Betterlife - The Diary Game - 12-Feb 2022 saturday - day out with university mates || 10% to steemwomenclub

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

Asslam muallkium everyone. How are you all i hope you all are fine happy and all good. Im sorry for being soo abscent these days because i was soo much busy with my studies and recently my dad was not well and he had a little operate. Well today i got chance to post my day. My day was soo good today. I had a really hapy and joyful day with my friends. After such a long time we were planning little get together. So let’s get into the day.


Today i was up at 9am in the morning got freshen up made my black coffee and gad it with songs that seriously made my eyes opened up then i made my bed did some little house hold work and then ironed my cloths then got ready for mu lunch plan with my friends. I left at 1pm we went to kaybees for lunch.

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Till 2pm we all reached there and had a really good time had soo many chitchats and then had lunch . Then we went to mall for some shopping and just for a typical outing. At 4pm i left for home's was literally soo much exhausted .

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At 5pm i reached home got freshen up changed and then had a nap for an hour i cant even open my eyes i woke up and remembered that i have my thousand assignments soo i start collecting materials. And start making my manuals and assignments. This just passed my time literally sooooo fast.

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At 10pm i got free washed all the dishes cleaned up the kitchen and then start sharing my day with you all. So this was my entire day and little outing with my lovely ladies❤️❤️
I hope you all love reading it

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Thankyou for reading :)
Yours, @umme.hani

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Nice post keep it up.
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