Steemit Engagement Challenge: My Declaration of Unconventional Love by @patjewell

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago

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Hi there

Yah… yah, it’s me!

It’s been sometime since the last time I’ve marked your online page. At least you know that I have not forgotten you. That I put ink to your papers day after that.

Gosh I’ve been busy this last month. At least it was one of those “nice” busy months. Yes I know, time does indeed have wings these days.

We are now all settle into our new environment. We have fallen in love with Ballito. It is so nice to wake up in the morning and to be able to see the ocean. Just a pity that we are not close enough to hear the sound of the waves when they strike the shore.

What amaze me is the amount of big ships on the ocean on their way to the harbour in Durban. I wonder… I wonder where they come from, I wonder about the precious goods they are carrying… I wonder what secrets they can tell.

Secrets! See there I go again. As soon as I started filling your pages there are just no stopping me. No wonder I fill two of you in one year.

Dear diary, today I have a secret to tell you. Before I do you must promise me that you will tell nobody. This is our secret.

I am in love! No, I’ve got it wrong. I am in love BIG time! You will never ever guess with who.

I am in love with you!

Ssshhh! Not so loud, the other belongings will hear you.

Through all these years you are the one I can share all my secrets with. You are the one I use to organise my thoughts and it is through you that I can step back and reflect on my life.
My trusted friend, my companion and my mainstay.



Each morning I start my day with you in my hand, that special connection we share. My daily devotion which became part of your life. It was with you I shared ten of my daily prayers. Can you remember?
04 June 2016 was the date.

For six years you were my devoted prayer partner until the last prayer was answered. The celebrations we share never to be forgotten.

It is amazing to think that after all these years, my heart still starts to bounce when I open you.

They say that passion eventually fades over the years. This is not the case with us. With each page and with each book my love for you just grow stronger.



You are there with my first cup of tea and it is you who get a special place on the coffee table when I serve breakfast.

It is you who I long to when I feel vulnerable, when I am filled with you joy and full of sorrow.

It is you I pack in my suitcase when I go on holiday and when I go to hospital.

It was with you I share my biggest decision, to get married again, that one Thursday morning.
With you I shared that beautiful day when I said “Yes!”



Can you remember that time I told you about how I wanted to change the traffic light with the remote of our electric gate? Gosh! How stupid I felt. You were the only one not laughing when I told you what happened even after I had to laugh at myself.

It was with you I could share my last drive home after I had to say goodbye to a loved one before the machine which kept her alive was switched off.

14 February, 2019 was the day. On that Valentine’s Day my tears smudged the writing on your pages instead of my hearts.



Dear diary, I close each day by filling the last space on your page. Sometimes I am overflowing and find it hard to say goodnight and then there are those nights that I don’t have many words. Times when I just draw a flower or a heart before I say goodnight.

As I came to yet the end of another day in my life all that is left is to say…

Good night… I love you!

I invite:

  • Images of diaries are my own

It is so cool how so many people had a diary book. For me, i could only wish for it, it was almost impossible to get because i would remember only when i was already back in the boarding room. Funny enough, i enjoyed reading stories from a tender age, and as such i found so much joy hearing what others have written in their diaries.

For six years you were my devoted prayer partner until the last prayer was answered. The celebrations we share never to be forgotten.

And you recall the date you both first met, that's what one would call unconventional love at first sight 😂🤣.
6 years is not mere 6 days or weeks, or even months; you both have really come a long way and i applaud you for that. For me, steemit is my diary book🤗 as i go back occasionally to read and have some laughs from my previous events.

Thank you for this wonderful piece, i hope i didn't write too much😁

My friend you could have written a book and I would have read it. Thank you!
Nothing warms my heart more than people enjoying my posts.
If you look closely at the images you will see the date 6 years ago with my prayers listed. Unfortunately it is in my home language Afrikaans.
The item in colour was the last one which came true 2 months ago. Six long years 😊

Wow, this is so amazing. It goes to show that one must not give up as long as there' s still life

Exactly! 😊

Congratulations on being a winner in Week 1, Season 3 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

Wow! Thank you!!!!

Great post, resteemed and upvoted on @southernafrica

This is a beautiful love declaration, I enjoyed reading this article because it is lovely, self love is a great love. Thanks for sharing this beauty diary.

Thank you my friend. Your forever engagement is appreciated 🌼
I love my diary!
I have just read your crypto post. You did it again! 👏🏻

Wow, you Love me? I'm really glad

Haha! Undoubtedly I love you also.
How can I not if you read and engage with my post.😊
Thank you!

Welcome dear

 2 years ago 

Saludos amiga, verdaderamente los más íntimos secretos los conoce tu amigo, solo a él lo puedes contar.

Todas tus emociones están allí plasmadas y aunque a veces lo manches con una lágrima, en silencio espera que le sigas contando.

Me gusto leer tu publicación, me gustaría vivir cerca al océnano, para escuchar esos sonidos que pueden generarse con el viento.

Que la pases muy bien y que puedas disfrutar de tu diario día a día.

Thank you for your beautiful words! It warmed my heart this morning.
You are right about the winds at the ocean.. they whisper. Each time they tell a different story.
Thank you for reading and engaging with my post.

 2 years ago 

Gracias por ser parte de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela, tu publicación ha sido recompensada por La cuenta Comunitaria @hive-193637 de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela.

Te invitamos a formar parte del ranking #sv-club5050 de SteemVenezuela y recibe el apoyo de nuestra comunidad por tu participación en el #club5050 conoce más detalles:

Programa #club5050 Steem Venezuela: Se Parte de #sv-club5050

Esperamos tu aporte al crecimiento de La comunidad haz tu delegación a nuestra Cuenta comunitaria Steem Venezuela, haz Clic a los siguientes enlaces:

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Oh wow! Thank you! It is appreciated!

 2 years ago 

Oh wow, now I know where the softness and delicacy of your writing comes from, it comes from time, from the years that have polished your expression. I think I identify with you, your relationship goes beyond the pages of paper, with writing and expression... the confidence that having a diary gives is very beautiful, it's like the floor when everything else fades, he knows who are.
Thanks for sharing.

It is awesome to know that there is someone else who can identify with me. You brought back so many memories from when I received my 1st diary and I thought it was the most "stupid" gift I received that birthday. Little did I know (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thank you for engaging with my post 🎕

What a lovely love letter! For a moment, I thought you were writing to "him". But no. Hmmm, the love letter is so captivating. I will love to witness the boats as they sail. What a wonderful sight!

And to mummy 's car that always zoom off in the morning, I can't wait to ride in you some day. Thanks for the invite. Success to you

Thanks my friend! One day is one day! 🤞🏻
Mom’s taxi will take you forever you want to go.😊

Wow!!, You are really a poet, can you imagine the step by step presentation? It makes the heart very glad 😊👍, thanks for sharing.

Thank you my friend for your kind words and the engagement.
It was written from the heart. I love my diary. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Yeah... It's powerful, keep sharing.

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