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RE: #TRAVEL My Weekly Powerup | #club100 | A creole village that is worth a visit – La Réunion | #steemexclusive / 20 photos

in Traveling Steemlast month

Oooohmygoodness!!!! I am in love @digi-me - what an absolutely gorgeous looking little town!!!! The first thing which hits me in the face which I adore is the GREEEEEEEN it is just everywhere and it looks so wonderfully luscious!!!

Places with a lot of greenery are like my ultimate dream! Though I live surrounded by a lot of natural beauty - the Southern African terrain, especially up country... is a lot more "dry" looking. Still beautiful, but definitely not the same.

People came for treatment from South Africa and countries along the east coast of Africa.

Oh, that is curious! Do you have any idea "what" they came to be cured from?

This time I didn't do the hike. Just enjoyed the look at it from the streets of Hell-Bourg.

Yeah, that would have been me. I don't mind meandering strolls - like yours through the streets - but I am not much into hiking... too lazy haha!

Looks like a truly amazing place to visit! You are very lucky to have that in your book of memories!

 last month 

You are right about it being green and lush. It certainly is. When it comes to the what kind of sickness people came to get cured from, I didn't manage to find out. But I guess it must have been tropical diseases...? It's a lovely island. We drowe around to many villages, but this was by the most charming of all of them.

It certainly does appear to embody a lot of charm @digi-me :)

But I guess it must have been tropical diseases...

Probably :)

 last month 

My quess too 😊

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