SEC-S10W3– Tribute to a father, a hero.

in Steem Venezuelalast year
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Greetings to all

Many thanks to the Steem Venezuela community authorities for determining excellent content. I have parents, and I consider myself the happiest person in the world for that.

The person who has no parents is the most helpless person in the world. I consider myself lucky to have my father, and he is my hero.

Parents' debts can never be repaid. But today I feel much more pleased to have the opportunity to express some opinions about my father. And what I feel is actually expressed in words; I can't express myself properly.

Why is my father a hero?


In fact, this question is wrong. But for the convenience of presenting my own answer, I have arranged it like this: No question; the simple calculation is that for every child, his father is the real hero.

He is called the hero who is the protector, and a father is the best protector of his family and children. Also, there are many activities in which a father is the real hero in terms of judging everything.

Father's shadow is so big that he keeps me always in all problems. Let the father understand before any danger comes. And trying to prevent that danger.

Some memorable moments spent with my father:

In fact, if I want to express these moments, I can't finish them. But now I will share with you some moments worth presenting.

Maybe these moments will remind you of those childhood memories spent with your father.

  • I was five or six years old, the first child of my parents. I went to my uncle's house with my parents. Suddenly, I fell ill there. Before anyone could say anything, Dad took me on his shoulder and left. My illness seemed to be causing more pain for my father. Until I recovered, my father never let go of my hand.

  • Another moment I want to share with you is when I just entered the first grade of primary school. I have an older brother and an uncle about the same age. Although they are two and a half years older than me, we always played sports together as we were close in age.

Three-wheeled rickshaws for young children were common then. When the other two were given this car by their parents, I lost my head. I also need this rickshaw. I literally started screaming. Back then, the roads in our area were dirt. I clearly remember that, at the end of that night, my father left the house for Khulna Division. Then I fell asleep and woke up to see the rickshaw in front of me.

I want to pay tribute to my father. I would like to express my love for my father, although it is not possible to do so only through this writing.

I cannot compare my father with anyone else because my father is equivalent to "God" to me. For me, a father's priority comes first. My father is my greatest hero.


The father is the real hero. However, it is not possible to end the relationship. I have tried my best to present some moments. I also know that everyone has some memorable moments with their father in their lives.


My dear honourable friends,
I invite you to, and look forward to, your review of the written submissions.


Estimado amigo qué bueno que tenga ese gran concepto de tu padre y esos momentos maravillosos los cuales puedes recordar y exaltar la grandeza de tu padre. Y es muy cierto lo que dices una persona o un niño sin padre de alguna manera es bastante vulnerable es por ello la importancia de que los padres protejan se encarguen orienten y amen a sus hijos. Gracias por compartir con nosotros te deseo éxito y bendiciones.

Thank you so much, for your meaningful words.


In fact, this question is wrong. But for the convenience of presenting my own answer, I have arranged it like this: No question; the simple calculation is that for every child, his father is the real hero.

Wow that's a great statement. Fathers are the real hero 👍🏻 keep it up mate

Thank you so much for your valuable feedback and meaningful words.

 last year 

Hello my friend It is truly true that for everyone their father is a hero, however in your stories I got confused when you said these two things:

I was five or six years old, the first child of my parents.

Another moment I want to share with you is when I just entered the first grade of primary school. I have an older brother and an uncle about the same age.

So are you the older brother or not?

The experiences with your father were good and loving, that is why you remember him with so much affection.

I am the older daughter/child inside my family.

 last year 

ok sorry i didn´t understand before!

No sorry my lovely friend, it's okay. We are friends. I really appreciate your opinion and valuable feedback.
Thank you so much 🥰💗

 last year 


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @muzack1

Thank you so much for your support.

Father's are real hero, your dad did so well at least your experience helps you to be contented in what you have and that's a good one .

Wishing you success

Thank you so much for your meaningful words.

 last year 

Hola amigo 👋

Nuestros padres deben ser lo primero después de Dios, ellos son nuestros héroes, quieren lo mejor para nosotros, esa anécdota que cuentas cuando te enfermaste los padres siempre el dolor más que sus hijos cuando se enferman, los hijos se enferman y ellos también.

Fue un placer leer tu participación ☺️ Saludos.

Thank you so much for your valuable feedback.

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