Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

in Reflexiones de Vida10 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello Everyone I Am @memamun
From #Bangladesh


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Hello friends, how are you all? I hope everyone is well, I am also very well Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah, today I am going to write a new post in this community, Reflexiones de Vida, the content of which is Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience First of all, I would like to thank the admin To the moderators, who have chosen a beautiful content for the contest, I will try to write with my maximum creativity, inshallah.

Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons.

As the days go by, people's respect, personality dignity and self-respect are gradually decreasing. In this modern age of preparation we are becoming a strange life stage. We think that I am everything, I am the only owner of what I have, but we forget the Lord who is above us.

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In the course of life, people have entered into a big competition. Who goes before who, who can take whom down. The creator has given us two hands, two feet and a nose, a mouth and a whole body. A brother at the upper end has no hands, no one has no legs, no one is ignorant of various aspects. Does violence suit him?

Well, if the creator gave me that ignorance? So what would I do? We envy others in work and if we achieve something good in work we envy others, by envy we go up and by hurting someone we go up is it not violence for us?

We family responsibilities are teaching violence to young women through ignorance, laziness, and reluctance. They are victims of violence due to social misfits. Harsh words and harsh words make the heads of young people get stuck in them

What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

Before these behaviors or situations we have to correct ourselves, we have to decide not to create behaviors or situations in front of young women that expose them to this violence. Be it family, social, education, we have to be aware from all areas as young people Do not spoil for us. They should not fall under the grip of violence. I will write two alternative ways now.

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  • Family education, family education is the education we receive from our parents or those we are parents to. Children should be brought up in such a way, taught in such a way, that they should be shown some picture of reality, nothing more. Because when the excess is given there is a feeling between them will come and he will be enraged. Later on, jealousy and pride will exist in him. So, as a family, we should be aware of our parents, grandparents and grandparents.

  • Complete knowledge learning, I did not take social studies. There's a reason why social learning doesn't catch on. The current social system is run by very incompetents. Our expectation of good from social is hard to find in today's age. So we need to have our own knowledge, in that case of course the college varsity There are universities and they need to be taught very well. Self-learning and those who are teachers should educate the students in such a way that they can stay away from all these behaviors.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others, of others? Explain some reasons.Have you had to help others?

Today's society has reached such a stage that most people are indifferent to the suffering of others. There is a saying in our village Bengal, the pain of others is not the pain, but the pain of one's own is the greatest pain, but the reality is not like that. If we are not indifferent to the suffering of others and stand beside them and help them, then it will be the best quality of workand social politeness, love and benevolence to others.

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In fact, not everyone is like that, there are many good people who are not indifferent to the suffering of others, they work hard and stand by their side, and there are many such people. All in all, we should be such that we are not indifferent to the suffering of others. Personally I try to help people as much as I can, maybe financially I'm not that comfortable with direction, but I try to help people as a reward.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instill in your family?

I am a person of Islamic community, in our religion, violence, hatred, violence, arrogance, these are absolutely haram, doing them is a bad thing. Alhamdulillah as far as possible we are deprived of these as a family.

A special principle from our family policy is that if someone does such a thing, they must ask God for forgiveness in repentance and take a promise never to do it again.

I think every family like this needs to have policies in place so that young people never fall victim to this kind of violence. Hope they all benefit. Inshallah


I liked the content of this competition more because the topic is about social norms. It is good for us. So personally I take this very well. I would like my friends to participate here, and I invite them @shiftitamanna @suborna03 @robin42

Thank you everyone

Good Bye



Violence is something that is not tolerated in life, especially against women.

thank you so much ❤️

amigo @memamun estoy de acuerdo con tu punto de vista creo que es un tema que debe preocuparnos a todos yo diría mas, siendo radical el día que exista una ley mundial donde los padres irresponsables paguen prisión se reduciría el nivel de delincuencia. En mi pueblo hay un dicho que dice no tiene culpa el ciego que cae en el hueco, sino el que le da el garrote. Gracias por participar. Dios le bendiga.

Right talking my friend ❤️

And thank you so much for nicely comment


Muy buen análisis felicidades

@memamun vai, A very beautiful article you have written. If we give proper guidelines line our young generation then our society will be fine. I wish you all the best.

thank you so much

Uno de los aspectos más importantes que usted señala es el de la educación familiar.

Cuando la familia se involucra activamente con los jóvenes, pueden orientarlos y reforzar sus valores, todo de forma eficiente y alejando las malas influencias.

La comunicación sigue siendo la mejor manera de evitar que nuestros jóvenes tengan conductas violentas.

Saludos. SLPS

La educación en el hogar y la formación en valores siguen siendo la mejor opción para evitar que nuestros jóvenes estén expuestos conductas violentas.

Un buen ejemplo familiar y una efectiva comunicación, mantendrán alejadas las influencias negativas de nuestras familias.

Saludos. SLPS

Hello friend @memamun, I love your entry.

Our world is full of greed, selfishness and envy which happens to be the factors influencing violence in our society. No one wants to be patient with another or happy with another's achievement, we just want everything for us. Is that's the case God almighty wouldn't have given the opportunity for procreation, rather he would have left Adam alone to enjoy everything. God made procreation possible so we could leave together in peace, love and harmony

I am a person of Islamic community, in our religion, violence, hatred, violence, arrogance, these are absolutely haram.

This is a good one you've got there and I applaud for that. I used to have a feeling about Muslims but of recent I have met people like you with different and good principles. I used to be scared because some the ones we have here are nightmares to my village community. Keep up the good values

Thanks for sharing

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