Among Thyself. Chapter: 2

in BDCommunity4 years ago


That day I talked with Jonathan for hours. Nobody knows what we talked about inside, except for you now. You are going to know everything now too. All the secrets I have.

After I was gone, Jonathan was alive for two days. The doctors said his liver got infected somehow. The physical trauma pushed him to a heart attack. The day Georgina went into surgery, Jonathan died in his VIP hospital bed at almost at the same time when josh came out.

The doctors called me to tell about his death just before Georgina stopped screaming. No one noticed that I was leaving the room for a moment. I came outside in the hall and took the call. After hearing the news, I had nothing to do but Smoke a joint to get rid of the thoughts. In those days Afghan Kush was the most popular among all of them.

What anyone didn’t know that Jonathan was aware he was going to die. He told me that that day. I wanted to laugh it off but there was something in his voice, something sad and liberating at the same time.

While I was standing beside his bed, he drank the water from the cup in a shaky hand and told me,


He paused for a moment. I looked at his eyes, trying to guess what he might have to say.

I know I’ve mistreated you for taking away my daughter from me. I have no one else except her. Her mother died at childbirth and she always thought that I blamed her. But never did. I was always afraid of losing her and then you came and took her away. My sweet little baby girl.

Then he started to cough badly, I pulled out a tissue from the holder and gave it to him to wipe his mouth. A lot of blood came out. Looking back now, that made me feel so bad about myself.

There was this man, dying. And all I thought about how to get ahold on his fortune.

I’ll give you what you want. What the hell, take it all? It doesn’t have a meaning to me anymore. Come here in the evening with some papers. I believe you can manage that, don’t you? But you have to keep the promise you made to me.

I couldn’t believe my ears. It’s finally happening. What I always wanted.

Go now before I change my mind. And tell the doctor to give me some morphine. At let me die out painless. Go, Bring the idiot.

I came out of there like I was in a trance. Like I was tripping in acid. I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. I could never have made so much money in my insurance job ever. It would’ve taken me two or three lifetimes.

I immediately called my attorney, to pull out all the necessary paper works. I do not even have to wait for the inheritance. Jonathan was giving it all to me now.

And then the adrenaline started to come off. I felt sad then, guilty about how I was manipulating a guy who’s dying and in his last moments. I thought to do something about it. Something I regret now every day.

When I went in there again that evening. I had all the files with me. And a small pouch. A gift from me to Jonathan.

You’re here.

Jonathan looked pale but happy. The morphine must’ve been still in his systems.

I brought all the papers. Including the one where I promise to name my son Joshua Roy.

I’ve never seen Jonathan smile with such a full face. That angry bastard was kinder than he ever seemed.

And I brought a small parting gift.

I pulled out the pouch.

Inside it is two capsules. These will give the painless death you wanted.

The smile in Jonathan’s face started to fade a little. Then I could see some hint of appreciation and some hint of hatred towards me.

He signed the papers and gave me the power of attorney to all of his assets. Including his majority shares of Royco and then he took the pouch and never looked at my face all the while I stayed there.

Hello everyone. This is a fiction I wrote a couple of months ago. I am thinking about making it into a full-blown series with parts. This is the third part.

Writing more than a thousand words at a time might be too much. So
I’ll be posting this once every week. I so many things to write about in my head now but I know my skills are not that good. This will be a journey for me too. I’ll post each around this day of the week. If you have any thoughts about how I should change the story then feel free to leave a comment.

And as always, Thank You for Reading.


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