Important Decisions

Hello Reflexiones de Vida Community

Hello My Steemain Friends ,

How are you. I hope you people of steemian are good and enjoy your life . Well I am well. May God bless you all. Today I am writing about an interesting contest which is launched by @tahispadron all time my favourite topic "Important Decisions" So, in this post I am going to share my point of view about this topic


What was the most important decision you have had to make? Tell your experience.

Sometimes we have to take such decisions in our life. If everyone opposes, then there is a fear about its consequences, whether we have committed some mistake or if its outcome is bad, what will everyone say, this situation of dilemma comes sometimes in the whole life.

I had to take the most important decision of my life 5 years ago. My mom died, suddenly of brain hemorrhage. All of us brothers and sisters were devastated, it felt as if someone had taken away the roof from our heads. Our father had already died in our childhood. But my younger brother was suffering the most, because he was still a bachelor and we all were worried about him and were sad that he had to get married.

pexels-kumar-saurabh-1456613 (1).jpg Pexels

How would it happen and the most worrying thing was that no one was going to do it. My elder brother was not worried about the marriage of his younger brother. But I had sleepless nights wondering how my younger brother's house would be settled. My husband was also worried about this. Then a relationship with another caste came for my brother. We saw the photo and the girls also liked my brother's brother, so we continued the conversation. The biggest fear was that our uncles and aunts were there. Due to absence of parents, he used to place his orders at our house. But do not create any opposition in your brother's marriage, therefore I have not given anyone the right to take any kind of decision. And happily agreed to marry her brother. So today I can say that my decision was absolutely right. Today he is happy with his wife and daughter.


What impact has it had on your life?

Taking this decision had a very positive impact on my life. I became free from worries on behalf of my brother, secondly my brother became happy in his life, he also achieved the purpose of his life.


Today I am not worried about him whether he is sad or happy. Because now he has his own daughter and wife. He has his own family and I can also give my full time to my family without any worries.


Do you think it was the best or worst thing you did? Because.

Of course I think the work I did was very good. Because this brought happiness not only in the lives of two people but also in the lives of the entire family and the worries of all of us went away. Even today my brother praises all of us that if my sister and brother-in-law were not there, I would not have been able to get married. He gives me and my husband the status of parents. It is a matter of great pride for us that he respects us so much and after seeing happiness in the life of my younger brother, I too feel very happy that God made me the medium to fill happiness in the life of my brother. Being an elder sister, I will always bless her so that she remains very happy.


Will it be important to seek guidance before making a decision?

It is very important to seek guidance before taking any decision because the doubts that are there in the mind get cleared. When I took this decision, I talked to my sister on call who had married someone from another caste and discussed with everyone what problems can arise in a marriage of another caste,


so it was not a big issue. These are just things to be understood in our thinking, we did not face any problem at all.


If you had the chance to go back in time, would you make the same decision? Tell us.

There come many times when we keep thinking and are unable to take decisions. Therefore, whenever I think about the situation, I should think carefully about the decision and if I get a chance to go back in time, I would definitely like to improve some things so that my life can be better. If I get a chance to go back in time, I will first do the work which I could not do.
I will pay special attention to my studies and try my best to get a degree and if those whom I have always looked up to as my family fail to say anything, I will tell them to their face where their mistake was.


25% to @null

I would invite my few friends @wilmer1988 , @dexsyluz ,@chant , @nahela , @lirvic ,.



Thankyou ❤️


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 8 months ago 

Hola amiga, gracias por participar en el concurso. Eres una persona con buenos sentimientos y preocupada por el bienestar de tu hermano.

Asumiste la responsabilidad con tu hermano y tomaste una buena decisión, que lleno la felicidad la vida de dos personas, que pasaron a formar una familia.

Muchas gracias por publicar un artículo en la comunidad Reflexiones de Vida.
Verificado por: @tahispadron

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Verification date:Marzo 04, 2024


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