Get to Know More Closely The Character of Cakes in My Country, Indonesia

in Steem Venezuela28 days ago


The characteristics of the cakes that exist in Indonesia are two types, there are wet cakes, there are also dry cakes. There are various ways to cook it.

Some are steamed, some are grilled, some are fried. And if we talk about texture, it's very easy to differentiate them. If the cake is wet then the outside is more moist, then it is more wet. If a cake is dry, the outside will definitely be dry, and if you eat it it will taste crispy.

Wet Cake


Even though it is called a wet cake, if you look at its physical appearance and water content, actually a wet cake is not as watery as compote or porridge. Usually these wet cakes are traditional cakes which we generally can find in traditional markets. This moist cake also has a water content of only around 15-40%.

So, it's only half wet and has a soft and tender texture. Unfortunately, if it's wet, it usually doesn't last long, and only lasts for a few days, maybe even less. The problem is that wet cakes or traditional cakes are generally made from rice flour, sugar and coconut milk. This makes it easier for these cakes to go stale quickly. If we talk about how to store it, surely many will complain about soggy cakes. Because usually wet cakes will quickly go stale. For example, like serabi cake, or like putu cake. That if stored at room temperature, it will only last about 1-2 days. Or for example like cucur cake or bika Ambon cake, it will only last around 2-4 days .

Well, usually it's very easy to recognize a wet cake that is already stale. For example, a cake that goes through a baking or steaming process, if it is stale it will taste sour. Meanwhile, fried cakes will produce a fragrance, and the smell is like tengi. Well, here are a few tips from me so that the moist cake that we buy can last for quite a long time.

First, if you have an airtight container at home, you can put the wet cake in it. Then you can arrange these wet cakes into several layers. Finally, close tightly. This airtight container will maintain the texture of the moist cake. So, you can enjoy the moist cake longer.



Earlier, I was already wet about the wet cake. Well, this is a little different from dry cakes, because dry cakes can last quite a long time. That's because the water content in it is quite minimal, so it can last longer than a wet cake. Usually this dry cake will be more popular on big holidays. Like Eid, Christmas, and this type of dry cake can be categorized as a baked cake. If in every country dry cakes have different names, France as the place where dry cakes were first known calls them by the name biscuits. Which has the meaning of a cake which is cooked twice so it is dry. Biscuits are also used in England for mention. In America, dry cakes are called cookies.

Until today there are no safe limits for wet cakes and dry cakes, because in fact they are food. If how much we consume really depends on the mix and match of other foods. So, if we eat dry cakes or moist cakes, we know they are a source of carbohydrates. If we consume a lot, but we reduce other carbohydrates, we reduce rice, then we can consume more of that cake.

Well, between wet and dry cakes there is no difference, because both are made from flour. Well, how much flour is mixed in, really determines how much we should consume. The principle is because it is a food source of carbohydrates, then if you want to consume more, then with consequences, eat less food sources of other carbohydrates. But it can become part of our daily menu.

Well..... Whatever it is, for those of you who are fans of either dry cakes or wet cakes, what I need to remind you is to limit the amount, don't let it get too busy eating it, you know, fat will be everywhere.

Compact always compact.

By @midiagam


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 28 days ago 

Hola @midiagam

Muy interesante tu publicación acerca de los tipos de pasteles en Indonesia: secos y húmedos.

Una pregunta que hago es, la información y las imágenes que has compartido son de tu propiedad o estan basados en algun sitio de internet?

The images and writing I share are my original work. The first picture is an Eid cake made by my mother, and the next picture I took at a coffee shop.

 28 days ago 

Es importante que en tu publicación señales el origen de las imagenes.

I know that, that's why in this article I upload pictures that I took myself with my cellphone.

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