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RE: Controlando el enojo

in Comunidad Latina25 days ago

From what you have told me, it is clear that you must have been angry because it was an angry thing to see your wife in such a critical situation and to be asked to send you out. It's good that you had a student doctor there who showed him how to deal with things you have a lot of patience and worked with patience and a cool head because decisions made in anger are dangerous


Por supuesto, no es bueno tomar decisiones cuando estamos enfadados porque siempre serán reacciones exacerbadas, que pueden empeorar la situación... Muchas gracias por sus palabras, amiga. Saludos.

right, you said that if decisions are made in anger, then real and true decisions are not made, because a person is angry and he makes a decision based on his reaction at that time. But when the decision is made, when his anger cools down, then he regrets that he should have done it this way instead of this way. Prayers are always with you

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