SEC S4-W3 | A Smile To Change The World

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago (edited)

As most people will say Kill them with a smile. This statement is mostly used when one feels like someone doesn't want them happy or the world in general is working against them. They'll always say kill them with a smile.

made with photo collage

Like from my cover picture above you can tell I am a smiley. I love smiling so so much, I smile when I am with family, when I am by myself, when I am with friends and when I eat. Another thing I usually hear is smile, you don't know whose day you just brightened.

This is an amazing contest to participate in. So before I continue with my entry I'll like to invite @nancy0 @weisser-rabe @sachin08 @graciella and @tahispadron to join this contest


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Smiling is something that every human has done. We all smile for different reasons like to show happiness or to hide pain. We smile as a sign to show that we are okay. But maybe some people don't know what a smile is so let me show you below 😅.


A smile is a facial expression that shows happiness no matter the reason behind the happiness. Our facial features shift by the corners of our lips moving upwards and sometimes our teeth are visible when we smile.

So what makes me smile? The list is so so long I don't even know how to compress. Everything good makes me smile. Food, water, gifts, good news, good grades, family, friends, jokes, movies, music etc. I think the question should be what doesn't make me smile that'll be easier 😂.

Sometimes I even smile when I have flashbacks of good memories. The concept of smiling for me functions both as an expression of happiness and an escape. If I want to escape a bad day, a terrible situation or some sad feelings I simply look in the mirror and smile, then I feel better.

So in all I smile as a sign of happiness and as a sign of hope 🙂.

The Importance of Happiness

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In my life I've always heard words like

  • Don't trade your happiness for anything

  • Your happiness doesn't depend on others

  • Always choose happiness

That's made me wonder why is happiness so important at one point. I think I even asked a friend that question sometime ago. From my analysis, the way we humans live our lives, it all centers around doing what will make us or the people around is happy. There are so many sacrifices we've done for the sake happiness.

I don't know the accurate answers still but I'll give my opinion about the importance of happiness...


  • Happiness is Important because Depression kills: If someone is not happy in their lives I believe it's because they are depressed. There are so many cases of depression now and people are actually dying from it at an increased rate. So it's important that we stay to avoid living in the agony of depression and finally dying from it.

  • Happiness You Look Younger: Have you ever noticed that the grumpy old ladies in the movies and in the cartoons are so cranky? 😂 When you are happy you look more alive and radiant. You cheeks are up and your face lights up. So if you want to looks soft and great most of your life then it's important you stay happy.

  • Happiness brings Positivity: This point brings us to the aspect of hope. When we smile and imagine we are happy we have hope that whatever we are going through will pass. If you are sad then your mind is fertile soil for negativity. Happiness is important to stay positive and have hope.

  • Happiness is important because it's contagious: Have you noticed that when you smile it's more likely that the person you are smiling at will smile back? The energy your bring will be reciprocated. So if you bring a happy vibe then you change the vibe of another person who was not happy making them happy and smiling and laughing. So actually you can use Happiness to Change the World.

Happiest Moment of Your Childhood

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The happiest moment of my childhood was back at around 2007 sometime in April. At this time we moved to our new how which my father built leaving the old home behind.

The reason this day was the happiest day of my childhood was because growing up we didn't have much. The old house we lived at wasn't really comfortable. There were so many things I wanted but I couldn't have like a bicycle, many toys and better living. Yes I was a child but I knew much.

Seeing our new house felt like the mark of the day things get better for us. I also got a whole room to myself and there was a bathroom in the house, it was so amazing. I remember jumping with joy, my family and myself celebrated that day.

My Happiest Moment Currently

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This picture was taken on the 30th of August 2022 and it was the day I defended my research project for the Bachelor's degree program. It was a very happy day.

I can remember how tensed I felt and all the anxiety but when I was done with the defending and answering of questions I couldn't stop smiling. This is my best day of recent because it marks the end of my degree program and all that's left now is graduation.

On this day I felt so grown up, so smart, accomplished and proud of myself for all that I have done and become throughout the 3 years program. I can't just wait for graduation to come.

If Happiness was a Color Which would it be

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I'm guessing from my picture above you already know my happy color is white. White is a color of peace 🕊️, it is a color of hope, a color of purity and a color of celebration. For occasions and events mostly I always feel like wearing white. I can remember a time back in 2019 where all my t-shirts where white in color.

I love white because it shines and anything bright is something good and new. So white is my color of happiness. On my Diploma graduation day I wore all white and even on my recent defense my outfit has white detail.

Graduation dayDefense day

What Do You Think is the Secret to Happiness

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Your definition of life depends on you and your environment. Same as your definition of some aspects of life such as happiness. So the points I'll give may not be accurate but they work for me.

  • Contentment: To be happy be content with what you have. Don't envy others, don't hate don't be jealous. Be content and happy with what you have and always try to improve.

  • Expect Change: Don't think you own something or nothing is ever going to change. Change is the very certain to happen so just try to be prepared and be at your best at all times.

  • Love: Love something, love someone. As humans we aren't designed to be alone. So we need family, we need friends and even objects and animals that we love and they make us happy.

  • Health: Take care of your health, physical, mental and spiritual. To be able to do the things you love and be with the people you want to be with you have to take good care of your health.

  • Believe: Believe in something, believe in someone. Have a positive mind that always tells you things will be better. Build faith and hope, when you have these two, believe them.


I have given the tips I use to condition my mind and soul to stay happy. They always work for me and work against the things that will make me unhappy. So for those reading these I hope you try my tips and I pray they help you too.


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To smile, to be happy is a power that only you can give you yourself and only you can deprive yourself. So don't let your powers go to waste. Smile and he happy for you, smile and be happy for yourself. Like the heading of this post says, Smile to Change the World.

 2 years ago 
Hola amiga, muy completa y bonita tu participación, tienes muchos motivos para ser feliz y eso es maravilloso la verdad, la felicidad está en los pequeños detalles, tan solo debemos aprender a apreciarlos.

Tienes razón, nuestra felicidades no depende de nadie más que nosotros mismos. Me alegra que tu padre les haya construido una casa más cómoda. Luces radiante el día que degendiste tu proyecto de investigación. 🤗

Saludos y bendiciones.

 2 years ago 

Oh thank you very much 😊

 2 years ago 

Una sonrisa cambia todo, los momentos de felicidad son únicos, el cambio de casa te trajo mucha felicidad.
Fue un gusto leerte, te deseo mucho éxito.
Gracias por la invitación.

 2 years ago 

Thank you friend

 2 years ago 

Saludos Steemian, @wase1234, Tu post ha sido recompensado por @alejos7ven del Cotina Team.

Si deseas apoyar a la comunidad considera delegar Steem Power a @cotina o Votar por nuestro Witness

 2 years ago 

Thanks @cotina and @alejos7ven

This picture was taken on the 30th of August 2022 and it was the day I defended my research project for the Bachelor's degree program. It was a very happy day.

I can relate how it feels to defend a research work, tension everywhere, you fill the world is coming to an end 😄.

It is nice to note that your defense was successful.
Wish you the best on your entry

Kindly drop a review and upvote on my Engagement

 2 years ago 

Thanks you!!

Wow...! Great post. But you are a great person, too! You really radiate what you describe - it's not just words. And beside this you are able to walk with this unbelievable shoes on unpaved ground! Remarkable ;-)))

 2 years ago 

Thank you 😁
I love being me 🤭

It’s so amazing 3year in university is not 3 days .You got all the right to smile on your defense day .That a big step in life soon to be a degree holder .Wish you all the best in life

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much!

You are welcome

Sometimes people smile insincerely and only show other people and actually they are sad. Happiness is not expected, because true happiness is when we really feel happiness.

I also share posts about happiness, if you have time please see it and I am very happy.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for engaging friend

I am for you to see my post.

Hello @wase1234
Perhaps that is the reason that people say arm yourself with a smile as it is the perfect tool to befriend anyone and put people to ease.
Also it can be a good way to reduce stress and start a conversation by making the other person feel welcome and creating a friendly environment.

 2 years ago 

You are very correct.
Your smile is your first defense 😊

 2 years ago 

Saludos linda amiga, hermosa participación al concurso llena de muchas sonrisas.

Muy cierto que sonreimos por felicidad o querer ocultar el dolor. En el ultimo caso, sonreir nos puede hacer sentir mucho mejor. La vida es corta y hay que disfrutarla!

Hermoso momento de tu infancia, en el año 2007 cuando pudiste mudarte junto a tu familia a tu nueva casa. Sin duda que es un momento inolvidable, de cambio y nuevas experiencias por vivir.

Lindas fotos de tu epoca de graduacion! Me puse feliz! Exitos.

 2 years ago 

Thank you friend. If there's one way we must live life, we must live it with happiness.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂

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