Venezuela - Venezuelans: A word of clarification about us_Venezuela - Venezolanos: Una aclaratoria sobre nosotros

in Steem Venezuela3 years ago

First of all I want to greet and proclaim God's blessing on all my brothers and sisters in Venezuela. Although I have decided to publish in this community the message is directed to those who look from afar who we are and many times they make erroneous concepts of our current situation and economic resources.

I have not written anything about our internal situation for a long time because I think it is a problem that we ourselves must solve, but after reading comments about us I think there are misconceptions that need to be clarified so I will first give a summary.

Venezuela is not a poor country, but a very rich one.
Venezuelans are not poor, we are in a state of induced poverty.
Our minimum wage is about 1USD but that does not mean that you can live here quietly for a month with 1USD in your pocket.
We Venezuelans are hard working people.

Now let's go with the long form:


In terms of riches we are one of the few countries in the world that can afford to say that they simultaneously possess resources such as: Oil (one of the largest proven reserves in the world), gas, gold, coltan, diamonds, iron, aluminum, copper and many other valuable minerals. In terms of land, most of our lands are very suitable for agricultural production. And if all that were not enough we have beautiful landscapes that I am sure would bring us great income from tourism.

For a long time, I am not that old but I know that in the decade of the 90's-2010 we were the destination of many people fleeing their countries in search of prosperity and not in vain they selected Venezuela as a destination where we received them with open arms. We received people from the Middle East, Europe, Asia, North America, here we hosted and progressed those people who once sought refuge and prosperity because we have resources and we are supportive.

What you see in us today that we are in need does not mean that we have run out of resources, the resources are still there, but we are going through a harmful administrative process that deprives us of them. This situation will not last forever so when you think of Venezuela do not think of a country that has no way to generate income.


It is true that the minimum wage is about 1USD, that may make you think that a person earning here in STEEM 8USD is earning 8 times his minimum wage, you immediately bring our reality to your reality and you think that is a lot of money for us. But the reality here is that 1USD is not enough for a breakfast. In fact to buy the food basket and for a family to be able to eat decently for a month you need more than 600USD. Our minimum wage until 2013 was around 300USD. I say this because it seemed to me that someone believed that with 8USD a day was rich in Venezuela, let me disillusion you so that you do not come to vacation with little money and stay without accommodation. Life here is even more expensive than in many countries that are economically stable.

Venezuelans are hard-working people
That is demonstrated by the fact that our minimum wage can be discarded and yet we continue to exist, many people can be quiet waiting for their fortnight to live, in our case we have to do feats to produce income day by day, many have gone to other countries to work, others have stayed but if we are alive is because we know how to work, who thinks it is not so try to live with 1USD a month as a salary and tell me how it goes.

However our current condition does not make us worthless, not for the fact that some have to withdraw STEEM to eat, it is assumed that those who earn money should be able to dispose of it whenever they want. This does not mean that we are a harm to STEEM because as I mentioned we are workers and if we are here it is to work for STEEM, which is beneficial for both parties and I am sure that when our bad moment ends the biggest investment for STEEM will come from Venezuela BECAUSE WE ARE A RICH COUNTRY.


Ante todo quiero saludar y proclamar la bendición de Dios sobre todos mis hermanos de Venezuela. Aunque he decidido publicar en esta comunidad el mensaje esta dirigido a los que miran de lejos quienes somos y muchas veces se hacen conceptos erróneos de nuestra situación actual y recursos económicos.

Hace mucho no escribo nada sobre nuestra situación interna porque creo que es un problema que nosotros mismos debemos resolver, pero luego de estar leyendo comentarios sobre nosotros creo que hay conceptos errados que deben aclararse así que voy a dar primero la forma resumida.

Venezuela no es un pais pobre, sino uno muy rico.
Los venezolanos no somos pobres, estamos en un estado de pobreza inducido.
Nuestro salario mínimo es cerca de 1USD pero eso no significa que puedes vivir aquí tranquilo por un mes con 1USD en el bolsillo.
Los venezolanos somos personas trabajadoras.

Ahora vamos con la forma larga:


En cuanto a riquezas somos uno de los pocos paises en el mundo que pueden darse el lujo de decir que poseen de forma simultanea recursos como: Petróleo (una de las mayores reservas probadas del mundo), gas, oro, coltán, diamantes, hierro, aluminio, cobre y muchos otros minerales valiosos. En cuanto a tierras nuestras tierras en su mayor parte son muy aptas para la producción agrícola. Y si todo eso no fuese suficiente tenemos hermosos paisajes que estoy seguro nos brindarían grandes ingresos por concepto de turismo.

Durante mucho tiempo, no soy tan anciano pero se que en la década de los 90-2010 fuimos el destino de muchas personas que huían de sus paises en busca de prosperidad y no en vano seleccionaban a Venezuela como destino donde los recibimos con los brazos abiertos. Recibimos personas provenientes del Medio Oriente, Europa, Asia, América del Norte, aquí alojamos y progresaron esas personas que en un tiempo buscaron refugio y prosperidad porque tenemos recursos y somos solidarios.

Lo que miras actualmente en nosotros que padecemos necesidades no significa que nos hemos quedado sin recursos, los recursos siguen estando ahí, pero estamos pasando por un proceso administrativo dañino que nos priva de ellos. Esta situación no durara para siempre así que cuando pienses en Venezuela no pienses en un pais que no tiene como generar ingresos.


Es cierto que el salario mínimo es cerca de 1USD, eso puede hacerte pensar que una persona que gana aquí en STEEM 8USD esta ganando 8 veces su salario mínimo, de inmediato llevas nuestra realidad a tu realidad y crees que es mucho dinero para nosotros. Pero la realidad aquí es que 1USD no alcanza para un desayuno. De hecho para comprar la canasta alimentaria y que una familia pueda comer de forma decente durante un mes se necesitan mas de 600USD. Nuestro salario mínimo hasta 2013 rondaba sobre los 300USD. Digo esto porque me pareció que alguien creía que con 8USD diarios se era rico en Venezuela, déjeme desilusionarlo para que no venga a vacacionar con poco dinero y se quede sin alojamiento. La vida aquí es incluso mas costosa que en muchos paises que están económicamente estables.

Los venezolanos somos personas trabajadoras

Eso queda demostrado por el hecho de que nuestro salario mínimo se puede desechar y aun así seguimos existiendo, muchas personas pueden estar tranquilas esperando que llegue su quincena para vivir, en nuestro caso tenemos que hacer hazañas para producir los ingresos día a día, muchos han ido a otros paises a trabajar, otros nos hemos quedado pero si estamos vivos es porque sabemos trabajar, al que piense que no es así que trate de vivir con 1USD al mes como salario y me dice como le va.

Sin embargo nuestra condición actual no nos hace despreciables, no por el hecho de que algunos tengan que retirar STEEM para comer, se supone que aquellos que ganan dinero deberían poder disponer de el cuando gusten. Esto no significa que somos un daño para STEEM porque como mencione somos trabajadores y si estamos aquí es para trabajar en pro de STEEM, lo cual es beneficioso para ambas partes y estoy seguro que cuando nuestro mal momento acabe la mayor inversión para STEEM provendrá de Venezuela PORQUE SOMOS UN PAIS RICO.

DavidRockDesign - pixabay


I am from Serbia, I have lived in Macedonia with my family for almost twenty years. My country has experienced an embargo, a great famine, wars, NATO bombing, I know what it means to have no money.
I know that the price of food is expensive, but I also know that some prices are very low. Let's say how much does an apartment in Venezuela cost? Here, 50 m2 costs about $ 60,000. Yes, we have monthly salaries of about $ 300, now with the pandemic, everything has gone down, people have lost their jobs, closed companies, etc.

The point of the story is to support everyone but not to your detriment, you are a potentially rich country, you have resources but diplomacy is going badly for now.
I helped many, I sent money to people from Venezuela, not everyone is so nice, honest and good, many have forgotten me. Steem is potential and it is very good to be a part of this story, together we can always do much more.

Awesome explanation - See you at the top

The price of an apartment can vary from 10kUSD to 125kUSD and more, depending on the city and the area.

Not all are good people and not all have good intentions or are grateful, but this is not a quality of the Venezuelan but of many human beings of which you will find in all countries with different nationalities.

The important thing is to take advantage of those who come with intentions to work and discard the bad intentions wherever they come from. I am sorry that you had to go through these situations in your country, no one should have to live through the horrors of a humanitarian crisis.

The important thing is that we are still here as warriors who have survived and fought to move forward. Thank you for taking the time to read!!!!.

The cheapest apartment in Macedonia of 50 m2 costs $ 50,000.
Life is not a cake, it is not sweet, so we all have our own personal struggle and responsibility, it is the only way to go further, to cooperate and to connect with honest people in the world.

 3 years ago 

la mayor inversión de steem vendrá de venezuela por que somos un pais rico.

Asi es amigo me identifico 100% desde que entre en la plataforma fue a trabajar y poder ayudar a mi familia y mi gente, si algo tiene cada venezolano es el deseo de superación, trabajo y tener propiedad privada, creo que en el estado en que nos encontramos muchos se han hecho ideas de nosotros y no loa culpo, pero así como dices existe un salario inducido, que no ha detenido el deseo de superación y búsqueda de salir de la pobreza de la mayoría de los venezolanos.

Steemit es una ayuda para llevar pan a la mesa de muchas familias, que tal vez no tengan para invertir ahora pero que en un futuro con apoyo y compresión pueden llegar a ser pioneros en materia de criptos y blockchain.

Excelente post amigo!! Saludos.

Steem On

Gracias por tus palabras amigo, estoy seguro que asi sera!

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