Steem Venezuela - Application for the Communities of the Month Support Program - September

in Steem Venezuela3 years ago

Promotional Logo Steem Venezuela.

Kind regards to the Steemit team..!

We send a greeting and a big hug to the best Venezuelan style to all the members and users of Steemit. The great team of Community and Country Representatives of Steem Venezuela: @anasuleidy, @adeljose, @inspiracion, @albenis, @wilmer1988, @saracampero, @miyexi, @rypo01, @edili24 (admin) and @tocho2 (admin), we present our application posting for the Community Support Program of the Month.

It is important to note that most of the responses to the application form were supplemented with updated information, our purpose, goal and team remains the same, the changes that have arisen are corresponding to the integration of users, most users have had doubts regarding whether to stay in our community or migrate to communities that are selected for support because they have more opportunities to be rewarded, our response has been that we must remain faithful to our community and continue making quality content to get the cure of some of the great curator accounts.
We are developing promotional programs to recruit and retain users who generate original and exclusive content for Steemit.

1. Purpose of the community

  • What is the purpose of your community?

As we have already mentioned before, the Steem Venezuela community was born in December 2020 in order to provide a meeting point for Venezuelans, Spanish-speaking users, as well as for all Steemians from anywhere in the world who wish to join us and be part of this great family. Steem Venezuela also focuses on promoting exclusive content for Steemit through: the weekly programs known as Top-5 with 10 different topics ranging from art to psychology, we also promote publications of the #betterlife and #thediarygame projects, plus the topics of free choice of each user.

In summary, the fundamental purpose of our Steem Venezuela community is to provide support to all those users who share their publications in our community, for this, the team of moderators is committed to visiting as many publications as possible and manually attending to their needs , mainly those that have to do with the improvement of the quality of their publications, as well as the reward for the performance shown within the community. The team that makes up #steemvenezuela is focused on generating the pertinent efforts to achieve a strong community account, with an amount of Steem Power greater than 50K that allows providing a decent monetary contribution when casting a vote for a quality publication.

On the other hand, the Steem Venezuela community will be focused on applying the best participation strategies to keep active the largest number of users who share their publications in the community, whom we will constantly invite to join forces through delegations to boost the growth of the account. community, with the firm objective of achieving self-sustainability in terms of voting power.

  • Is it unique?

We are unique because our weekly program with varied and attractive themes where users who are integrating at the same time are promoting and making themselves known on Steemit. Another feature that makes us unique is our support program for users who have delegated to Steem Venezuela, where initially we are distributing 20 Steem weekly that will increase over time, as we announced in our previous application. We started our activities as the official community of Venezuela, gathering the largest call of users in Latin America, so far (08-20-21) we have 7,583 subscribers from around the world and 567 active posts.

  • Are there other communities that cover the same topic or area as yours?

There are other communities in Venezuela, but we consider ourselves pioneers in publishing themes and curation styles, we care about the growth of each user and promote integration for all content authors.

  • Why should people join your community?

Steem Venezuela offers the best reception to all users who wish to be part of this community, we provide the best support and attention to new users with the best orientations and to users of previous data with the best growth strategies, the support provided by the big team of country representatives (@anasuleidy, @adeljose, @edili24, @inspiracion, @albenis, @wilmer1988, @saracampero, @miyexi, @rypo01 and @tocho2), and the collaborators of the community is constant and we do it with the best Like, we managed to serve and help a large number of users in order to promote the growth of each of our bloggers and Steemit.

For people who know us for the first time, here we leave the address of our Discord channel where you will receive the best guidance and can request any information related to Steem Venezuela and Steemit.

Another advantage of joining Steem Venezuela is that the moderators (Venezuela country representative) and collaborators, do manual curations on the publications of the Top-5 with the community account, and the selected publications are nominated to receive support from the Booming program.

And we continue to publish weekly the most attractive and fun contests with themes for all tastes, our prizes are attractive and the participations are massive, we always achieve the best calls for participants to the contest.


2. Community team

  • Who are the admins and moderators of your community?

The admins are: @edlili24 y @tocho2. The moderators are all representatives of Venezuela: @anasuleidy, @adeljose, @edili24, @inspiración, @albenis, @wilmer1988, @saracampero, @miyexi, @rypo01 y @tocho2. And the collaborators are: @dgalan, @janettyanez, @cristanza, @gaborockstar, @roquiro y @mariita52 In total, the team continues to be made up of 16 members, and we are in the process of expanding this wonderful team.

  • What countries are they from and what languages do they cover?

As we mentioned in the previous application, the great team of administrators, moderators and collaborators are all Venezuelans, and some of us speak up to two additional languages to our native language, such as English and French, and being Spanish our native language, we were able to communicate perfectly with all Spanish-speaking participants (with all variants of the Spanish language) and also communicate with English-speaking users.

  • Are the team members paid or rewarded in any way from the community funds for their work in running the community?

We already informed in our previous application that none of the team members receive any type of payment or remuneration; all they receive is a vote with the community curation account where applicable under our or delegator curation program.

  • If you only have one Admin what would happen to your community if you left or lost your keys?

There are two administrators as mentioned above, which are: @edlili24 and @tocho2, so that the keys are backed up by two people for emergencies.


3. Community curation account

  • What is your community curation account?

Steem Venezuela's curator account is @hive-193637

  • How much Steem Power do you have, both your own and delegated?

The account currently has 38,142.56 SP of which 4,669.65 SP are its own and 33,472.91 SP are delegates. We currently intend to exceed 40,000 SP through the delegations in order to increase the voting power of the community account.

  • What are your plans to grow the SP of the account?

We currently have the support of 129 delegations of our subscribers with which the community curation account has reached 38,142.56 SP.

As part of the initial plan, we continue with the publications of the 10 Top-5 and our weekly contests that are published from the community account @hive-193637 of Steem Venezuela and the rewards are co-configured at 100% so that all the profits serve to increase the Steem Power of the curation account. And as always, the publication of reports, reports and updates are configured to 100%.

  • Are all the post rewards powered up, or are they used for paying delegators or members of the community team?

The publications that correspond to the Steem Venezuela account (mentioned above) are not configured to 100% Power Up at the moment, because the income received by said publications in SBD is being used to convert them into Steem to cover the prizes of the Contests of the community account, to cover the weekly rewards that we grant to delegating users, and what remains becomes SP for the same community account, in the same sense we want to inform that with a part of the earnings Steem Venezuela participates in the Spud4Steem, which we have been doing since July. It is important to note that in the case of Top-5 publications, a profit of 20% is configured for the top evaluator of the day.

  • Who has access to voting with the account?

All moderators have access to vote with the community account in the need to cover the highest number of subscribers per day at different times, throughout the week.

  • What is the current voting CSI score of the account (from

It is currently: 24.6 ( 0.00 % self, 563 upvotes, 210 accounts, last 7d )

  • On average, what proportion of each week's posts receive a vote from the community account?

Again, we report that 90% of community account upvotes are dedicated to community subscriber posts, we are currently covering and voting for 50% of active posts. And the remaining 10% corresponds to the votes granted daily to the publications of the users who delegate SP to our community.


4. Plagiarism & Abuse

  • What measures do you take to check for plagiarism and other forms of abuse (content farming, duplicate accounts, fake accounts)?

We keep the same scheme, that is, during each community moderator during his curation turn he reviews the active publications and when a possible plagiarism is detected, instructions are left to the user to correct his post and his attitude towards plagiarism, and in the necessary cases we tag @endigplagiarism. And in special cases like fake accounts or abuse cases, a label is placed, for example “spam”.

We also maintain the verification plan for users who enter the community to detect cases of false accounts.

  • Do you have designated people in your team for plagiarism checking?

Si, de hecho ya hemos mencionado anteriormente que todo nuestro equipo de moderadores aplica los criterios de revisión de usuarios, detección de plagiarism y verificación de cuentas. También usamos el canal de Discord de Steem Venezuela para que los usuarios también denuncien los casos de plagios y abusos que han encontrado. Yes, in fact we have already mentioned previously that our entire team of moderators applies the criteria of user review, plagiarism detection and account verification. We also use the Steem Venezuela discord channel so that users also report cases of plagiarism and abuse they have found.

  • Do you ensure all photos used in your community are copyright free?

Just when the curatorial reviews of the publications are made, our team reviews the origin of the photographs and we make the pertinent comments to the user when we detect plagiarism or abuse.


5. Engagement & Commenting

Does the community team check and comment on every post in the community? If not, approximately what proportion of posts are commented on?

All moderators and collaborators are committed to visiting as many active publications as possible, demonstrating their support with a vote, comment and even with instructions to improve their publications when necessary. Currently, 70% of active posts are commented on (average figure) by our moderators.


6. Plans and upgrades

  • How often are plans and updates posted for the community?

We continue to make a weekly report with information on the cures and active plans for users. Publications are also made with information of interest to users such as instructions and tutorials, growth strategies, etc., in addition of the general update post of the month.

  • Are they published through the community account? Do you have a roadmap or long term plan for the community?

As we mentioned in the previous question of this application form, official announcements are always being made from the community account. And we continue to develop a plan that allows us to hold meetings with our users so that they can talk with all our moderators and receive first-hand information about Steemit. This August we begin with the rewards in Steem to users who have delegated SP to the community account.


7. Promotion

  • How do you promote your community? Do you promote your community outside of Steemit?
    To promote the Steem Venezuela community we have a discord channel where we are constantly in contact with our users and promote our weekly initiatives, so that everyone is aware of current news in the community.
    Outside of Steemit, the publications of our users are being shared by twitter for the most part, so we are making known the benefits of Steemit outside of said platform.

  • Do you have a promotion or marketing plan for your community?

Actually, we plan to promote Steemit through our social networks and manage a Video channel to create content that will help more people to be interested in Steemit and be part of our community, In istagram we are and in twitter

Soon we will add a Hosts program developed by Administrators @edlili24 and @tocho2.


8. Something else

  • Include any other information you would like us to know about your community, and why your community should be selected for additional support. Any other special features your community has? Do you encourage only #steemexclusive posts in your community?

Our community continues to encourage subscribers to create #steemexclusive publications to qualify for Booming support, through their publications in the internal Steem Venezuela Top-5 program, fostering the good habit in subscribers of creating original and exclusive content for Steemit .

We want our community account to be a self-sustaining curator account, we thank you in advance for all the support you have given us. And within our growth plans we have the next program that we will launch is the Steem-promo program from our community to the whole world, we want users from other countries to join Steemit, Thank you for your support and consideration!

We would be very grateful for the receptiveness to our request.

Cc. @steemitblog, @steemcurator01

Gracias por tu apoyo y confianza,

Juntos Somos "Steem Venezuela"

Discord Steem Venezuela






by @tocho2, @edlili24 and @adeljose

 3 years ago 

Mi completo apoyo para nuestros queridos representante y comunidad de Steem Venezuela 🇻🇪

 3 years ago 

Amiga @angelva, te envío un abrazo en nombre de todos los compañeros representantes de Vzla, gracias por tu apoyo constante.

Felicidades, Dios quiera y puedan quedar seleccionados para este mes, de todas las comunidades está es la que eh sido más fiel, si me escape uno o dos días 😁 pero igual sigo aquí, Dios los bendiga grandemente 🙏 y mucha suerte. Buen post.

 3 years ago 

Saludos @angdavid21, gracias por tu apoyo y fidelidad a la comunidad.

 3 years ago 

Excelente equipo..!! Les envío Bendiciones!!! Saludos

 3 years ago 

Bien recibidas las bendiciones amiga @liliros, gracias por el apoyo..!

Todo el equipo de steem venezuela hace un excelente trabajo 🤗 Felicitaciones !!! Estoy segura estaremos en el soporte del mes de septiembre. Por mi parte haré mi mayor esfuerzo para mantenerme más activa en mi comunidad 🇻🇪 y estoy segura que muchos usuarios harán lo mismo 💪.

 3 years ago 

Amiga @roxandra, gracias por el apoyo, todo será así Dios mediante..!

 3 years ago 

Felicidades por todo el trabajo y el compromiso que tienen <3

 3 years ago 

Hello @yulip, gracias por demostrar tu apoyo

 3 years ago 

Es una comunidad asidua en mi paso cada día en steemit, una organización adaptada a todos los intereses, estimulan a los integrantes, son claros en las reglas, es mi deseo que obtengamos el apoyo para seguir creciendo, mis afectos para todo el equipo ☺️🏃

 3 years ago 

Garcias amiga @lita2021, nosotros también deseamos este apoyo justamente para uds que son los miembros fieles de Steem Venezuela.

Un abrazo..!

 3 years ago 

Felicidades a todo el equipo moderador de esta gran comunidad por todo el trabajo que ha venido realizando en pro del crecimiento de la misma; y por todo el apoyo que se le brinda a cada uno de los integrantes de la misma.


 3 years ago 

Gracias @yolvijrm, los usuarios son nuestra prioridad, así es que crece una familia y una comunidad. Gracias por tu apoyo.

 3 years ago (edited)

Es un gran compromiso que cumplimos y seguiremos cumpliendo con todo gusto, estamos concentrados en brindar el apoyo necesario para que cada uno de los usuarios que participan en la comunidad puedan desarrollar un crecimiento en la plataforma.

Cabe destacar que el equipo que conforma ésta comunidad, son Representantes de Pais, lo que nos compromete a atender no solo a ésta comunidad, sino también en cualquier otra comunidad donde participe un venezolano o usuario de latinoamerica.

Estamos a la orden para todos ustedes.

 3 years ago 

Excelente trabajo equipo de #steemvenezuela,deseo que este mes seamos tomados en cuenta para el soporte de curacion,estamos activo como comunidad,adelante

 3 years ago 

Claro que sí amigo @victornavarro, el tiempo de Dios es perfecto.

Gracias por el apoyo brindado.

 3 years ago 

¡Juntos somos mas Fuertes! Esperamos un mayor apoyo para la comunidad Venezolana en Steem Venezuela.


 3 years ago 

Muy bien dicho amiga @rypo01.

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