Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 4 | Creating content is so much fun

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago

Hi all steemian friends, how are you today? May our days always be happy.

After getting a mention from my good friend @chopper46 in his contest post this week, I'm also interested in participating in this very interesting contest.

How ​​do you feel about creating content? Describe your feelings


In my daily activities which are sometimes quite busy with the various activities I do, I always take the time to create content on steemit, because I feel very happy when creating interesting and quality content on steemit.

By writing very interesting content, it makes my heart happy and can add insight, moreover I can communicate with friends through commenting on their posts, this is really an activity that I really like and enjoy.

Do you participate in the diary game? Why

Yes, I always participate in the diary game content every day, for over a year I have registered for an account on steemit with the name @ikwal I have never missed a day of my game diary content, and this can be seen from the date of my diary posting.

my latest diary post

I think writing The diary game content is very exciting, because we can share our various activities with friends with positive things that we write, I have a lot of close friends with steemian friends because of the content of The diary game that I made and they for.

What Contest or dynamics do you usually enter? (And in which community)

During my participation on the steemit platform, I visited many communities to take part in interesting contests there, one of which was in the Comunidad Latina community, in the edition of the contest held last week I also sent my entry.


Likewise in the steem entrepreneurs and steemit travel community, I also sent an entry post there to take part in the Steemit Engagement Challenge contest there.



And what I like the most is participating in The diary game contest which is held every day in the Steem SEA community, I participate in the contest every day.


my post became one of the winners in the diary contest held in the SEA steem community

What type of content do you like the most and what type of content do you dislike the least

As long as I participated on this platform, I saw lots of communities holding interesting contests, what I liked the most was The diary game contest which was held in the Steem SEA community.

There are no contests that I don't like at the moment, because so far I really enjoy the activities on steemit.

Do you think the quality of the comments is high or low? why?

According to my personal response, every comment I get on my post, whether high or low, doesn't matter, because I am very happy to receive comments from friends, be it criticism, suggestions or fun jokes.

Because with the various types of comments that I mentioned above, I can know how far the content I post looks interesting to them.

What types of content do you think curators big and small valie most?

In my experience, curators on steemit don't choose what content they will curate, because every time I post quality and interesting content, I always get a positive vote.

And sometimes there is also content that curators really like, such as The diary game and steemit engagement challenge contests like this.

Would you like to see Comunidad Latina in another season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge? Explain your answer

Yes, I want to see Comunidad Latina continue to provide a platform for the Steemit Engagement Challenge contest in the future because the contest provided here has a very interesting theme and I really like participating in contests held in this community.



Creating content and writing every day on steemit is a very fun thing because there is no pressure whatsoever in steemit, we just need to avoid a few things, namely plagiarism, repeated posts, hate speech and sara.

I also want to invite my friends @ismuhadiadi, buk sailawana, buk @dederanggayoni and @jafar21 to participate in this contest.

My first achievement


Anda telah membagikan postingan yang sangat menarik teman, dengan adanya kontes ini saya juga berharap semakin banyak para steemians yang semakin senang untuk menulis

Semoga sukses dalam kontes ini

Terima kasih bang, nyan neu eu langsung long gas 🤣

Angkeuh nyan yg ta perle nah, nak rame, pu laen dak meu lalat kana ngen teu🤣

😂 hana cara nyo, payah tapeek proposal bak po ih langsung sang

Pusit teuman,,,

Konten diary game sangat banyak penggemarnya, dan selalu berhasil membuat kita ingin membaca bagaimana kejadian esoknya, apakah tentang seorang anak, atau hubungan dengan alam, binatang peliharaan, makanan atau situasi saat itu,
Itu sangat menarik peminat pembacanya, dan saya juga banyak mengambil pengalaman dari postingan diary games yang saya baca,
Semoga anda sukses kawan untuk kontesnya

Terimakasih komentar positif nya kak, yok ikutan juga

Pasti akan segera meluncur...


Nyan ban neu eu adun, Han neutupu Pakat, setidakjih neu cukeh lah sigege 🤣🤣

na long tag droeneh, man i droeneh le tenget bang 🤣

Semua komentar kamu dari semua pertanyaan yang diajukan sangat simpel dan bagus saya suka. Kamu adalah salah satu Steemian muda yang selalu aktiv dan merespons komentar dengan cepat dan santun. Sukses buat kontesnya ya dan terima kasih atas undangannya👍

Terimakasih sudah mampir dan memberikan komentar positifnya buk, ini kontes yang bagus dan mudah buk, yuk kita ramaikan 😊

Baik terima kasih

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, I am glad to know that you liked participating in the daily game, it is very fun to share with our colleagues what we do during the day or how we feel in this way because we get to know each other a little. Have a happy day.

Terimakasih atas komentar positifnya saudara, saya sangat senang mendengar komentar positif anda.

 2 years ago 

Saludos Steemian, @ikwal, Tu post ha sido recompensado por @alejos7ven del Cotina Team.

Si deseas apoyar a la comunidad considera delegar Steem Power a @cotina o Votar por nuestro Witness

I know your an active steemian with creating quality content, thanks for sharing an inspiration about creating content with us.. best of luck for you brother

Terima kasih supportnya buk 😊

A wonderful piece. I am more like you sir, because i also try as much as possible to drop a content on daily basis. The Diary game is one of the content that i also like writing. I believe they is joy in documenting our daily activities


very true friend, I am happy to hear your comments, greetings from Indonesia.

Saya juga menyukai tentang diary, namun biasanya saya membagikan dalam 1 minggu 1 kali. Karena bila setiap hari membuat konten diary, pastinya orang lain akan melihat postingan yang saya bagikan.

Saya juga membagikan postingan tentang konten.

Terimakasih tanggapan positifnya bang

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