Controlling anger

in Comunidad Latinalast month

We live in an aggressive world but even with that we should try as much as possible to control our temper, because uncontrolled anger is harmful and can lead to death. Anger can cause you something you will later regret in life, therefore we should always try to control our anger.

Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us


That's my angry face 😠 it might not look serious but that's my real face while I'm angry. I was seriously angry while taking this photograph.

Are you one of the people who gets angry easily?

I don't get angry easily, I try to remain calm to see the reason I need to let go of resentment even though it is not my fault.

But several times I do get hurt when I'm trying to help people. I'm a type that forgives easily especially when it has to do with making peace, I like staying in a happy environment. Therefore, I do everything to be sure that peace excel.

I don't know the reason it happens to me but then I never stop helping, I will continue to help

What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?

I don't like it when people don't appreciate my little effort, because when I love, I do it with all my heart and when I give, I do so with my whole heart too. But a process whereby the same person I love and cared for do ignore my opinion, my mood will change. It has happened severally but I don't keep grudges I do forgive them from time to time and move on.


I hate so much when I'm being belittle or disregard me based on my academic level and financial status. I do respect people for who they are irrespective of what they do or how much they have. Therefore my mood do change anytime I'm looked down on. But then who I'm I to retaliate? I do let go everything and look ahead for better days ahead.

I like dealing with honesty people because I'm always honest and open when I'm dealing with someone. I've lived with so many people and have experience of how to tolerate different people but most times when people take my honesty and simple life for granted, I'm not always happy.

Another thing that change my mood is when I sit to plan things out with someone but later the person execute those plans out of his own interests without getting back to me, is always painful. But I try to let all this things go irrespective of who the person is.

Tell us the last reason that made you angry


I don't get angry easily but when I'm severely hurt, I do get angry.

When it comes to health, I have passion for it and so I always try my best to safe life.

Recently as I was trying to help someone out with her health condition, she rejected all my advise and do what she was advised to do by some one who is not a health practitioner. I was very angry at first because I feels she should have pay atleast a little attention to what I said but she turned down everything and the result hit her so bad.

Well, since it was a close person I couldn't stand to see her feel the consequences I still stood by her and see a way out of it.

Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

It is natural to get angry, I don't think anyone has stayed before without being angry. we are all imperfect humans and so we have the tendency to be angry with how people treat us or how life treat us.

Anger is a negative thing because it can cause death, so one need to control his anger so that it won't ruine the rest of his life.

Personally I control my anger a lot when I think about the future effects, therefore it helps me to control myself when I'm angry and leave the scene immediately.

I will like to invite @pea07 @beevicsam @yamilis21 to take part in this contest.



Anger management is quite essential because anger is so dangerous.
I for one try not to be angry but little things can get me upset especially if it hurts my feelings. But I try not to dwell on it and take it easy. Thank God for his word and his his teaching. I'd also feel bad if someone flaunt my advice and when the results comes, she comes running back... I must say you're kind
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Enojarse es algo que muchas veces no podemos evitar, por diversas situaciones que podemos enfrentar en la vida, pero si tenemos que tratar de cuidarnos, para no enojarnos con mucha frecuencia o que eso nos lleve a guardar rencor.

Yes that's true, we need to try as much as possible to get over it.

Even if I don't read your post names, I had an idea of ​​what you would write in your post because I know one thing that no matter how much anger you show on your face, you never have anger inside and your The heart is very sensitive, that's why you love other people so much. It doesn't get acknowledged so it makes you angry and it's a good thing you don't keep things to heart for long because it's a sign of a true person that they never keep things to heart and you're a very good person. are

Oh I'm so surprise 🙀 that you know me this much

I don't hold grudge and when I'm angry most times I forgive and let it go.

Thank you for your warm comment I appreciate

Yes of course because I read a lot of your post and that way I get to know what kind of person you are and you are very nice and I respect you a lot. Yes and you have really respect n my heart respected Mam.
It doesn't matter and a person should Forgive everyone . My prayers are always with you

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