Plagiarism report by @fly-dragon || Date : 07 - 03- 2024

in STEEM WATCHER3 months ago



Spamming is a curse for the Steemit platform. As the blogging performance of our Steemit platform is getting worse, the name of the Steemit platform is also getting worse. Now it can be seen that many people try to farm rewards through spamming. Which is a huge threat to our Steemit platform. To that end, we're keeping a bit more of an eye on spamming and plagiarism in particular. Either way we need to improve the blogging performance of our Steemit platform.

The number of micro posts is also increasing day by day. We are basically trying to suppression all forms of abuse. I think it is possible not only with the efforts of our steem-abuse-watchers but with a collective effort of everyone.


Report Date: 07 - 03 - 2024

UsernamePost LinkSource LinkPlagiarism TypeCaught By
@skybimPOST LINKSource LinkPlagiarism Content@fly-dragon
@kain888POST LINKSource LinkPlagiarism Content@fly-dragon
@redcross21POST LINKSource LinkPlagiarism Content@fly-dragon
@handwordPOST LINKSource LinkPlagiarism Content@fly-dragon
@yaropol80POST LINKSource LinkPlagiarism Content@fly-dragon
@mobangkangPOST LINKSource LinkPlagiarism Content@fly-dragon


  • Why we here ?

Thinking about the future of Steemit, we are trying to suppress all abuses of Steemit. We are trying to make all the abusers aware of their mistakes and correct those mistakes. Because if users keep doing this kind of mistake again and again, it will become a big problem on our Steemit platform. We need to keep a sharp watch on these abusers for a better future. We hope that there will be a drastic change in the number of abusers on Steemit.

  • What we fight against ?
  • SPAMMING : Any post below 100 words + any kind of scam link in the comment box of someone's post + mentioning someone repeatedly will be considered as spamming.
  • PLAGIARISM : Plagiarism is one kind of breaking the copyright issue . It's like I pass off someone else's work or post it without crediting him .
  • BREAKING COPY RIGHT RULES : This mistake is one of the most common mistakes in our Steemit platform . Especially when we use a downloaded image, we don't care whether the image is copyright free or not
  • MICRO POST : We can call micro post spamming in one word. We will consider all types of posts below 100 words as micro posts.

FROM : @fly-dragon


I think your job is great and support you, but I disagree with your point in my post. You've posted my posting as plagiarism content that's not right. As you see the bible verses were posted with the link of the address where it came from. Therefore, please correct the misconception that my post is plagiarism. My opinion is valid.

This isn't the only source.

Here are the sources :




Bible is open source for everyone who are the christian. We translated to many languages.

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