Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience .



I remember one incident that happened during my secondary school days where one of the bad boys used matchet to remove his friend's hand, it was a very treble scene in our school and community that day, when the captured the bad boy the only question everyone was asking him was His conscience which means conscience is that spirit that direct and guide us on the actions we take. Before I proceed to answering the questions let me invite my amazing friends to join me @eliany @alessgsl @chriddi.

Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons.


Youth and adolescents acting violently is on the increase lately, some of the reasons I think that is causing all these are.

  • Hard drugs. Youths and adolescents has taken over the world of hard drugs which in turn kills their normal sense of reasoning making them to see violence as the best way to solve issues.
  • Bad parenting.In as much as some youth and adolescents grow to retrain themselves from peer group, parents has a lot to do in the upbringing of their children. If parents failed to raise a youth with conscience and good moral the effect to the society is nothing less than violence and destruction.
  • Lack of employment. An idol mind is the devils workshop. Where there are no employment for the youths all they could do is to indulge in illegal activities just to make money it can cause them to be violent.
  • Social media. This another place where so many youths are learning what they are doing today. This social media is contributing to the act of violence the youths are portraying today.

What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

To improve this situation or behavior, there should be strictly eradication of hard drugs because it has caused more harm than good if these is totally removed our youth will be more responsible.

Employment opportunities. Creating job opportunities with good pay will help the youth to be engage by doing one thing or the other, this will reduce the number of youths roaming around the street.

Parents should be more responsible and accountable to their children. Starting from knowing the number of children they can carter for, if every parents takes more care of their children early child hustling which can push children to the street will reduce.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others, of others? Explain some reasons.
Have you had to help others?

Hmmm, this is because a lot has changed,people now believe and reason things differently, secondly different people with their problems everyone is carring their cross. Helping and showing interest to people pain is an inborn thing of which I can't withstand seeing my fellow human in pain without helping out, I have helped so many within my reach I can't even hold count.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instill in your family?


I thankGod for the family I came from, I have seen so many children going wayward right from their parents nose. But mine was a very beautiful upbringing some of the principles that were instilled in me are.

  • Been contented.

  • Been thankful.

  • Been honest.

  • Been the best.

  • Been kind.
    Above all God fearing, I'm enjoying all these today and they have been helpful.


There should be an awakening call for youth conscience before it goes out of hand, many are doing extraordinary things this days without thinking about the outcome which will later land them into regrettable situation. Use your conscience, work on it and always follow the right spirit.

This is my entry for this see you next week bye-bye.


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@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

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 10 months ago 

Hola amiga @okere-blessing, me gustó leer tu publicación.

Sin duda alguna, las droga están haciendo mucho mal a los jóvenes y a la sociedad en general.

Creo que los padres tienen mucha responsabilidad en la crianza de sus hijos.

Tienes una gran familia que te enseñaron unos principios sólidos, que los mantiene, sobre todo, ser temerosa de Dios.

Saludos y bendiciones

Thank you very much sir.

 10 months ago 

Saludos amiga.

Es muy triste y lamentable la historia que nos cuentas y que ocurrió en tu escuela, la verdad es que la Juventud se ha vuelto muy violenta y es un mal que nos afecta a todos.

Tienes razón al mencionar causas como la mala educación, falta de amor y comprensión familiar, las drogas y el desempleo todo forma parte del problema.

Debemos tomar consciencia de lo que está pasando con nuestra juventud y corregirlos con tiempo.

Éxitos y buena suerte con su participación.

 10 months ago (edited)
Buenas noches, amiga @okere-blessing, muchas gracias por participar una semana más en nuestra comunidad Reflexiones de Vida, es un placer leer y verificar tu entrada. Creo que el tener responsabilidades hace entender a los jóvenes y un empleo los ayuda a tener la mente ocupada en cosas productiva. Debemos realizar algunos cambios que ayude a los jóvenes a estar centrados, bendiciones!!

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Youths generally are aggressive staying without job honestly is not easy so definitely they are violence, another thing that I can can be done is for parents to groom their Children very well encourage them to pickup a skill that will help them cope with our current economy situation rather than going to school to experience unemployment.

Principles instilled in you were good ones it helps you now to be hardworking and responsible. My regards to your parents they did so well.

Wishing you success 😃

Hugs, thank you ma for your kind words.

Sin duda una mala crianza, los medios de comunicación, la forma en como utilizan las redes, drogas y alcohol son cosas que llevan a la juventud a ser violentos.

Y si, los padres son responsables por sus hijos, asi que de ellos depende que clase de personas podrán llegar a ser su hijos, por eso padres deben esforzarse por ofrecerle la mejor crianza posible a sus hijos, algo que tambien puede ayudar mucho es la calidad de vida, oportunidades de empleo, he incluso poner estrictas leyes en cuanto al consumo de drogas.

Excelente entrada te deseo éxitos.

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La mala relacion familiar es un aspecto crucial para desestabilizar emocionalmente a cualquier persona, mas esta generacion que parece mas bien de cristal y muy vulnerable. Insisto que el amir e inculcar valores desde el nucleo familiar es fundamental. Saludos y exitos.


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Curated by : @wilmer1988

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