Steemit Engagement Challenge / S12W2 – A Call to Conscience

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What are some factors that might contribute to the increased levels of violence among our youth and adolescents?

The increasing levels of violence among our youth and adolescents is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. The minute I saw the theme of this contest, I knew I had to take part. Some people might blame violent video games and movies for this problem—which is partly true— the issue actually stems from multiple factors that are turning our kids into angrier, more aggressive beings.

One of the factors is the lack of proper guidance both at home and in schools. Nowadays, many parents don’t give enough attention to their kids and don’t really know what’s going on in their lives. As a result, kids feel lonely and start making their own choices, often choosing the wrong way. Schools are also failing; teachers only focus on academics, ignoring moral education. This makes it hard for children to know what’s right and what’s wrong.


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Another factor is the excessive use of the internet and mobile phones. Kids can easily access violent content online and join the wrong groups on social media, who influence them to do harmful things. Video games, especially those rated 18+, also affect their mindset.

If we talk about the growing extremism among the youth, when a young person sees extreme poverty and helplessness around them, it affects their mind. They start thinking, “Why am I so poor even when I work hard? My parents are also struggling, and I see no hope for my future.” This leads them to steal and rob. And this is not just theoretical; we’re seeing a rise in crime rates in our country due to inflation and poverty.

In some cases, people attack others based on sectarian or religious biases. It’s disgusting and only serves to split society. Unfortunately, some individuals, due to their misguided beliefs, mistreat others based on their faith or ethnicity.

Can you suggest two strategies that could be implemented to improve this situation or behavior?

Addressing this kind of situation will require multiple strategies, but in line with the question, I'll share two that I find particularly effective.

Firstly, the government needs to focus on education and job opportunities. If every child receives a good education and secure employment, they’re less likely to engage in criminal behavior. Technical training should be provided to the underprivileged to enhance their skills. Facilities like libraries, parks, and sports centres should be established to engage the youth in productive activities.

Secondly, we need to reduce societal and religious misunderstandings. There should be a strong sense of love and brotherhood in every home and community. Religious leaders should preach messages of unity rather than division. This way, people will be more inclined to collaborate rather than fight.

Why does it seem that today’s society is more indifferent to the suffering of others? Could you provide some possible explanations? Have you ever had the opportunity to assist others?

One of the main reasons why society nowadays seems increasingly indifferent to others’ suffering is that everyone is so busy with their own lives they don’t have time to care for others. There’s also a growing sense of materialism and narcissism. We used to have large families who looked out for each other; now we have nuclear families that only care about themselves.

In response to your second question, I would like to say that yes, I have had the opportunity to help people many times. I have provided assistance both physically and financially as much as possible. Just last week, I was home alone and preparing a post for Steemit. Both my parents were at work and my siblings were at school.

It was around 9 in the morning. During this time, there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer it and found a woman standing outside, her eyes reflecting desperation and helplessness. She told me she urgently needed money.

I went back inside, took out 100PKR from my wallet, and gave it to her. She told me her son had been in an accident and was admitted to a government hospital in another city. Although most of the treatment is free in government hospitals, she didn’t have the money for the fare to travel to the other city. Her voice was filled with so much pain that I couldn’t bear it.

I went back inside again and gave her a 1000PKR note. As soon as she received the 1000PKR note, tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn’t hold them back and started blessing me profusely. She tried to return the 100PKR that I initially gave her; but I refused to take it.

Could you enumerate some of the principles that were imparted to you or that you instill in your own family?


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My parents have always taught me good values and principles. One of the most important is to have complete faith in God. My father always says to respect everyone, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. Hard work leads to success is another mantra he swears by. My mother taught me patience and gratitude, instructing me to always count my blessings in good times and bad. They also instilled in me the importance of always speaking the truth; lying is dishonest and sinful. I try my best to follow these teachings and encourage others to do the same.

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @chasad75, @inspiracion, @senehasa, @paholags, @dove11, @josevas217, @irawandedy, @weisser-rabe, @malikusman1 and @patjewell to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 12-Sep-2023 | Achievement 1

Hola amigo, en parte no se hace el trabajo en las escuelas pero no somos todos, te hablo por mi experiencia como psicopedagoga, trabajé con bienestar estudiantil, tambien en liceos e hice lo posible por apoyar a muchos jóvenes , pero hay situaciones que se escapan de nuestras manos, una línea que no podemos cruzar como maestros. Orientamos, hacemos lo posible, si bien en el liceo se continua orientando.

Hoy día hay pobreza extrema en muchas partes, hacinamiento, esto muchas veces trae consigo consecuencias, en especial cuando los miembros beben, fuman, puede surgir abusos verbales y físicos.

Un joven abusado puede exteriorizar su dolor a través de la violencia y sino es abordado puede arrastrar a otros con el, a veces las cosas se escapan de las manos como te mencioné antes, este es un tema polémico, muchos factores en juego.

It's tough being in the field, and sometimes, despite our best efforts, there are situations that are just beyond our control. Keep doing what you do best, guiding and supporting these young minds. 👍


Very good points that you raise... I will think about what I can add ;-))

Your example - very commendable. I have to admit that my very first thought when I read it was: you've been ripped off. It is brutally bad that we are already so disillusioned and detached, because it happens all too often that money and help are swindled under false pretences of need. I am sure you have done a mother good here without letting yourself be overwhelmed by such negative thoughts....

I have to admit that my very first thought when I read it was: you've been ripped off.

haha. No, I wasn't. 😃

Exactly, my brother, it is important to instill faith in children starting from the education of their parents. Respect and respect for others is something we must teach our children so that they can become quality human beings.

Good luck in this contest my brother

Thanks for stopping by my post. 😊


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @enamul17

Thanks for the support @enamul17. I really appreciate that. 😊

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La sociedad juvenil de hoy día está muy convulsionada y, eso me parece muy preocupante porque, cuando hay ausencia de autoridad y fomentación de valores suceden cosas terribles así como las que ya vemos.

Es indispensable que los padres y personas en general comencemos educar al respecto para evitar de esta manera un conflicto mayor.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you for your valuable comment. 😊

One thing I can tell you is that I am glad that I am not a child growing up in the time that we are living in. Best of all, I think it is too late to change. It is only going to get worse.
Technology, in my eyes, is the downfall of the youth. It is taking being a child away from them, which they so desperately need as they grow up—those cornerstones.

Best wishes for the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

Technology sure has changed the game. Thanks for stopping by my post. 😊

This is great dear friend, I really enjoy reading your implicit article, indeed this issue raise from social network which had mislead our youth and children to aggressive act.

Thanks for the comment. 🙂

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