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RE: Mi autorretrato Reto 2 @marianelarod

in Comunidad Latina4 years ago

Hola Marianela!! Poderosos pensamientos para estos tiempos de pandemia. Con toda seguridad tendremos que empuñar el arma de la imaginación y el espacio de fortaleza del trabajo creativo. Y buen ánimo a todo lo que venga. Mucha suerte para este reto!! :)

Paso también para invitarte a que te asomes al Proyecto Knitrias, Estamos invitando candidatos de todas partes del Mundo para unirse. Te comparto aquí los datos y ojalá te animes a ser parte de este equipo!

The Knitrias Project it's aimed to support the growth of new and small accounts offering a delegation of 200 Steem Power to help them reach the Minnow level (500 Steem Power) at a faster pace. We are looking for candidates who have between 0 and ~250 Steem Power to receive this support and become Project Members.

Members can post in any subject of their preference and contribute in any community they like, they are entitled to votes on their posts and comments by the @Knitrias account. Members are encouraged to vote and comment between fellow Members and make a Power Up strategy, helping on the growth of all the accounts. We offer also a couple of weekly challenges for content creation with rewards in Steem Power for the participants.

The Knitrias Project Community is supported by the PoD project by the Steemit Team.

The requirements to participate are simple:

  • Publish your request in the comment section of the last post by @Knitrias: KNITRIAS PROJECT: Week 07 (The interview).

  • Tell us briefly about the following aspects:
    • Who are you?
    • What is your country and what language(s) do you speak?
    • How did you know about the platform and when.
    • What are your subjects of interest.
    • How much do you know about the operation of the Steem blockchain: (Much, Regular, Little, Nothing)

  • And finally, comment if you wish to participate in the work of a Team that seeks to create positive growth strategies through creativity, learning and cooperation.

In the following link you will also find even more detailed information about the Mission and Vision of this Project. It will be a pleasure to assist with any question or comment.




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