A Few Words For Mom, I miss you a lot, keep your blessings and love always.❤️❤️

in Reflexiones de Vida3 months ago (edited)
Hello Reflexiones de Vida Community

Hello My Steemain Friends ,

How are you. I hope you people of steemian are good and enjoy your life . Well I am well. May God bless you all. Today I am writing about an interesting contest which is launched by @yancar all time my favourite topic ""A Few Words For....." MOM." So, in this post I am going to share my point of view about this topic

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My whole world is in this word “Mother”. It has been 5 years since my mother left this world, but not a single day has passed when I have not missed her. Don't feel their absence. Today I am a mother of two children, but still I remember my mother, I remember the precious moments spent with her. Such a wonderful contact which is close to my heart, mother, it seems that everyone will pour their heart out openly in this contest.

Mother's Day is on 11th May, so mother is remembered only on Mother's Day. Who said this, mother is the one who never forgets. Remembering your mother just for the sake of showing off, putting a status on WhatsApp, posting on FB, your mother is not remembered just for a day. I am feeling a lot of pain, with whom I spent so many years of my life. Share all your happiness and sorrow.

Because mother is our everything, you call her a friend, teacher, caregiver, everything. Every child who loves his mother can understand how difficult it is to live without her. Today, while writing this post, my tears are flowing continuously while remembering my mother. 😭😭. Because when something comes out of the heart, the feelings of the heart come to the fore.


What all has my mother done for me? It is very difficult to explain in a few words. He sacrificed his entire life for his children. Never gave importance to her own likes or dislikes and wishes, ahead of the wishes of her children. After becoming a mother today, her sacrifice is understandable as a mother forgets herself before her children.

Despite having less resources at that time, my mother tried to give us the best education possible. Whereas my father died when we were very young. My mother raised us four brothers and sisters with great hard work.

Even today I remember that day, when my mother was sitting at home, talking to everyone, and suddenly she had a brain hemorrhage, an attack of paralysis. Our world changed in a moment. Mom was not recognizing anyone, remained in coma for 3 months. These 3 months were very painful for us and for them.

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The one who understood my smallest and biggest problems is not with me today, I will never be able to see him. I have very good memories of every moment I spent with my mom. I used to tell all my secrets to my mother like my friend. I never hid anything from them and my mother was also very proud of all her children that they never lied to her. These are the only memories that are still alive in our hearts and minds, I will not write any more.

In the end I dedicate these four lines to my mother.

Mother oh my mother, I am your darling
holding your finger
Grew up in the lap of Mamta
Mother, oh my mother, I am your darling.


25% to @null

I would invite my few friends @mvchacin , @heriadi , @chant , @pea07



Thankyou ❤️

 3 months ago 

Muchas gracias por publicar un artículo en la comunidad Reflexiones de Vida, lamento mucho lo ocurrido con tu madre, no puedo imaginar el dolor de ver a nuestra madre sufrir, en ti guardas muy bellos recuerdos de todo que lo que tu madre hizo por ti y por tus hermanos, dio toda su vida para darles a ustedes lo mejor, esa amistad que tenias con tu madre es preciosa, que Dios tenga en su gloria a tu madre, sentida y bella participación.

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Thankyou so much dear @chant for your lovely support ❤️

Saludos @aviral123, tienes muchas razón el día de las madres son todos los días, las madres son mujeres luchadoras ejemplo para nuestra vida, dan su vida por sus hijos.

Lamento mucho que tu madres no esté con tigo, pero lo mejor es que tienes muchos recuerdos de amor y momentos inolvidable.

Se muy bien el dolor dan fuerte que genera esa triste separación, cuando ya no se tiene a un ser querido como lo es la madre 😢.

Y comprendo tus lagrimas al escribir en este concurso.

Thanks dear friend for reading my posts and putting your valuable words. You have a very beautiful heart. You understood my feelings very well. Who love their parents very much. Only they can understand these feelings. May you remain happy and healthy. With best wishes, your friend.❤️❤️


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