Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W3 || Overcoming fear

in Comunidad Latina2 months ago

How are you steemit friends ? Hope you will be healthy happy and well . I am also fit and healthy.Today i want to take participate in Comunidad Latina community contest Steemit Engagement Challenge S18 W3 | Overcoming fear organized by @cotina.

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Edited via canvas


What is your biggest fear in life?

Being suspicious of everything is my greatest fear in life. Sudden changes that cause sorrow such as illnesses, accidents, or tragedies worry me. I am nervous about these unexpected happenings because they challenge my trust that life can be stable and predictable.

I am also worried about my loved ones reactions to these changes. It is painful to think that they are suffering or having difficulty as a result of something unexpected. I realize that I can not shield us from every shock life has in front for us but I still wish I could.

Represent your greatest fear in a literal or abstract way in an artistic expression or photograph (show step by step)

I draw a an art of heart to show my own heart condition.I feel as though my immune system has failed me since losing my mother. I worry about the future and suffer a lot. I be afraid of every new difficulty because I feel like my heart can not take much more suffering.



pictures taken by me

My sensitivity and fear have increased since the loss and I find it difficult to handle difficult situations. My heart can not take much more therefore I am always afraid of the difficult days that lie ahead. I battle this fear every day which makes it difficult for me to stay strong. I fear that each new hardship will break me even more because I feel so weak.

Do you have any phobia?



I do suffer from social anxiety. I get extremely anxious in social situations and around others. Speaking with others, making new friends or simply just being in a crowd makes me anxious. It feels overwhelming and I am afraid I will say the wrong thing or be criticized.

I typically separate myself and avoid social gatherings because of this phobia. I understand how essential it is to build relationships but sometimes the anxiety gets to be too much. I am looking for ways to cope so that I begin to feel more comfortable in social situations.

How do you motivate yourself to overcome fear?



I think that the only one who is able to help us get over our worries is Allah. Reading the Quran, praying (Dua) and doing Salah (nemaz) give me courage and comfort. I feel at ease and more connected to Allah.

Who helps me face my worries as a result of my religious practices. I also try to remind myself of the difficulties I have faced in the past and overcame with Allah help as well as to my faith. My confidence is strengthened by this. I am confident that I can overcome whatever fear I suffer if I have patience, pray and have faith in Allah.


I invite @rehman57 @aviral123 and @mahwish-almas to take participate in this contest


Thank you


Bundles of thanks to you for taking the time to read my post, and I sincerely hope that my creative insights will be enjoyed by everyone here.



@neelofar from Pakistan



Thank you so much dear for the invitation. I will surely drop my entry soon

Excited for your entry dear. Good luck to you 🤞🤞

Dear, I will participate in this contest soon .💖

Have a success ❤️❤️

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


You are not alone in the fear of accident, You can imagine healthy family member who went out to find what the family will eat and the news will come that the person had accident. It's fearful. And I pray you overcome it soonest.

 2 months ago 

Hola amiga, también me da mucho miedo sospechar sobre algunas situaciones, porque podemos estar tranquilo, pero de pronto llega un mal pensamiento que hace que nos preocupemos y que quite toda la tranquilidad que había.

Espero que puedas superar tus miedos, te deseo éxitos.

Thank you so much dear for mentioned me. I will take part in this amazing contest as soon as possible, good luck for this contest

 2 months ago 

Hola amiga, lamento mucho que estés sufriendo de ansiedad 😢 sé muy bien a lo que te refieres, porque lo he vivido 🥺... Sin embargo tu religión te ayuda a mantenerte firme y estable emocionalmente...

Trata de enfrentar esos miedos a estar en público, a socializar, verás que poco a poco todo eso puede cambiar en su totalidad.

Un gusto leerte, espero que puedas estar bien.

Thank you Soo much dear for your kind regards for you

This is beautiful and I love how you arranged your write up. The art you presented is so unique that I would not understand it if you didn't explain. I will surely go through your timeline to check out if you have any of such beautiful art for my eyes.

We can overcome fear by thinking positively especially about how we're able to overcome challenging situations and also praying. I'm so sorry about your phobia for social anxiety, you can conquer that by opening up yourself to people and trying to make new friends with people. I wish you the very best dear friend.

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