
Hello friends of steemians

In this world, of course there are lots of beautiful places that we usually visit when we need a vacation, and these places are certainly the most comfortable places for us to relax

This time I will also try to participate in this contest, where the theme raised this time is quite interesting for me, and in advance thanks to Mr. @harferri for the invitation, and I also invited @itikna09 @ikwal @sailawana @patjewell to participate in this contest



I am a person who loves nature and likes to travel to visit various natural beauty sites, therefore of course there are many places that I like, but among all, the beach is the number one place that I like the most, because I really like nature. feel comfortable when visiting the beach, my mind also feels calm as if there is not the slightest burden on my mind

And in this contest I will try to show some of the beauty that exists on one of my favorite beaches, this beach happens to be close to the harbor and we often call it ASEAN port

What makes it so special?



This port has a fairly large area, where the left and right sides are surrounded by beautiful ocean, with blue water and the waves are so calm, that anyone who walks to this place will definitely feel comfortable, and that's one of the features of this place

The breakwater rocks are neatly arranged, and that's where I usually go to see the beautiful waves when they hit these rocks, the photo above is clear evidence of the beauty of the beach I visited

Apart from that this place is also not far from my house, only about 5 kilometers away, and of course I can come to this place whenever I want, because when I am in this place, I really feel calm and comfortable, the natural beauty that surrounds me offer here everything special

What do you do when you're at your favorite place?



There are lots of things that I often do here, such as fishing, swimming and also taking pictures of some of the beauty and moments that I get when I visit here, all of which are my hobbies, so I always combine hobbies and nature so that wherever I visit I will definitely feel double happiness. besides being able to enjoy the beauty of nature I can also channel my hobbies

Not infrequently I make this place a place to gather with the people closest to me, both family and friends, and everyone I invite here definitely never feels disappointed

In a brief summary, tell us a memory or anecdote from that place


There are so many moments that I have seen and will never forget in this place, I once caught a fish weighing 20 kilograms while fishing in this beach area, but unfortunately I didn't have time to capture that moment because it was too dark at night.

One of the extraordinary moments that I managed to get was, where I saw a group of fishermen's children swimming and playing in the harbor area, they looked so happy and had absolutely no fear, even though the harbor is very deep, but we don't have to worry about it, because they are used to it, and the waves here are indeed very calm

Moments like this are very rare for me to get, seeing the smiles on their faces I also feel happy, even I really want to join them, but unfortunately I'm not very good at swimming and don't dare to enter the deep harbor, until finally I decided to capture this beautiful moment only

Well, maybe that's all I can share for the contest this time, thanks for everything and see you soon

Note; all pictures were taken with a smartphone camera and edited with picsart

Thank you 🙏


What a nice post, and what a nice place!
If my husband had to see that fishing rod and hear about a 20-kg fish, he would be there tomorrow.
He loves fishing and is forever looking for places to cast his rod. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Good luck in the contest, and thanks for the invite.
Here is my entry;

Oh yes, make a passport right away and I'll show my adoptive dad the best fishing spot

Thank you for visiting and I have visited your very inspiring post, home sweet home

He would love to have you here (•ิ‿•ิ)

As for the visit to my post, thank you, I've seen it. ☕

Hopefully it can happen in the future, always healthy for you my mother

Thank you my Steemit child! (•ิ‿•ิ)


Wah keren foto ombak yang berdebur di bebatuan itu..
Ohya banyak gak dapat ikan nya hehe..

Smiga sukses di tantangan minggu ini ya

Makasih kunjungannya buk😊

Amigo tu lugar favorito se ve realmente como un verdadero paraíso terrenal. el azul de sus agua y todo el entorno que le rodea se ven espectaculares. Desde la pantalla virtual se proyecta paz y tranquilidad. Exitos en tu entrada!

Yes it is indeed a beautiful place, thank you very much for your feedback 😊

Hola amigo, que hermoso lugar puedes disfrutar a tan solo 5 Km cerca de tu hogar, es bellisimooooo, dónde puedes conectarte con la naturaleza y escuchar las olas romper en esas rocas, que hermoso sería ir cada vez para ese lugar a disfrutar del color, el sonido del mar.

Es un puerto muy hermoso amiga, ya veo porque es tu lugar favorito, aunque nos has mencionado que te gusta deleitarte con la belleza que te ofrece la naturaleza.

Bonita entrada, deseo que tengas éxito en el concurso amigo, saludos cordiales ✨😊

A comfort always comes when I visit this place, nature is indeed very extraordinary

Thank you very much for visiting and success also for you

Saludos amigo.

Indonesia es un país conocido por la belleza de sus playas, a través de las fotos que nos dejas en tu publicación nos damos cuenta de lo bellas que son, y por eso es tu lugar favorito. Un lugar donde eres feliz y sientes paz y tranquilidad.

Excelente tu participación. Buena suerte 🤞

Yes, it is a very beautiful place and provides comfort for me
Thank you also for visiting

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Pelabuhan dan laut adalah tempat indah yang ingin saya kunjungi juga, saya juga ingin jalan-jalan kesana jika ada waktu, semoga kita di sawer di kontes ini bang😁

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya 💪

 last year 

Hola amigo @chopper46, muchas gracias por tu participación en este desafío.

La naturaleza nos ofrece variedad de lugares para disfrutar y uno de esos lugares son las playas.

Nos muestras una playa muy hermosa, las fotografías se ven excelentes.

Pescar y nadar me gusta hacerlo. Y tú puedes disfrutarlo en esa playa.

Fue un placer leer tu publicación. Saludos.

That's right, nature always surprises us with its beauty, and we should continue to preserve this natural beauty

I like to do everything that goes along with my hobby

Thank you very much for your feedback and good luck always to you

Perpaduan antara air yang tumpah ruah dan langit yang seolah menyatu dengannya selalu menjadikan pantai sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Saya tidak meragukannya.

Belum lagi ketika bisa merekam pemandangan sunset atau sunrise yang terlihat dengan jelas. Tentu saja pantai menjadi destinasi yang sangat spesial.

Terima kasih telah membagikan gambar-gambar dan pengalamannya mengenai pantai.

Sehat selalu bang!

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

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