I survive by pure anxiety

Hello everyone I hope you all are good . Anxiety is multifaceted Emotion that can manifests in various forms ranging from mild nervousnes to debilitating panic. Its natural response to Unfamiliar or challenging situations often pushing us out of our comfort zone. Today I will share my personal experience with anxiety how I manage it and some tips that might help other.

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Situations That Cause Anxiety

Several situations have recently triggered my anxiety including:

1. Personal Relationships:

I am deeply connected with a special person who has been significant part of my life. She has always taken care of me and we share a strong emotional bond. Recently her parent have been forcing her to marry someone else despite her not agreeing to this marriage. This situation has been major source of anxiety for both of us. I also sent marriage proposal to her parent but it was rejecte due to my financial Situation. This rejection has caused lot of distress highlighting how society often values money over genuine connection.


2. Fear of Rejection:

The pain of having my marriage proposal rejected because of my financial status has intensified my fear of rejection. This has made me anxious about future relationships and the value people Place on material wealth over Personal qualities.

3. Uncertain Future:

The uncertainty about what lies ahead especially in terms of personal relationship and financial stability exacerbates my anxiety. not knowing how to navigate these challenge and the fear of not finding someone who value me for who I am is daunting.

How I Deal with Anxiety

Here are some strategies I use to cope with my anxiety:

1. Praying and Trust in Allah:

I pray five time a day and trust that Allah has better plan for me . This spiritual practice help me find peace and trust that everything happens for a reason.

2. Mindfulness and Meditation:

Practicing mindfulnes and meditation help me stay grounded in the present moment. It allows me to focus on my breath and observe my thoughts Without judgment Reducing the intensity of my anxious Feeling.

3. Talking to Loved Ones:

Sharing my feelings with close friends and family provide emotional support. Their understanding and encouragement help me feel les alone and more capable of handling my anxiety.

4. Writing and Journaling:

Expressing my thoughts and emotions through writing helps me process my feelings. It provides safe outlet to explore my anxiety and gain clarity on my situation.

5. Positive Self Talk:

Replacing negative thought with positive affirmation help shift my mindset. Reminding myself of my strength and the loved I have to offer help counteract feelings of inadequacy.

Tips to Avoid Suffering from Anxiety

Here are some additional tips that might help others manage their anxiety:

1. Establish Routine:

Having daily routine provides sense of Structure and predictability which can reduce Anxiety.


2. Limit Caffeine and Sugar Intake:

High level of caffeine and sugar can exacerbate anxiety symptom. Opting for healthier alternatives can help Maintain a calmer state of mind.

3. Set Realistic Goals:

Breaking task into smaller manageable step and setting realistic goal can prevent feelings of being overwhelmed .

4. Practice Deep Breathing:

Deep breathing exercise can quickly calm the nervous system. Techniques such the 4 7 8 breathing method can be particularly effective.


5. Stay Connected:

Maintaining strong social connection and engaging in activities that foster sense of community can provide Emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.

6. Learn to Say No:

overcommitting can lead to burnout and increaed anxiety. learning to say no and setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining mental health.

By understanding the triggers and implementng effective coping mechanisms we can manage anxiety more effectively and prevent it from hindering our daily lives. Sharing our experiences and strategies not only helps us but also provides valuable insights for others facing simlar challenges.

i am inviting: @smartlouis @starrchris @smartlouis


Assalamu alaikum my dear brother

I have read your story and it me really worried but don't worry it's a part of life and certain people who are very close to our heart and we love and care them and they also cared about us but there is a test due to Little issues which is not matter a lot because life is not same.

One day you will get much money and you will be the rich person but what is the use of a person who measures you in wealth, it's really good that she is not part of your life and then what you have overcome all the issues and all you are a perfect guy who carry out all his responsibility very well.

Good luck bro

Thank you for your kind comment. I appreciate your concern and support. You are right life has its ups and downs and relationships can be tough sometimes. Its good to remember that real connections are not about money but about caring for each other. I am working on improving myself and handling my responsibilities. Your encouraging words mean a lot to me. Thanks again

 2 months ago 


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