My Treatment Methods for My Kidney Sand | Little advice ✌️

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago

I've been trying to deal with kidney pain for a few days. This pain is really hard. It interferes with normal life a lot. Your blood pressure may be dropping from the pain. I experienced kidney pain for the first time. there was sludge in the gallbladder before. I think no matter how many vegetables you wash, this will definitely find you. It's more genetic. I think I swallowed all the sand 😁
I'm having a hard time even when I smile. I tried a lot of alternative treatments. I am in favor of herbal medicine. Taking medication is not for me. Therefore, if you have such a pain, I will give you a few treatments.


First of all, of course, I started drinking avocado leaves. When my husband had the same problem before, he drank. I've been drinking this for a few days. I soaked a few avocado leaves in boiling water. and I drank.


Avocado leaf helps to reduce sand in kidney and bile. I've read this before. In addition to this, you do not feel the pain much because it is a muscle relaxant. that's why it's so good
. In addition to this, as far as I know, it is good for vascular occlusion and heart patients.

Helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
It removes harmful toxins from the body.

While using it for a disease, it treats many. this is actually cool. I added a new one to my herbal teas.

Drink at least 3 liters of water per day
These first days were very difficult for me. because it coincided exactly with diet time. so I didn't need water. But I quit the diet. I was able to drink plenty of water.

I reduced the use of salt
salt triggers stone or sand. salt is normally harmful anyway.

most enjoyable, we jumped a lot at home. 😊 It was fun when I was sick with the kids. I did this in case it might drop. I hope you don't experience this. but if that's the case, listen to my advice.✌️



Wow thanks for this natural treatments for the kidney. Actually I've only been depending on drugs. But after seeing your post, i must put your advice into action.
Most times I just sit and feel much around the kidney area and it hurts more knowing that i planned on starting off with the crypto academy this year but whenever I open my page to check if my achievement 3 has been verified, it pains even more. I begin to wonder if I'm ever going to learn all about the crypto world within this stage of my life where I can't tell how much longer I'll be on Earth. Pls grant this dying wish of mine by verifying my achievement 3 post. This is the link. Achievement 3: Task Content Etiquette: by @clarence25

 2 years ago 

Saludos es nueva para mi esta información, tengo dos árboles de aguacate en mi casa y las hojas son un problema 🤨se de los beneficios de la semilla, así que gracias por compartir.🤗

 2 years ago 

Thank your for sharing the methode of are so pretty my dear friends 😊😍

 2 years ago 

You will overcome this problem very soon sister you are very brave. God bless you !

 2 years ago 

thank you dear :(

Your post has selected as a Quality post of the day. We are glad to see you on the top. We are waiting for your next posts.

 2 years ago 

So sorry about your health please get well soon, thanks for sharing this remedy with us!

are you a dentist??

 2 years ago 


Thanks for the recipe, I'm going to put it into practice, although I love salt I will gradually reduce it, although it will be difficult.

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