SEC S18W4 : My Worst Holiday Travel Memory

in Traveling Steemlast month

Hello Dear friends

Traveling Steem

Assalamu Alaikum

I am @jollymonoara from Bangladesh .

A man's every trip is pleasant and not full of enjoyment. Moreover, no trip will be 100% perfect and at some point we get into uncomfortable situations that dim the joy of our trip. Then that trip feels unbearable. It seems why I'm here, then I'm very angry with myself.

With us and the uncomfortable situation Traveling Steem Community Engagement has organized our contest with a very nice theme this week's 4 Season 18 of the challenge . That's what the uncomfortable situations of our trip were like, that is, our bad trips that we want to forget.

I'm discussing this in detail.

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Theme Of The Contest✍️ : My Worst Holiday Travel Memory

When was your warst trip that you would like to forget?✍️

No matter where we usually travel, to enjoy a lot of happiness and to share quiet, somewhat pleasant times privately with family members, there will be no sorrow, only joy, and happiness, we go on a trip.
A new environment, a new place, a new culture, a new food works like a surprise. New environment illuminates our mind and soul with joy

Science city , Kolkata

  • But there are many trips that are not only to enjoy the joy of the mind and body but also to get rid of some stress, thinking, and tension. But then going there we can't express our joyful exuberance.

Likewise I had the bad side of a trip that I don't want to remember I want to forget. I still cry when I remember that treat. Because I had a very bad time at that time . I wasn't into myself then.Nothing was in my knowledge of what I do, what to do. As day after day passed, so was my life .I started feeling lonely day by day and mentally ill, that's when I made this trip.

My husband took me on a trip that day to give me some peace of mind from this mental depression and to forget the tension and improve my state of mind and change the environment.

Then I thought why I came here to visit, I don't feel good at anything . Just thinking about the boys, I traveled with them to different places.

From eating and drinking that trip back then, I didn't like tourist spots, I felt bored then. Even at the end of that trip I got sicker.

So whenever I think of this trip I want to forget that time.
Every time I made the trip, that time and that trip was my worst trip .

What problems have you faced and who was with you?✍️

About eight years ago probably in 2016, I was mentally depressed then. That's because in January 2016 I shifted from Sylhet district to Dhaka, I know why I couldn't adapt to this environment in Dhaka. I felt very bad when I remembered my past memories, sometimes I thought why I left the people near my dream city and came to this city.

The environment of the city that was so favorable for me to live in that I could not forget why I knew about that environmental situation .All day only my imagination was full of memories of those days.

I would say that I was very depressed about the environment, just as our financial situation was a little worse .Family expenses, children's expenses, all accounts, I was engrossed in thoughts all day long. Maybe while thinking about these things I slowly started to get mentally ill.

So my husband decided that we all in the family would go to Kolkata. Maybe my mental state will be a little better when traveling. Since we had another six months visa validity, we went to Kolkata for a week with my husband and two sons.

I was in Kolkata, Park Circus area. Moreover, the movement of Bangladeshi people in this area was a little less and there was little benefit and less food for Bangladeshis around this area .Even leaving the guest house no local food was available .The area was a bit residential, and the residential area was a little less gathering.

Guest house

No matter where we usually travel, our target is food and shopping and nearby tourist spots. And wherever we go, we have a target to choice the guest house in a place where we can walk to most places.But if you had to go from this area to the kolkata new market, you had to hire a taxi. So wherever I had to go I either had to take a taxi and it was difficult to go that far on foot .Besides, I was a little mentally ill too. Then I don't like the environment here, in a word, everything is boring to me.


I have a bit of a neat nature about food chess wherever I go. So no matter which hotels I eat, I try to eat at the hotel by looking at the environment. And whatever food I eat with shyness, I have digestive problems after eating those foods .Even my diarrhea gets done. And that's what happened to my tripta. I ate in two or three hotels , But I don't know why I didn't like a hotel meal .And dinner was eaten more in that hotel .After that I just felt nauseous 'otherwise I drank local hotel water that day.

How you managed this situation in the end?✍️

I don't know why I didn't like Kolkata trip this time .On the one hand I was mentally ill so our target was to visit the cities around Kolkata and nearby markets and visit the sign city and zoo for the happiness of the boys in Kolkata city.

So first I showed a psychiatrist doctor at Mercy Hospital in Park Street, Kolkata for my mental state. My problem was that I was overstressed and didn't sleep at all at night. I had some laboratory tests done.
My consultant was psychiatrist Dr. Anup Kr. Mitra, He talked to all of our family for about an hour .

He suggested that to me-
Stay tension free
(Pizotifen 0.5 mg )-A tablet should be taken by 9 pm every day.


That night I was asleep on a tablet and in the morning I felt quite tension free and one day I visited Science city, and another day I visited Alipore Zoo.
Then shopping turned around and after three consecutive days of taking the tablet, the mind settled down a bit. Feeling a bit tension-free.
The day I moved to Dhaka I had diarrhea like I had to take 14 tablets of


That day I suffered excruciating abdominal pain for six hours I just rolled on the ground The stomach ache was not lessening and I had to go to the toilet again and again. Diarrhea was the main cause of the hotel food and water that I had no stomach digestion.

However, after taking these tablets (Pizotifen 0.5 mg ), my physical condition improved, since then, after I regularly took one year of tablets continuously, my mental condition gradually recovered.

Share photos of this travel memory or give some referential pics.✍️


I don't have any pictures in this hospital but still we went directly to Kolkata New Town, Science after seeing the doctor from the hospital. Then it wouldn't have been possible to think only of me, we traveled the science to make them happy, keeping the boys in mind .I liked the whole Science city that day .We looked around the whole .A long time ago, there are no special pictures, there are some pictures, I am giving them as memories.


  • I remember watching 3D films, and some electronic devices were made for generations to come, I was riding on one of them. The three of us felt like I was that, I thought it was such a Speedy that 'I was sitting. I didn't think so, it seemed like I was running inside that device.

  • Besides, I visited the Alipore Zoo and I don't have any pictures of it because the pictures are ruined. I liked the Alipore Zoo .A clean environment for animals to live in and this geological garden with a large area where animals can roam.

I mentioned every aspect of my likes and dislikes, so I didn't mention any restaurant names and guest house names here.

The friend users I would like to invite to this contest,they are @shryti16, @samantha10 and @mariami and @eliany

Thank you so much, everyone, for voting, commenting and supporting my post

Thank you all on my behalf
Best Regards


 last month 

السلام علیکم پیارے دوستو امید ہے اپ خیریت سے ہوں گے کچھ ٹو اور ایسے ہیں کہ ہم ان کے بارے میں مکمل انفارمیشن نہیں ہوتی ا اور ہمیں وہاں پر ٹریڈیشنل فوڈز پسند نہیں اتے اور بہت زیادہ ویسی کوالٹی کے ہوتے ہیں کہ اپ کو بیمار کر دیتے ہیں جیسا کہ اپ کو ڈائریا کی شکایت ہوگی اور ظاہر ہے یہ سفر اپ کے لیے انجوائمنٹ کی بجائے زحمت بن گیا اسی لیے نارملی میں بھی ایسے کرتی ہوں کہ جب کسی ایسے علاقے میں جاتی ہوں جہاں پر پاکستانی فوڈ اچھی کوالٹی کا نہیں ملتا میں اپنے ساتھ فوڈ کی تیاری کر کے جاتی ہوں تاکہ جہاں موقع ملا ہے میں پکا لیتی ہوں اس طرح ایک تو سفر اچھا گزر جاتا ہے دوسرا نیچر کے قریب رہنے کا موقع بھی ملتا ہے امید ہے دوبارہ زندگی میں اپ کے ساتھ کبھی ایسا نہ ہو اور اپ اپنے سفر کو اچھے طریقے سے انجوائے


@drhira dear my friends,
Thank you for your important opinion, I love nature. so sometimes I travel in nature but this time it was basically I will show Psychiatrist and secondly, my sons were taken to visit Science City and Alipore Zoo in Kolkata.

I was mentally ill, then the physical illness, maybe the food I ate was not hygienic.

Moreover, diarrhea is a water-borne disease, it was more likely to cause diarrhea mainly because of drinking the local water of that hotel.

 last month 

ٹریولنگ میں عموما ایسے ہی ہوتا ہے کہ کھانا اچھا نہیں ہوتا اور دوسری بات یہ کہ واٹر بون ڈزیزز خاص طور پر ٹریولرز کو ہونے کا بہت چانس ہوتا ہے چلیں اللہ تعالی نیکسٹ ٹور میں کبھی ایسا نہ کرے کہ اپ کے ساتھ کوئی اس طرح کا واقعہ ہو گڈ لک

Thank you and Allah bless you.

 last month 


Assalamu Alaikum, your condition was quite serious, you have also have been depressed during this time, you are very reminded of your previous city or where you had many memories.I appreciate your husband that he accepted everything and helped and supported you to take care of you to improve your health. I pray for your health

 last month 

Hello dear friend, I'm so sorry about what happened to you, imagine a Trip organized by your husband to help you from mental depression turned out to be your worst nightmare. I'm so sorry about your abdominal pain and I'm glad you were able to handle the situation.

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