I Love Creating Content


I set 15% of this post to the account @cotina To Support the Community


Hello all Friends at Comunidad Latina

Good afternoon my friends, everyone, it's a beautiful and fun afternoon and today it's also very sunny the weather around my house and where I am at this time hopefully with the weather and atmosphere like this we are more excited and can also do activities that suit what we want. what we hope for this time.

On this occasion I will also participate and also make a post about the contest created by the #ComunidadLatina community, which is to discuss about Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 4 | Amo crear contenidos this and I will also share my experience with what I am experiencing at this time.


And I will explain the topics that exist in this community and the following topics I want to explain:

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1. How do you Feel creating content?. Describe your feelings?.

What I feel when I create content is that I am happy and also sad. I am happy because I can make something that I rarely do on normal days and the difficulty is when I want to think about what I should make with the content so I feel that it is easy to mix. Also sometimes difficult, but I keep trying to be able to create content.


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2. Do you Participate in the Diary Game? Why?

For the past few months I haven't participated in the game diary because I was having a hard time and didn't know what I wanted to tell myself, maybe if I try again I will be interested and will make it again.


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3. What Contests or dynamics do you usually participate in? (And in which communities)

The contests that I usually take part in are contests about photography and the community I participate in is the community at WhereIn, because in that community there are contests made by the WhereIn curator and I usually participate in photography contests at the Community.

But now that I am used to participating in contests made by Steemit, wherever a contest is made, I will try to participate in making the contest. Like in the post contest this time.


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4. What Kind of content do you like the most and what kind of content do you like the least?

For now I really like photography because it has become my daily activity in finding posting material and I like photography that I don't like I also don't know what content I don't like.

Because in the last few months I have always participated in contests made by Steemit, and this contest made by Steemit depends on what things are made by them so I follow and now I am familiar with various content that exists in various Steemit communities and one of them is in this #ComunidadLatina.



5. Do you consider the quality of the comments to be high or low? Why?

Yes, I consider both the quality of the comments because for me, high or low comments require when they see what is interested and also what is not interested and if they are not interested, they will definitely be told what are the shortcomings.

But when they know what the shortcomings are, they will definitely fix what they lack in what they do. Maybe this is all I can review and I'm sorry if it's not pleasing.



6. In your opinion, What type of content should be most valued by large and small curator?

In my opinion, content that is highly valued by curators big or small is content that contributes to the community so that people can find out what they need and can add insight and knowledge that they really need.



7. Would you like to see Comunidad Latina in another season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge? Explain Your Answer?

The answer is obviously I really want to see this Comunidad Latina in another season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge because for me this is quite fun and interesting and can also contribute to the community and also for those who want to write in this Latina community.

Then as long as I write on this Comunidad Latina I can add insight and can also participate with other Steemit users so for me this is very interesting and I really like this Comunidad Latina.

Maybe this is all I can say on this occasion and also in this contest, hopefully it will be useful and also useful for others and I'm sorry if there are errors in writing and reprimand if it's my fault.

Thank you for visiting my post this time and also for providing support and reading my post this time.!


And I also invite my friends, namely: @radhi622, @firdaus01, @hanridwan, @salim001 and @rahmat31.

Writer : @gamcantoi23 | Dari : Lhokseumawe - Indonesia | About me


 2 years ago 

Saludos Steemian, @gamcantoi23, Tu post ha sido recompensado por @alejos7ven del Cotina Team.

Si deseas apoyar a la comunidad considera delegar Steem Power a @cotina o Votar por nuestro Witness

Thank you very much, I will do this later.

 2 years ago (edited)
Hola, amigo! gracias por apoyarnos!! espero de todo corazón que pronto consigas salir de tu mala situación y que las cosas estén en orden y vuelvas a estar feliz! un fuerte abrazo!

Thank you for participating, I will do this to the best of my ability so that I can make things better too.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo es un placer tenerte por acá gracias por participar espero que ya te hayas recuperado y puedas activarte nuevamente con las dinámicas del juego diario ya que sin duda pueden ayudarte mucho a crecer en la plataforma

Qué bueno que te mantengas activo en las dinámicas de WhereIn eso te ha hecho no desistir y mantenerte en la plataforma deseo éxitos saludos

Thank you again too, I will also do my best for this community as well so that I can also achieve all what I have always wanted, In the future I will always contribute to this Community.

Hi, @gamcantoi23,
Thank you for your contribution to the Steem ecosystem.

Please consider voting for our witness, setting us as a proxy,
or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn 100% of the curation rewards!
3000SP | 4000SP | 5000SP | 10000SP | 100000SP

Thanks again, I will do my best.

Anda benar bahwa sebuah kontribusi sangat diharapkan di platform ini,
Kita tidak hanya menerima tapi juga memberi, itu akan menjadi feedback yang baik,
Untuk itu, ide selalu datang dari arah mana saja dan siapapun bisa memberikan idenya disini, tidak ada batasan, jika itu deni perkembangan ekosistem steem mengapa tidak bukan?
Semoga anda sukses dengan kontesnya

Thank you for participating, I also do this for the best thing to do useful things too, so while it can still be done this will definitely be much better In the future.


We will feel happy to write when our work is appreciated, even though it is not big but at least there is a little feedback that we get from the results of writing. 😅👊

That's right, my friend, that's what we've been hoping for all this time, namely feedback on what we've made. But if we are not lucky we have to be patient maybe in the future we will definitely be able to get it.

Postingan yang sangat mantap, terlihat dari judulnya karena seorangg yang akan membuat sebuah konten baik itu video, tulisan dan berbagai lainnya butuh kerja keras sehingga membuahkan hasil yang bagus juga.

That's right, my friends, now everywhere you have to work hard first in order to achieve everything with good results.

Thanks for support brother 👋

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo @gamcantoi23.
Muchos usuarios, al inicio tienden a sentirse como tú, donde pueden ser buenos en varios tipos de contenidos pero aún andan explorando.
veo que te apasiona la fotografía, y hay varias comunidades que te pueden interesar, soloes cuestión de que las busques, deberías buscar por etiqueta #fotografía #photo, para que decubras donde puedes desarrollarte mejor, claro está, en otina, como en otras, podrás dejar grandes aportes.


Thank you for the advice, I will do this in the future so that what I am looking for on this occasion can make me more motivated and can also help me in finding talent. In the future I will do as you have said.

You described your feelings well, sometimes it ia hard to stay consistent with creating content everyday but when you remember how you feel after, it is worth doing it over again.

Even though it's difficult sometimes I have to do it again and be more consistent, so that I can also be more able to work in doing this, Passion always for us.

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