The Power of Hope

02 September 2024
Bangladesh 🇧🇩


As-salamu Alaikum.
Hello Steemians! How's it going?
This is @arjinarahman .
I hope everyone is feeling fantastic today. I'm thrilled to announce that I'm jumping into an exciting contest within this vibrant "Steem Venezuela" community. Under the guidance of @lirvic . This contest is about HOPE. Let's unleash our creativity and make this an unforgettable experience . Ready? Let's get started !!!!!

The Power of Hope


Designed with Canva


✓ Do you think hope is important in people's lives?

Hope is an important element in human life. This really drives so much of our lives everyday. Hope, allows for a mental state to be present in which we can continue on living with an optimistic outlook. Because when we run into trouble or get blocked with a challenge, hope rouses the power inside of us and nudges it to go on. It is what allows us to dream and helps drive us towards working constructively in pursuit of our goals.

When hope disappears human interest in life is depleted. It creates a sort of inner darkness that distracts us from what we are here to do. Hope help us to have courage in tough life conditions and teach at any situation, it gives a example of something good is there to Hope for.

In our country, a common proverb is taught in high school that goes:

In Bengali:
"সংসার সাগরে দুঃখ তরঙ্গের খেলা, আশা তার একমাত্র ভেলা।"
(Translation: In the sea of life, where sorrow waves play, hope is the only raft.)


✓ What advice would you give to people who are going through a difficult time and need to maintain hope?


Most of us experience difficult moments in our lives. Therefore, in order to move further with our goals ahead, the tough times will have to be continued. Therefore, I want to tell you just keep going.

For those in pain and going through difficult times, here are some suggestions ;How to strengthen it again.

🔹Let Everything Out: Instead of bottling up all your emotions when you come across a rough patch, it is essential that you address what exactly are those suppressed feelings. You can express these feelings to a friend, family member or counselor. Also try writing or making art that expresses your feelings.
🔹Set Small Goals: Rather than think about one big goal. Break it down into smaller part. Hence, set short goals and attain them. Those small wins will give you a little bit confidence and make a faint change in positive direction.
🔹Self Care: Take care of your health and well-being. Exercise, proper diet and sleep are also major factors that contribute to peace of mind.
🔹Get in Touch: Stay socially connected. You can have a touch with family members, friends or support groups. Their compassion and encouragement will make you strong.

1000026002.jpgMy Bluetooth Speaker for music

🔹Leisure Activities: Engage yourself with something that gives you joy. Getting motivated to watch a good movie, read an interesting book or listen to music all can help your mental health.


✓ Do you agree with the saying "hope is the last thing to be lost"?

Hope is the Last Thing 1000025998.jpg

I do. I agree with this statement. If nothing is left then life becomes very suffocated. It is the light of life, traversing our path and running deeply through the hope. This hope gives us strength, even if our circumstances are as bad as they can get. In those crisis moments hope pushes us to keep going, were it may seem impossible.


✓ Have you ever experienced a difficult situation that made you feel like you were losing hope?

My University

Here i am going to share my own experience with you. I was living in Mohammadpur, Dhaka 3 years ago. I had just studied for my master''s degree in Lalmatia Govt. Women's College . I was just searching for a nearby tuition job near my mess. But alas, no tuition . That one day my smartphone got stolen from me. And this period, I was shattered.

I told my brother everything. My brother replied: Be cool, you can't break down now. Everything will be alright. Remain hopeful in Allah. Then a few days later, I got a tuition offer and my brother gifted me a new phone.

Therefore I feel that it is very much necessary to spot the light of hope in such situations. Veiled by patience and hope, a better thing waits to come into our life.


I invite following users for the contest
@almacaridad, @aplausos and @rafk .

Here is: Contest Link



💥 Hope is the Last Thing 💥

I completely agree with the saying "hope is the last thing to be lost". In difficult times, hope gives us strength and motivates us to keep going, even when things seem impossible. I've experienced similar situations myself, like when my phone got stolen and I was struggling to find a tuition job in Dhaka. My brother's words of encouragement helped me stay hopeful, and soon after, I received a tuition offer and he gifted me a new phone.

💬 Have you ever felt lost hope?

I'd love to hear about your experiences! Share with me how you kept going even when things seemed tough. Let's support each other in staying positive and hopeful.

🎉 Contest Link: Concurso La Fuerza de la Esperanza

Let's keep the conversation going! 😊

La esperanza, mi queridísima amiga, es un faro en medio de la oscuridad; es una fuerza que nos impulsa a seguir adelante cuando todo, absolutamente todo, parece que está perdido.

Tu reflexión sobre su importancia en nuestras vidas, resuena profundamente, especialmente, en esos tiempos tan difíciles. Admiro cómo has destacado la manera en que la esperanza no solo nos sostiene, sino que también nos guía hacia un futuro mejor.

Dime algo más, por favor: ¿Alguna vez has sentido que la esperanza ha sido el motor que te ha ayudado a superar un desafío en particular?

¡Me encantaría escuchar más sobre tus experiencias personales en este tema!

Tell me something else, please: Have you ever felt that hope has been the driving force that has helped you overcome a particular challenge?

Thank you for your valuable comment, and I really appreciate that you took the time to read my post attentively.

Yes, of course, I will tell you more about this. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear it.

And I truly believe that hope is the driving force that helps me face any challenge. Now, what I'm going to tell you is a story from my own life.

I deeply love a boy, and he loves me a lot too. When our relationship was seven to eight years old, it was on the verge of breaking up. The main reason was that my family was not accepting our relationship. At first, I was devastated, but then I controlled myself and thought that I had to overcome this obstacle. During that time, hope was my only support. I tried to convince my family in various ways, and that was a big challenge for me.

You'll be happy to know that finally, last year, we had a grand wedding with our families' blessings. This was only possible because I had hope. I was deeply optimistic that our love would truly find fulfillment, and it did. We are now happily married, and please keep us in your prayers. 💕

 10 days ago 

Hola amiga 👋

Que gran consejo te dió tu hermano, muchas veces sentimos que nos desmoronamos pero debemos mantener la calma, se que no es fácil muchas veces pero las esperanzas deben estar presente siempre.

Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso 🤗

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