Don't forget to Play!

30 August 2024
Bangladesh 🇧🇩


As-salamu Alaikum.
Hello Steemians! How's it going?
This is @arjinarahman .
I hope everyone is feeling fantastic today. I'm thrilled to announce that I'm jumping into an exciting contest within this vibrant "Steem Venezuela" community. Under the guidance of @inspiracion . Let's unleash our creativity and make this an unforgettable experience . Ready? Let's get started !!!!!

Don't forget to Play!

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"Don't forget to play!" — Now, anytime I hear this phrase, it seems like more than just an innocent comment. Man, that is some deep, life-changing shit right there. This phrase, for those of us who are adults that have aged out and won much of our childish joy, triggers a profound realization. The truth is, we are caught up with work pressures and the responsibilities of life that, at most times, you forget we have a childlike place inside us, Where every single one of them needs.

As kids, every day was an adventure of color. We used to run away straight into the ground right after school. Games like hide-and-seek, hopscotch were an integral part of childhood. In retrospect, this was so relaxed and carefree. There was no time timit for play. But inevitably, as we grew older, that playfulness became vanished . Work pressure, life worries, and responsibilities-all these crowd out those pure moments . We do not even know where they have gone.

Don't Forget to Play

Yet this phrase, “Don't forget to play!. It makes us remember those old happy times. It is not just something for play, but it informs us that we need a little recreation (a bit of fun) in order to enjoy our life.

I mean, when was the last time you laughed without a care? What's the last thing you did for fun that set your creativity on fire? Play in our lives is not only physical exercise, but it also keeps us mentally sound. Play isn't strictly about running onto a pitch. It is an invitation into our imaginations.

I remember a story. In our village, there was little pond when I was growing up. Every day we would swim in the pond, fishing there for an afternoon, and sit beneath the trees at that time for a chat. We did not even know these were the best times of our lives, but as we grew up and drowned in the depth of work and other responsibilities, we realized its relevance. But it was too late by then to unmake what that had.

But never forget to "PLAY!"—this phrase appears to recall about those lost times. It practically says that sometimes, within the chaos of everyday experiences, we should find a little time to do something for ourselves. It might be indulging in a hobby, reading a good book, visiting an interesting place, or simply hanging out with friends.

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Let me give you an example. How would you feel returning home after a tiresome day at the office? What do you do then? But you get a little rest and watch TV or spend time on your phone. But if you went for a walk or played a game instead, your mind would feel much clearer. Some of the happiness derives from these small 'play' moments.

The reality is, everything in life needs to be balanced out. Life will become boring if we work only. However, if we take even a tiny bit of time to 'play', our lives will become happy and innovative.

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So, is my question to you—when did you last 'play'? Is your intention to relive those happy moments? If not, start today. Then put aside some time to do something wonderful for yourself, be it a treat that will make you happy or revisit your favorite type of joy from the old days.

Life is short, so "Don't forget to play!!

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I invite following users for the contest
@luisito01 , @luimer79 and @anay1705.

Here is Contest Link

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Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 8 days ago 

Hola @arjinarahman, tienes razon en lo que explicas, podemos probar a cambiar la rutina diaria en los tiempos libres o de ocio e incorporar actividades que nos proporcionen alegría. Incluso en las horas de trabajo es importante no perderse demasiado en el estres y recordar el sentido del humor, la alegría que tiene cada aspecto de la vida, esto nos hará más felices. Dejar salir a ese niño que llevamos dentro.

Gracias por participar en el concurso, bendiciones 🙏🤗

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