Steem Cameroon. Best day of the week by @ebuahsang1. CHARGED UP/GoMAD Seminar. 19/05/2021

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Charged up/ GoMAD ( Change up and Go make a difference)


“It is often said that if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far, go with people”. And considering my life and career aspirations, my best day of last week was on Saturday when I attended a seminar at st louis mile 3 Bamenda with over 200 youths. It was a forum to network and meet great persons to work and go far with.
Hello steemians, it is another day for recollection of the activities for me and how I spend my best day.

It was the 15/05/2021, as usual I woke up very early. Since I became part of the steemit community, I have made it a routine to get up very early in the morning say by 3am or 4am and study more about steemit. I have a personal goal of bringing over 1000 new steemians before year end and atleast 500 active persons, so studying to know more about Steemit is very important to me. That morning I went through post from @pennsif on daily contest that were closing, read about the Steemcoffeeshop that is to be open by @arie.steem in Indonesia and a couple of updates provided by @dobartim, crytokannon just naming a few and this always stirs my day to a better start.


At exactly 5:30, I went for my morning jogging and this takes 30minutes daily. When I was back home, I tended to my home garden, did some house chores, took my bath and dressed up for the main activity of the day.
I got to the seminar hall some few minutes before 9am and I was very surprised with what I saw. The hall had more than 100 persons who were already seated and waiting for the program to commence. It was unlike most programs I have attended in Cameroon where participants are always very late for the program.


The program started with the first presenter of the day in the person of Mr. Ginga Emile. Personally I was very pleased to see him, he is one of the amazing voices on Facebook with very wonderful contents. He is one of the person I believe will make a great impact if on steemit and I hope to recruit him here one day.
He spoke about Goal setting, the importance of setting goals and explained in details that it not just important to set goals in the mind, but to write it down. Any goal which is not written down is more of wishful thinking. Also, we were educated on how to set goals using the SMART principle.


Myself and Ginga Emile

The next presentation was done by a lady. She was an eloquent and fluent lady with so much charisma. She spoke about the noise we have in life from social media, from peers and movies and this noise that is all around us affects our perception of life, our ability to know ourselves and identify our purpose in life. The presentation was mainly on how to deal with external factors that distract you from achieving your goals.

BRANDING THE BRAND. (Branding a new believe)

Our next presenter was an awesome young gentle man, my public speaking coach and life coach Mr Randy King. He was also the organizer of the seminar and the founder of Charged up Cameroon. He is a prolific speaker, very efficient in what he does as a speaker. He spoke about branding a new believe system. To rebrand a new believe system, we need to first identity where the believe systems we have and want to rebrand came from, and this took us to our childhood programing. Most of the thing we believe in now as adults are from our childhood which was instill in us by our parents, and so to rebrand a believe system we need to try new things and ideas, we need to dare to do. It was an elaborate presentation and I was so charged up to brand new believes in me.


Me, Randy King and and his coach kencho Desmond


This was the first time I heared about the word THRIVING which means flourishing, I was so happy especially with the explanation given by the presenter Mr. Njisong Godlove. He was the last presenter of the day and was more concentrated with EXCELLENCE, how to be excellent and excel in whatever we do in life looking at the importance of being excellent.
He pointed out that most people will use the word STRIVING for Excellence but striving means struggling and he doesn’t want people to struggle for excellence, he wants youths to flourish in excellence.


Mr Njisong Godlove presenting

The seminar lasted for over 8 hours and was so full of information, knowledge and practical ways of doing things. I believe this is the kind of education needed in Cameroon and Africa to form a new breed of entrepreneurs and leaders.
Africa need leaders with a different believe system and different conducts. I left the hall that day feeling fulfilled, rebranded and excellent. It is at this seminar I decided to take a new approach on steemit, the approach of value first.

Left the hall at about 5:30pm, got home prepared my dairy game for the day, posted and went to bed.
Thank you for letting me share my best day with everyone here

 3 years ago 

your day was great bro. Actually planned and alomost registered fro CHarge up/Gomad event but i noticed i will be writing exams. Gomad had been a great movement in Cameroon to train and raise great leaders and entrepreneurs and i haven't yet fully recovered from the last one in Douala. @ebuahsang your day was great rubbing minds with Great peole and thanks for sharing with Us

 3 years ago 

Wow. The one in Douala I missed due to work. I couldn't miss this one. But in no time the third will be organized, hope go meet you there

 3 years ago 

yes for sure bro

 3 years ago 

You have done a great write up there. What i will say is following GoMAD seminars is one of the best thing. I have been following them just online .looking forward to attending one of their seminars.
Ashia for the charged day but it was worth it

 3 years ago 

It was really worth it. I pray you attend one soon. You will GoMAD.

Your circle determines who you are... Associatung with such serminars definitely boosts the enthusiasm... Something i need to adopt

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