Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 Week 4" An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away"steemCreated with Sketch.

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago
Greetings from me to all the members I'm fine Allhamdulillah and i hope all are fine.Today's i'm here for participating in engagement challenges which is about An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away in Steem Cameroon.That's an amazing contest and i most liked it for that i decided to took part in this contest and i hope everyone will like it.


Background Source

What do you understand by this statement?
That's an very famous statement and the meaning of this statement is clear that if we eat apple we can able to observe nutritions and energy in our body.We all are humans and we have to keep ourselves healthy and fit.If we want to stay away from doctor then he have to must take care of our health.We can take care of our health by eating good food and exercise and eating apple a day is one of them.As we all know apple consist on different high calories nutritions and if we eat apple then our body get nutritions from the apple and this can help us to keep ourselves healthy and fit.


As we all know we are facing so many problems with our health in this modern era of life and it's our responsibility to keep ourselves healthy and active.Thier are so many ways to keep ourselves healthy because no one want to go to doctor because if we listen that the person is going to doctor we really shocked and prayer for his/her and send them best wishes and we want to never go to doctor for our health purpose and if we keep ourselves healthy then we don't neend to go to doctor because we are already healthy and fit.

An apple consist of different nutrients and calcium and minerals that are so much importance for our health.If we eat apple daily then we can get all these things from apple and these things will definitely keep our body from so many diseases like cancer , diabetes etc.So the meaning of this statement is very fine that keep ourselves healthy by eating apple on daily basis and stay away from doctor.

What are some practices/habits you do to make sure you're healthy? (State and give the importance in your own words)
Before some years i was very ill because i don't proper care of myself.Then i realized that i have to take care of myself because if I'm healthy then i can do anything so keeping ourself healthy was the main target for me in my life.Then i decided to make some proper habits and if i thought if i followed all these habits then i can take care of myself and definitely it will keep me healthy.As i mentioned before if a person keep himself/herself healthy then he can do anything in the world so we have to keep ourselves healthy by doing exercises and following some good habits.


The first habit i made for myself to keep myself healthy to eat healthy food including fruits and some other healthy things because if we eat well the we can easily take care of our health.The second habit i made to did exercise regularly for sometime because if we did exercise daily it take work from all the parts of our body and this thing can really helped us to keep ourselves healthy.The next habit i made for myself to sleep well because sleeping well is very necessary for our health and then i slept well and keep myself healthy.These are some habits that i made for myself to keep myself healthy.

The importance of these habits is very clear if we followed all these habits than our we keep ourselves healthy because if we eat well then it's good for our physical health and if we sleep well then it's very beneficial for our mentally health and if we did exercise daily the it's very helpful for us to keep ourselves healthy and fit.So the importance of these habits is clear.

How did you discover these activities? Did you discover the activities/habits by yourself or someone told recommended them to you?
As i mentioned before i was ill because of don't take caring of myself and then i made proper habits to keep myself healthy and fit.Many peoples gave me different suggestions about to take care of health but i decided to make some proper habits that can i do easily so i discovered these habits by myself and these habits helped me alot to take care of myself.Because peoples give suggestions according to thier situation and according to thier health.


All these humans are not same in the health and each person has own mechanism according to thier health and each person has to did different work to keep his/herself healthy.So it's our responsibility to know that which type of diet and exercise our body want for better health so it's my suggestion to make you own habits and follow them for the better health.So the answer is that i discovered all these habits by myself to take care of myself.
What are the health benefits of the habit(s)?
Thier are so many benefits of these habits and if anyone follow these habits then definitely the person feel his/herself healthy.Because if we eat healthy food and this food include health fruits and if the person eat apple daily then this fruit definitely keep the person away from the doctor.Because when we will our body need some minerals and nutrients and after feeling ill we want to doctor then the doctor gave us medicine and these medicine include these nutrients and then we eat the medicine and become healthy.


Instead of eating medicines if we eat healthy food and made some good habits then this thing can definitely helped us to stay away from doctor.If we sleep well then our mind feel relax and active and that's very important to keep our mind healthy so thier are so many benefits of these habits for better healthy.If we did exercise daily then we take work from each part of our body and this thing can helped us to keep ourselves healthy and fit.So if a person follow these habits then definitely he will has a good and active body.
Do you think everyone could engage in these habits? Explain
As i mentioned before my good habits and also describe the benefits of these habits and it's my suggestion to everyone to follow these habits for better health.If anyone don't follow these habits then he/she can face different types of problems in the immune system as well all know we face the era of covid-19 and many peoples has effected by this various disease and the peoples who followed some proper habits and eat healthy food and eat fruits daily they have good immune system and this disease can't effect them high and if anyone was effected by this then he has recoverd very soon.


So preventing ourselves form different types of disease we have to follow some these proper habits that can helped us to keep ourselves healthy and fit.As i mentioned the benefits and these habits are very easy and i engage everyone to follow these habits for better health.If anyone eat medicines on daily basis then these medicines destroy the immune system so we have to avoid the medicines regularly and focused on these habits of eating fruits so these habits can keep ourselves stay away from doctor or from medicines.

Fruits and different exercises are the blessings for us and if we eat fruits daily then this can helped alot for better health and another important thing is that everyone can't afford to eat fruits on daily basis so those person has to exercise daily for sometime and eat fruits as they can afford.One apple consist a very small cost so it's my suggestion to eat one apple daily to keep away from doctor.

What health tips would you give steemians?
We all are steemians and having a healthy life is blessing for us and if we take care of our health by following some good habits then it's very good for all of us.Sharing healthy tips with each others is very good thing because it can help alot to take care of health and now I'm going to share some health tips to all steemians that can help them to take care of thier health.


Eat Fruits

My first health tip that I'm giving to all the steemian is to eat fruits on daily basis and must eat and apple daily because an apple a day keep away from doctor.As i mentioned the benefits or characteristics of apple and i also mentioned that an apple contains on different nutrients and calcium and minerals that are the requirements of our body and we can complete the requirements of our body by eating the apple or fruit on daily basis.

Sleep Well

My second health tip that i'm suggesting to all the steemian is to sleep well because we work almost for so many hours and our mind feel exhausted and if we sleep well then our mind feel relax and active and that's the way we can work better.So sleeping well is very necessary for take care of yourself and it's my suggestion to sleep well regularly for better health.

Don't Smoke

As we all know smoking injuries to health and so many people did smoking and smoking destroy their health.So it's my suggestion to don't smoke because it's not good for our health.We have to take care of ourselves by doing exercises and eating well food and fruits and so please avoid smoke.These are the some tips that can help each steemians to take care of thier health.


In this post i have shared about an apple a day keep away from doctor.I know bit about this topic but i searched about this topic and then made this blog and i hope everyone will like it.I would like to invite @fabiha & @mumar & @steemdoctor1 & @faran-nabeel to took part in this amazing contest.

Thanks For Visiting My Post


Indeed good food together with exercise and good sleep would definitely make you a healthy person. These are important healthy habits we all should out into recognition no matter the situation of challenge we face. Success in the challenge #steem-on

This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07.
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Curated by : @steemdoctor1


Wow! my dear friend, what a wonderful and implicit article you have here. I so enjoy reading your article. Indeed being healthy doesn't have any means meeting doctors. Thank you very much for participating in contest good luck always.

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