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RE: SEC-S16W2 | Solo vs Group in Travel

in Traveling Steem5 months ago

Traveling with my school friends in group travel because when we go somewhere in a group we create some memorab

I totally get that! Traveling with school friends adds a special touch, creating memories filled with laughter, dancing, and games. It's all about those unforgettable moments together.

When alone I mostly choose to travel to quiet places. Especially I prefer to travel to the beach alone.

Oh, I feel that! Solo trips to quiet beaches are my go-to for tranquility. Listening to the waves, watching herons, and soaking in a serene sunset—it's like a peaceful escape for the mind.

I have traveled alone and with tour groups to the same places and I can undoubtedly say that traveling in a group through an agency has saved me a lot of money.

Absolutely! Group travel through agencies is a money-saver. I've been there too—less worry about expenses, transportation, and food. It's like getting the adventure package without the financial stress.

Good luck

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