this article, I will be trying to mention some different types of robots. Robots can be of different sizes and shapes, used to efficiently carry out a particular task. Some robots can be a program (designed) for multi-task functions, meaning they are designed to automate a particular task. the are five types of robots:

Types of Robots

  • Pre-Programmed Robots:

It operates in a controlled setup where they carry out simple tasks faster and more efficiently than a human. A good example can be fine in an automobile company, where you see a pre-programmed robot function is just to welder the doors, another to brine engine parts together for assembly, and so on. Its job is to carry out one particular task over and over.

  • Humanoid Robots:

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Humanoid robots are set up to carry out human-like activities like jumping, carrying objects, running, etc. They are designed to look like humans with most human physiological structures. An example is the receptionist robot built by one of the tech giants in the world being used in some companies.

  • Autonomous Robots:

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Autonomous robots, from its name, carry out a task without the need for any human supervision. These robots operate independently for any human interference when carrying out a task in open environments. Examples are Cleaning Bots, Hospitality Bot, Autonomous drones, etc. these robots work with the aid of the sensors to understand their environment and are used to make a decision.

  • Teleoperated Robots

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Teleoperated Robot is a wireless robot controlled from a distance, it can be seen as a semi-autonomous robot. These robots can only work under particular circumstances such as weather, topography, distance, etc. An example is Drones used by the military to detect landmines on the battlefield.

  • Augmenting Robots:

Augmenting Robots is the main objective of scientists, to build robots that can surpass the capability of humans. Augmenting Robots are enhanced to replace or correct human errors. Here is the point where science fiction will soon be a reality with the invention of augmenting robots. Its function is to redefine the definition of humans by carrying out human tasks faster, stronger, and more efficient. An example is exoskeletons used to catty hefty weights.


All I put together are just basic, fine time, and do more research to know how the different robot types function and the many examples available. I will be looking into the next section, which will be the components of a robot. Technology is advanced and robots are backed by innovations in science.

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