SEC S4-W3 | A smile to change the world by @amryksr

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago

In Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3 I will try to take part in the Challenge held by the community Cotina, moreover the theme for this occasion relates to our life. For the original post, friends, see here Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3 | Una sonrisa para cambiar el mundo [ESP-ENG].

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3 - A Smile to Change the World.png

Cover image created by Canva

What makes you smile?

There are many ways to make us smile, and smiling is easy to do. Be it a deliberate smile or a smile that comes naturally. Just like when other people smile at us, of course we will reply with a smile. If we realize that smile comes when we are happy or feel happy and a smile will never happen when we are sad.

Have we ever noticed the look on the faces of people who are forced to smile and people who smile because of something that makes them smile by themselves. The two characteristics of the smile that I describe will be different in both behavior and atmosphere.


Happiness on my wedding day

I will smile if I can help other people who are affected by disasters, be it natural disasters or other disasters. When I studied at the University a few years directly, at that time I joined the campus humanitarian institution. At a time when I liked to gain knowledge, I also had to be faced with humanitarian action. Sometimes when I'm in college, I have to allocate time to do humanitarian action. Whether it's by evacuating victims of natural disasters or raising funds to be distributed to victims.


Happiness is being able to donate blood

At this time I will smile when I can make my family happy, be it sharing children, wife or parents. The smile I get is not when I can give money to my family, but when I can be with them and take them on vacation. When I see them smile, then that's where I will smile by myself, without having to be forced to smile.

Importance of happiness

Happiness does not come because of the achievements and financial stability obtained, but happiness comes from how we interpret life. If we assume happiness comes from achievement and financial stability, and when we fail to achieve achievement, so does finance, then we will definitely be faced with stress and pressure.

Happiness can come when we do small things and happiness doesn't have to be when we do big things and get what we want. Sometimes when we can make people smile we will be happy. For example, when we move a branch that is on the road and move it to a more appropriate place, then we will be happy because if we do not move the branch and when someone steps on it and he will be hurt. So when we move and other people are free from obstacles, then we can be happy on their own.


Happy child playing on the beach

Without us knowing when we are happy, we can transmit happiness to others. Happiness is not only needed when we are at home, but happiness is also needed when interacting with other people around us. For someone's happiness will be different, depending on how we interpret ourselves happy. We need to ask ourselves whether we are happy or not.

The question now is what happiness do we need, because when we have life satisfaction, we actually get happiness. But when we have happiness, we don't necessarily get our satisfaction.

Happiest moment of your childhood

Of course, the joy of childhood when you can play with friends and that happiness will happen every day. Because there is no happier childhood than playing. Especially when playing as a child there is no limit, only when you want to eat and rest and the rest play other things.


Children look happy when playing firecrackers

Another happiness that I got as a child was when I got a rank in class at the end of the school semester. At that time I received gifts from my parents and gifts from other families. By finding the gift, I continued to study hard. In my opinion, there are 2 joys in childhood, namely when playing and getting gifts from parents or other people.

Happiest moment currently (no more than 2 years ago)

The happiness that I found 2 years ago was when my first child could walk. Where at this time I have a family, the family has an uncomfortable feeling, because our son is already 1 year old and he still hasn't walked like a friend of his age. This month, the first son is 3 years and 1 month old, meaning he can walk smoothly at 1 year and 1 month.

For another happiness I found when 2 years ago, where my wife, a teacher, passed the exam to get the salary paid by the local government. What used to be only paid by the school's salary and the amount of salary paid by the school was too small for the burden it bears. To be able to get or be paid a salary by the local government must take an exam.

This happiness is not only experienced by my wife, our family is also happy, because my wife has been a teacher from 7 years ago and only 2 years ago received a teacher's salary with an adequate amount.

If happiness were the color, with which would you relate it?

I think all colors store happiness, it depends on us how to interpret the happiness of each color. The sky blue color represents coolness that can soothe feelings and promote health. From this explanation, there will be happiness.


Children are happy when playing bath ball

The next color is leaf green which describes full of energy, because green leaves are the essence of blooming plants and from green leaves can bring positive energy. The third color is pink which represents kindness, romance and serenity.

Of the three colors, I believe that sky blue, leaf green and pink hold happiness and these three colors are my favorite colors. For clothes, I usually use this color.

What do you think is the secret to happiness?

In my opinion, the secret of happiness is to love ourselves, meaning that we can accept the situation as it is and never complain about what we get and never feel less with what we have now and never compare what we get with what we have. others.

Every time we love the moments we miss, be it moments at work or moments from the days we go through, we will feel happy. From that never to complain, go through the days beautifully then we will find happiness.


Seen happy children with me

When we share happiness and give a smile to those who are sad, then that's where we can bring happiness to others. Never share happiness with others, because when we share happiness with others, the happiness we have will not decrease, in fact we will get more happiness that we will have.


To achieve happiness, it lies in ourselves. If we are not happy, it is impossible for us to make other people happy. So to make others happy, we must first make ourselves happy, then we can share with others. Are you happy now or not?.

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For that I invite other friends to be able to participate in the Challenge held by Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 4 Week 3 | Una sonrisa para cambiar el mundo [ESP-ENG]. I invite @liasteem, @husaini, @jufrimj, @ridwant, @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @sofian88, @musdezal, @klen.civil, @irawandedy and other friends. Thank you admin and community moderators for the time and opportunity given and thank you to SC01 and SC02 for their support so far.


About me @amryksr

Achievement 1



Kebahagiaan adalah sebuah perasaan yang menyatu dengan mindset, kita bisa bahagia saat orang lain tidak, atau bisa bersedih saat orang lain bahagia,
Memiliki keluarga adalah kebahagiaan terbesar, Anak-anak adalah anugerah dari Tuhan, dimana melihat senyumannya saja semua rasa lelah, penat, sedih, dan putus asa hilang.
Semoga anda selalu bahagia bersama keluarga dan membahagiakan mereka yang berada disekeliling anda,
Smoga sukses untuk kontesnya

Sangat benar bu, disaat memiliki keluarga adalah sebuah kebahagiaan yang tidak tertandingi oleh apapun. Saya bahagia dengan keluarga kecil yang saya miliki saat ini.

Alhamdulillah jika begtu...

Dan saya berharap kebahagian ini tidak berakhir.


Que hermosas fotografías que conmemoran instantes llenos de felicidad. Me gustó esta frase:

Cuando compartimos la felicidad y damos una sonrisa a los que están tristes, entonces es donde podemos llevar la felicidad a los demás.

Que especial se vuelve poder ser felíz y al mismo tiempo brindar de esa felicidad a otros....


La felicidad no es sólo la que sentimos, sino que tenemos que compartir la felicidad con las personas. Por supuesto, cuando ellos están felices, nosotros también lo estamos.

 2 years ago 

Hola @amryksr
Debo confesar que la foto de tu boda transmite una bonita energía, seguro que la felicidad de ambos está más que reflejada en la foto, además, los colores son muy bonitos, no es a lo que estamos habitual acostumbrados de ver, al menos de este lado del mundo, que generalmente es blanco el color del vestido de la mujer.

Muy bonita publicación, saludos.

Hola @josevas217

Por la cultura de la vestimenta en el país, existen muchos colores diferentes de vestimenta, no idénticos, solo blancos. Cuando la boda fue una gran alegría sentí, por casarme con la chica que amo.

 2 years ago 

Me gustó mucho su post, es así la felicidad está en las pequeñas cosas ahí es donde está la grandeza.

Coincido cuando dice que si no somos felices nosotros no podemos hacer felices a los demás.

Saludos y mucho éxito 🤗

Es verdad, cuando no somos felices como hacemos felices a otras personas. Primero nos hacemos felices a nosotros mismos, luego hacemos felices a los demás.

Hola, gracias por participar de esta semana de challenge, donde nos muestras tus momentos felices, la foto de tu matrimonio es hermosa, nuestros hijos tambien son motivo de felicidad, saludos.

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Verificado en: 13-09-2022

Vota por @cotina como witness!

Con la pequeña familia que tengo hoy ya soy muy feliz y no tiene comparación con ninguna otra. Gracias por la verificación y comentarios constructivos @karianaporras

 2 years ago 

Hola que tal, muy buen post, suerte.

Gracias por la cálida bienvenida y me alegra que quieras visitar mi publicación.

..However, there are people who always share happiness with others when they are not happy! she is our mother and father. Glad to read your writing. Thank you for inviting me to this exciting contest.

True, parents are always happy to see their children happy, even if they are not happy and they will never show sadness to their children.

Anak adalah salah satu sumber kebahagiaan kita. Kehadirannya membawa segudang harapan dan tentu kebagiaan bagi semua. Sang Ka galak teuh keu adek bayek lom....🤭🤭

Loen yang paleng beyek baroe 2 bln.
Sang jeut mita loem droeneuh adek beyek.

Benar sekali pak, sumber kebahagian orang tua berada pada si anak. Biarpun nyatanya orang tua dilanda kesedihan.

He who finds a wife, finds a good thing. Enjoy your marriage life and i wish you all the best in this contest

Maybe outside my house I was cleaning, but when I got home the sadness disappeared and was replaced with happiness.

😂😂😂 Truely

Kebahagian adalah hak milik semua orang, akan tetapi tingkatan kebahagian itu pasti berbeda beda, karena tiap seseorang itu memiliki selera yang beda beda hehe, Terima kasih atas postingan yang sangat bermanfaat pak dan menjadi bahan referensi bacaan yang bagus. 😊,, Keep smile.

Jelas benar sekali, tingkat kebahagian seseorang dengan orang lainnya berbeda. Kadang orang bahagia dengan bisa makan hari ini, ada yang bahagia saat hari ini bisa membeli sepeda motor.

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