Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W3 | Gesture of Love

in Reflexiones de Vida11 months ago


A gesture of true love. Depending on a person, how much he has lived in his life, what he has experienced, what people he has met, what he has learned, what feelings he is able to show, it depends on what the gesture of true love is for him.

Is there a person in my life who has shown me such a gesture? I don't know, it's hard for me to remember something like that. M one friend, just one who helped me in difficult times. When I broke up with my girlfriend or when my life was hard and I couldn't go home because I had a fight with my parents.

I recently made a gesture of true love for another person. In general, I have helped people a lot in life and often I have not even received anything in return. Despite this, I still do it because it makes me happy in a way.

Back to the topic, I have a friend, an elderly person whom no one appreciates and most people laugh at him. Once I sat down with him and explained to him not to worry that he is a valuable person and not to pay attention to what others say, because he himself knows his value. I saw tears of appreciation and compassion in his eyes. It was the perfect gesture of love for another person.


The things that undoubtedly move me in the community are selfless help, giving others hope even though it seems like nothing can be done, and standing up for someone even though you know you may lose. You can call it heroism. Whatever.

A good friend of mine died recently. He got cancer, I didn't see him in the hospital because they transported him to different hospital facilities. He died a week ago. I wasn't at the funeral. But I have a different approach to funerals. On the day of funerals, all I ever saw was people looking at each other, assessing who knew him better and in what relations they lived with him. I don't think that's why you go to funerals. This is to say goodbye to a loved one. That's why I always walk the day after the funeral alone and talk to a dead friend in the soil of the spirit.


I invite:


 11 months ago 

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project. Your post was promoted on Twitter by the account josluds

@tipu curate

 11 months ago 

Wow ,, primero que nada debo darte las condolencias por tu amigo muerto y además fue muy reciente puedo comprender el dolor que siente y la aflicción que tu alma expide cuando una persona allegada parte de este mundo hacia otro desconocido.

Realmente entiendo lo que dices con respecto a los funerales hay gente que va para allá a todos menos a despedirse y a rendirle un último tributo a esa persona quien ya ha abandonado este mundo.

Te felicito por tu gran entrada amigo y te auguro mucha suerte y éxito en el concurso.

 11 months ago 

Ayudar al necesitado no importando quien sea y sin esperar nada a cambio es muestra de un corazón lleno de amor. Bendiciones para ti y sigue asistiendo al que de ti necesite.

 11 months ago 

Buen día @emsonic
Dar a otros sin esperar nada a cambio en un acto de amor verdadero.
Las personas hoy en día ya no les importa el dolor ajeno y se cruzan de brazos en vez de actuar ante el dolor ajeno y es triste está actitud por eso debemos marcar la diferencia y ayudar de la manera que podamos al prójimo 🫶

Que tengas un miércoles bendecido amigo

Saludos amigo, un gesto de amor es gratuito y desinteresado, en verdad es algo que reconforta nuestra alma y corazon como lo sublime del transitar por la vida, me alegra mucho que tambien hayas recibido gestos de amor. Exitos en tu entrada.

i like your post its amazing

Love really depends what n how you have lived, your environment and people you live with. Sometimes it is difficult to know if someone loves you or not as many people maybe just pretending around to show love.

It's a good thing you have a friend at least who has showed you love one way or the other and that was a great thing you did talking to your elderly friend.

Sorry about your friend who died. Thanks for sharing

Siempre es importante estar al lado de nuestros seres queridos, compartir con ellos y disfrutar de su compañía, apoyarles en los momentos que lo necesiten, pues hay que demostrar afecto ahora que tenemos la oportunidad de estar juntos, luego de muertos solo quedarán los recuerdos.

Éxitos en el concurso.

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