Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W1 | The Luck

in Reflexiones de Vida11 months ago (edited)



Hello, friend and everyone in this community, It is another time for me to participate in another interesting engagement contest and I wish to drop an entry on the theme "The Luck" by the Reflections of Life community.

Have you had a stroke of luck in your life? Tell us an anecdote.

Yes, I have once been lucky in my life in many aspects, I see luck as success hard work, and commitment, but sometimes underserved yet we get it.

I was once lucky to win a bet, I was so broke that I didn't have money to sort some things at that moment. I played a bet with just NGN 500 to win NGN 10,000 and the game was to last for seven days, I was not expecting a win but I won the bet and got the money.

While in the university, I was also lucky to be appointed as the Internal Adviser because of my influence and knowledge of political matters. Some people were better than me, but I was still lucky to be appointed, I see it as a privilege.

Do you think your achievements have been due to hard work or luck? Support your opinion.


As I clearly stated, Luck is the accomplishment of hard work, you have to be involved before you will be lucky to succeed amidst competition.

My achievements are due to hard work and commitment, I first of all make a move, attempt to do something, and get involved sometimes at the point of giving up then I still succeed.

I don't believe in manners from heaven without hard work, we must first all work before we expect the result. We will be lucky to be favored if we work and there is a trace that makes us outstanding or legible.

What does the phrase "Fortune favors the bold" mean to you?

The phrase "fortune favors the bold" without hard work, there will be no reward without hard work. Before we succeed, we must take risks because only the bold stands out.

No food for lazy many, fortune only awaits those who stand out to work and are strict to succeed. The statement means let us try and keep on pushing no matter the difficulty because there is a reward for those who never give up.

What was the last time you had good or bad luck? Talk about your own experience.


The last experience I had was a bit of bad luck, but I believe it is for good. I applied for a job but the company did not call me for an interview, so I later traveled out of the state for an assignment, When I was away the company called me to attend the interview

The company gave me 48 hours to report for the interview, but I was unable to up with the interview because where I traveled to was far and I did not finish my assignment at the Jos military school I went to.

Before I finished and came back, the vacant had been occupied and given out to another person, I just felt that was not my luck though I felt bad but I believe a bigger opportunity is coming.


Everyone needs Good luck and I strongly believe that our luck is in the effort of our hard work, I wish us all Good luck in all our endeavors.

Sending invitation to:

@jozzie90 and



Nice one, i believe we all have been lucky in this life one way or the other... Thanks for sharing your experience @mjerry.


thank you so much for participating in this engagement challenge for sharing your information that you have regarding this topic and it is really appreciate able in my point of view as well as the first question in which you explain the stroke of your luck which was about winning of your lottery was really interesting and secondly I agree that hard work is a key to success that's why we should work hard it will want to achieve some goals in our life and then luck is something that accomplish hard work in a good way I wish you success in this challenge

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