Dance Weekend | Morning Rave

in Music4 years ago


Welcome in the Early Morning Saturday Special! For those who follow our steps, it shouldn't be a surprise that this path is quite unusual or even ridiculous. As a wild animals, we've seen already too many lazy creatures spending the whole winter without any intentions to pick their asses from their cozy nests. That's why, in this foxhole, we've decided to confront it with our new musical idea on Steemit! When most of bipedal animals are busy with their weekly home duties, RAVING FOXES are here to make this time more sophisticated, launching their special Morning Rave few minutes after 9 o'clock in the Saturday morning! Shifted from pounding brain-smashers, reserved for the night marathons spread from dirty basements to the overcrowded huge warehouses, Morning Rave will breed you with a strange, unknown and dark energy coming from twisted trippy EBM stuff.

Caution: Clicking play might cause feeling of disgust for all your responsibilities!

Middle Sky Boom & Eliezer - Across The Sea [UNTERMAN]

Wolfstream - Ritual Of Nothing [MD01]

After many long years of researches, we've developed a playlist for keeping all of us away from washing, cleaning, cooking and shopping. Wanted to fix your old, squeaky door, change the tires in car or pick up your daughter from kindergarten? Not this time buddy! Our carefully selected combination of newest tracks full of weird vocals, psychedelic guitars, strange melodies, cosmic vibes, metallic drums, synths, hypnotic rhythms and industrial sounds of mysterious middle-east is a guarantee recipe for the most unique wake up call ever, as well as a good moment for a break and pause from the nonsense of unstoppable rush of the life.

Megaphonim - Kesef Katan [UNTERMAN]

Permanent Wave - Lunar Lost (Black Light Smoke Remix) [NEIN1711]

Sascha Funke - WOM [MTR002]

Slowglide - Lazy Eye [GW08]

Metropolis - Unify [CHAR06]

La Mverte - A dubious purpose [HMS041]

Foxes are glad that a lot of Steemians are upvoting our work and decided to try engage our #music and #hive-193816 community even more. We are going to reward one person with 1 Steem for sharing in the comment section different tracks from the artists and labels mentioned in this article. Knowledge that you have found some rare gems thanks to our recommendation would be incredibly motivating for us. Obviously it would be also amazing to read your personal expressions about those tunes, so keep in mind to drop few words for your old foxes. We will try our best to serve you Morning Rave as often as possible in the future ! We are also honored to kindly invite all of you to join music community #hive-193816 on


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Monday Trance by @andyjaypowell
Disco Tuesday by @musicgeek
Wednesday House by @andyjaypowell
Rap Thursday by @flipstar
Techno Friday by @neutronenkind
Dance Weekends by @uwelang




Raving Foxes is going strong! We (well, I) need the morning rave since we don't have too many of them outside our homes! Listening to the first track now; Although I don't like the vocals too much, at this Sunday morning I'm getting in the mood of dance...slowly...not too energetic...more wobling :)

the whole playlist is fully equipped in twisted strange and unpleasant vocals and melodies. completely different form of launching new day. more trippy

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