I survive out of pure anxiety

in Comunidad Latina2 months ago

Hello my Steemian Friends..

It seems like anxiety is a problem. It's a state where a person experiences excessive discomfort. Whether it's caused by fear or worrying too much about something. When that happens, the heart beats faster, the breathing is labored, sweating, and obviously it is very uncomfortable.

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A very interesting topic to discuss. I would like to invite some of my friends @fantvwiki @meriseptriyanti @miftahulrizky and @nurlizarizky to write their views on this. I'm sure they have good views and their own ways to survive from anxiety.

Describe what situations can cause you anxiety.

I think anxiety is a common problem. Everyone has fears and worries about something, whether it's work, health, finances, or the future. More precisely, I think anxiety happens when we step out of our comfort zone.

I experienced anxiety a while ago. It happened when I got the fact that I had to work out of the area far from where I lived. The worry of the many things that might happen to me really made me uncomfortable. I thought about canceling the contract but since it would be a good experience, I forced myself even though it really made me anxious.


I was worried about how I would do a job that I had never done before. Then I was also worried about the environment that I had never known before. And sure enough, in a situation where I had to serve a lot of people with a lot of demands, I panicked and got confused. My heart was beating so fast. The situation was really stressful and it was not a comfortable situation for me.

The point is that I tend to get anxious when faced with the pressure of something I've never done before. It's like I'm leaving my comfort zone and diving into a situation that really makes me uncomfortable.

How do you deal with this feeling?

There wasn't much I could do to cope with the anxiety when it happened. I just leave the room for a while to get some fresh air and calm down. Taking a few deep breaths through my nose and holding them, then exhaling through my mouth. I believe oxygen can help improve blood circulation to the brain, so that I can become calmer and think more clearly.


It may not be the best way, but for a moment it really lowers your heart rate and calms you down. The time used by each person is not the same. So take as much time as you need.

Some tips to avoid suffering from anxiety.

There are many simple ways to manage anxiety. But I think for people with acute anxiety, simple methods may not be enough. In some of the articles I read, it was said that some therapy may be needed for people with acute anxiety. These include:

1. Meditation
This practice can help us focus and reduce worrying thoughts. This is a breathing exercise. Oxygen has a strong influence in improving blood circulation throughout the body.

2. Regular exercise
Activities such as jogging or leisurely walking produce endorphins that help us relieve stress. So that we can better manage the anxiety we experience.

3. Writing
Activities such as putting our feelings into writing can help us clarify what exactly our problem is. So that we can find our own solutions to the anxiety we experience.

4. Professional help
This may be necessary for people who really experience acute anxiety. A whole lot of guidance and counseling from experts can help us to fight the severe anxiety we are experiencing.

Big Thanks to @cotina for organize this amazing theme

Best Regards


About me

 2 months ago 

Hola El formato correcto es: Escrito + etiquetas + link al post. Buena suerte.

Thanks for the input my friend. In the future it will be as you suggested 👍🙏

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Rasa cemas adalah rasa yang paling membuat tidak nyaman. Paling tidak suka berada di rasa ini. Semoga hari-harimu menyenangkan sehingga tak dihinggapi rasa cemas ini.

Betul sekali buk Ela. Saya penasaran gmna pandangan Bu Ela, jadi ayo join kontes ini buk hehehe

Iya sedang berusaha nulis juga ni. Doain rampung ya.


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