S13W5: While you wait...

in Steem Venezuela11 months ago


Portrait Jean Reno @stef1


Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this delicious challenge by Steem Venezuela Community:


While I wait: my sketchbook and pencil


It is often the time when we have moments that we have to wait and we all know that when we do something then time goes much faster and there is always something to get through our waiting time.

In my case there are few things that I do while waiting and one of the easiest one to get distracted for me is to do drawing in my sketchbook.

I was lucky that one of my colleague has a habit that she can not resist of buying Stationary. She always has a lot of different items and two years ago when she found that I am doing drawing she asked me if I wanted to have some sketchbooks, she bout about 5 as a pack few years ago because it was in discount, but never used any. I immediately agreed and since then I have all those sketchbooks. Some of them I use for my work for writing but the others just for sketching.

I often take my sketchbook and pencil when I have a trip in train, usually from here to London that usually takes about 5 hours and that is with one train so it is a great time for sketching.

As an example I showed my example of sketching in the book


While I wait: knitting


Another thing that I do, especially when I am on night shifts and if there are few hours when we do not have much to do is knitting. While knitting it keeps me awake and also the time goes quick.

I remember when I was thinking of knitting a scarf and I read that there is one that we can do without any knitting needles but fingers. You know that I love everything done by hands that is why I decided to try that method. The whole idea was using thick yarn and knit chunky pattern scarf for winter.

Here is how it goes and also the result. It looks great and everyone was surprise to know that is done just with fingers.






While I wait: Sudoku


My other favourite way of using my time efficiently while waiting is Sudoku. Initially I was not really interested and did not even want to understand how it works. My mother-in-law loves Sudoku and one day when my son was little he came from his Grandmother with a little Sudoku book for children ad was very excited with that. Few years later he wanted to have Sudoku for his Nintendo and was very attached to that.

When we travel often we have to wait for ferry but we are in a car for few hours, it is boring so once I took Sudoku game in Nintendo of my son and tried. I managed a first one and then the other, I got very excited because it was very interesting. Since then, I am a big fan of sudoku and every time we travel I take it with me for the time when we have to wait and I can use it for Brain Jogging exercises.



I would like to invite @davidad, @emmawalt, @bambuka for this challenge



CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png




Love the portrait and never saw knitting with fingers before. Looks very good.

Thank you, I was glad that it came nicely, I did not do a portrait from side. Knitting was really cool, I did not expect that the result will be so nice and also so quick :)

I once tried knitting as a way to pass time, I just couldn't get it, so I switched to learning how to play the guitar instead, so I just freestyle lyrics in my head and try to make it into music.
I think I'll get a Sudoku challenge book and play with that too.

Playing guitar is cool, I always was impressed seeing people who can play, I hope you continued that and still exercising.

Yes, Sudoku is very interesting game and I think people who try and know how to do it once may love it.

I see there have been uses of time in different and very creative ways, not just productive.
Completing a beautiful sketch,, Knitting a scarf with your hands, waw really very neat and I briefly thought it was made by machine. 🤭
It's perfect when you're able to turn something simple into Special.

Best wishes my brother and good luck 👏

Yes, I like to do something that I enjoy when I am waiting, that help not only use the time for something else but also it will make time to go quicker.

Yes, I think that's the wisest way to appreciate time.

Greetings and good blessings 👏


Here is how it goes and also the result. It looks great and everyone was surprise to know that is done just with fingers.

You hand knitting while you wait looks nice. It’s good to kno you do something productive with your time instead of grumbling it away like most people do. I reiterated the importance of this on my post while you wait

From our childhood we saw how our grandmother knitted for us and we were always excited when waiting for the result of it, especially in winter time to get warm clothes :)

It’s so beautiful you learnt the craft from her and it will be of use to your family too. Thank you for the support. My warm regards

Saludos cordiales @stef1, tus maneras de administrar tu tiempo mientras esperas son geniales como genial es tu talento para desarrollar tus estupendos dibujos, tejer esa bufanda que te quedompreciosa y hasta el sudoku que fomenta la inteligencia y agilidad mental. Saludos y éxitos en tu estupenda entrada saludos cordiales.

There are so many different things we could do depending on our likes and hobbies, it is important just do what we like and to feel satisfied by the end with the result. I am glad that you like my drawing and knitting :)

To create quality workers, we must understand that not all of our daily time is spent on productive activities and there is also time we spend on less productive things, so we must be able to calculate our productive work time every day so that we Can. work productively after quality time.

Taking productive time into account is very important because it can help someone increase productivity and manage time more effectively. By knowing how long it takes to complete a task, a person will know how efficiently it is used and can make the necessary changes to make the time used more efficiently.

I think it would be good if we all get used to do something during our waiting time, often we can not help to speed it but just to be distracted :)

Hai pak @stef1, Anda telah memberikan tanggapan yang sangat baik yaitu :

Dalam kasus saya, ada beberapa hal yang saya lakukan sambil menunggu dan salah satu hal yang paling mudah mengalihkan perhatian saya adalah menggambar di buku sketsa saya

Orang-orang bisa memanfaatkan waktu menunggunya dengan bervariasi, ada yang mendengarkan musik, melakukan hal sederhana, membaca buku, menonton dan yang paling menarik seperti anda yaitu menggambar di buku sketsa, ini sungguh sangat bagus. Sepertinya anda benar-benar sangat suka dengan seni lukis.

Sukses buatmu pak, semoga beruntung dalam tantangan ini.

Yes, agree with you there are so many interesting things we can do just to overcome the time of waiting and that is something we all have to decide for ourselves.

Doing something productive it is the best what we can do when we have to wait, Thank you for stopping by and for your nice comment.

Sama-sama pak, saya justru senang dengan membaca tulisanmu. Terimakasih banyak pak

Saludos querida amiga.

Qué bonito todas las actividades que haces mientras esperas eres toda una artista la verdad, dibujar en un arte impresionante y Tú lo desarrollas de una manera increíble

Además el que sepas tejer Y además lo hagas también es admirable, hay que tener mucha paciencia para aprender a tejer de esa manera cuando estuve en la universidad quise aprender a tejer y aún más cuando supe que sería mamá, porque tenía la ilusión de poder hacer algo con mis propias manos para mi bebé, aunque nunca le dedique el tiempo y la atención necesaria era algo que quería hacer, esa bufanda que nos muestra está realmente muy bonita y el color me encanta.

El tiempo es muy valioso y hay que saber aprovecharlo sobre todo en actividades que nos gusten mucho y que sean de Gran provecho como todas las que tú nos has presentado el día de hoy en tu participación.

Un abrazo y buena suerte.

 11 months ago 

Gracias por mantener una buena actividad en la plataforma.

Tu publicación ha sido recompensada por La cuenta Comunitaria @teamvenezuela de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela.

Apoyado por: @adeljose

venezuela blog.jpg

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