My Experience with the Diary Game + An opportunity to know me better by @ruthjoe

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago (edited)

Hello steem friends

Its already week 3 of the steemit engagement contest challenge, and am really enjoying it and i know every one of you are getting involved so we all steem together! Am excited about what is going on because this initiative from the steemit team has made alot of steemians active, so once again thank you to the steemit team. And to this amazing community thank you for this week contest about the diary game. Happy anniversary to The diarygame it is also my birthday month too. Mine is 27 may




Steemit has been an amazing platform for me to share my thoughts, ideas and even my daily activities in a post.

I joined steemit in the month of February last year and the first thing i leant how to post was my diary. I was encouraged to write about my dairy therefore it was called The diary game. I heard that the diary game was introduced by the steemit team and it was a competition that steemians was engaged in, which the winner was announced after each season of the game. I loved the idea but since it was no longer a competition but a regular post, i decided to get involved after i wrote my first introductory post(achievement 1). That was the first Diary game i ever posted on steemit and below is the screenshot.

my first ever diary post

In my first ever diary post here on steemit, i wrote about how i was sick and lost my appetite, i shared how my day went from morning till i went to be, the activities i did for the day, and how i finally ate after i lost my appetite. I titled my first ever diary game i wrote as Definition of a lazy day and it was written on the 18th February 2021. My first ever diary game was visited by the steemit curator and was voted. Great Joy filled my heart when i woke up the next morning and noticed it.

The Diary game to me is the easiest post i can make in a day. Sometimes instead of not having any post at all on my page i just prefer to write a diary for the day. The diary game affords me the opportunity for other steemians to know me better. To know how am doing, what am doing, where i am, how am feeling and so on.

So far i see the diary game as a post that is very personal to me, where i can actually relate to the world with my own words, express my feelings, and tell everyone how i spent my day.
Below is a screenshot of a diary game i write exactly one year today. Today is 9th may and i wrote it on the 9th of may.

Diary game of exactly 1year today

Diary game has also made me to know how other steemian are doing too, knowing their culture, seeing the kind of food they have and eat, to know their occupations too. From a diary post of a steemian can tell if the steemian had a good day or not, i can know if if the steemian is happy or not and so on. From the diary game i have been able to connect to the lives of many steemian. Sometimes, i have read a steemian diary game and from there i knew that the steemian was ill because i was wondering why the steemian was not posting. I immediately put a call across to the steemian to reach out to the steemian. So you see the diary game is not a waste of time.

One time i wrote a diary game about how i missed an important appointment because of traffic, some steemians called me to console me because it the appointment was really important to me. Here is the screenshoot below.


There are alot of memories i have with the diary game. In my diary post i have shared my disappointments, my joy, my hopes and i have also shared in other peoples joy too, even without seeing them physically.



The same person who introduced me to steemit was the same person who invited me to join the diary game. Her name is @ceendy20 . i remember asking her what i can post on steemit and she said i can post about anything as long as it is quality and original. I then told her that i dont know what to post, she said i should first write my achievement 1 post, she also said i can go ahead and write about my day in a diary format. She said i should say all my activities and put it down in a post. That was how she introduced or invited me to join the diary game.

The same way i was invited to join the diary game, i have also invited other steemians to join the diary game.



Just like i have stated above, the diary game advantages are numerous but i would share just a few.

  • Writing a diary game teaches you to be a detailed person

Writing a diary entails telling us what you did from morning to evening, most times telling us the time an activity was carried out, where it was done, what you ate, who you visited etc. So when a steemian gets involved in making diary post over time he or she becomes a detailed person not just on steemit alone but in life as a whole.

  • You are able to learn new lifestyle from the diary activities made by steemian

This is so true, once i was reading a diary game from this community and i saw the steemian performing a particular exercise. She mentioned that the exercise helps manage stress. And during those times, i was really going through stress and didnt know how to manage it. But that day i leant that lifestlye.

I have also leant the kind of food and clothing that exist in some regions from steemians diary game.

  • It is a means of personal expression without restrictions

Writing a diary game, you do not need to follow some rules like we have when writing a contest or any other post. You write based on how you feel, it some thing you write that comes from you, thats why i say it is a personal expression without restriction.



I only know of one disadvantage of the diary game.

  • It exposes ones activities and life to the world

There was this particular time i made a diary post about me having a skin reaction, i was so shocked to receive a call from my mother that was not even on steemit platform. She called to tell me she had am having a skin disease, i told her it was not a skin disease, i even asked her how she knew and she said someone from a social network i belonged to told her that het daughter is not feeling well. I was really amazed. Infact i felt embarrassed. That day i felt i shoud never write a diray game anymore. But i cant stop even though i reduced.



My experience so far with the diary game has been amazing, i have leant that we are a family here on steemit so there is nothing to hide. I find pleasure whenever i share my diary game. So far on steemit i have made over 57 diary post since i joined steemit. I see the diary game as an opportunity to know me better.

I invite my friends @beautybb @samuel20 @tmighty

To join this contest challenge.


Maybe I came in late into this dairy saga. I guess I didn't come in when dairy was favouring many. You've really got a very good motivation for your dairy post. However I've learnt something about steemit,consistency is the key,I've seen it worked even till tomorrow. Thanks for sharing with us your experience with Dairy game.

I didnt come into steemit when the diary game was still a competition or challenge held but i made do of what i met. Like you said consistency is key.

I wait for your entry dear friend

Yes dear... Will be dropping mine soon. Thanks.

Alright friend

Wow 😳 I agree with you, I always look forward to reading other steemians diary game because there most be a good information to grab, also reading your post now has inspired me and my entry is loading right now.

Am glad i have been able to inspire you to writ your entry. I look forward to it.

Wow! The massive upvotes on your diarygame posts are eye catching! What a way to encourage you to remain active! I am glad you got the point when diarygame was explained to you and you started with it. It is simple and the benefits are what everyone will like to experience. Success to you dear

Hahah mama

Those upvotes really encouraged me oo.
And yes Diary game are simple and has alot of so glad i didnt totally miss out from the diary game.

Thank you ma for your support

Hi @ruthjeo
I love reading your diarygame as it tell in detail your daily activities

Thank you ma

And thank you for your visit

Hi @ruthjoe,

You have made a decent entry in this contest.The diary game was also the first post i made just after my Achievement 1 Post.It was like a contest back then and we write everyday for 30 days.

You got a good encouragement with that kind of vote on your debut diary game post.It is true we learn a lot from reading other people's diary game post.There is doubt that the diary game post exposes our privacy to the world.

I wish you goodluck in the contest!!

Yes sir i was really encouraged with the upvotes, but there were also times i didnt get upvotes yet i continued been consistent.

And i have really leant so much reading the diary of other steemians

but there were also times i didnt get upvotes yet i continued been consistent.

Yeah every other persons including myself have tasted a period of vote drought.However, consistency is the key to survive on Steemit.We all have to remain focused and continue to produce quality contents.

Thats so true sir

Thank you so much

Truly, the diary game is a means of knowing each other better even without seeing them physically. Without the diarygame, i wouldn't have known you. Also, personally, it gives me all the more reasons to feel free in this platform and to see each other as my family members. Thanks @ruthjoe

Wow dear @marajah so you got to know me from my diary game? This is incredible.

Wow; added to all, your steemit journey has really been fruitful so far 💵😁. Hard work and consistency in the right direction surely pays for sure.
This space is truly beautiful; learning an knowing others has been really all good.

I am truly motivated with your write up; thank you dearly for sharing.

Dear @nancymboghi am glad i was able to motivate you with my entry.

Yes hard word, persistency always pays off

Hello @ruthjoe.
Thanks for the invite. Reading your experience with the diary game contest has encouraged me. You have really benefited writing diaries and I hope that you find strength to always write.

Yes dear you are welcome and i hope to see your entry soon.

Wow I must agree with you that diary game has really helped a lot of us especially me because I don't always participate in most of the contest so the diary game has been helping me alot but this your vote is really mind blowing.

Hahah !

Yes the diary game is one of the easiest post i can every think of even though it entails pictures and been detailed.

You can get such upvotes too as long as you remain dedicated, persistent and hardworking

Thanks I will keep on doing my best by improving my post.

Ok dear

Please how can I get the link to this contest?

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