Steem Women Club Contest #18 Healthy Homemade Drink Recipe by @rye143

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago
Hello, empowered and beautiful women in this community! I hope you are all doing great!

Today, let me share my version of a healthy drink as my entry to this community's latest contest.

Steem Women Club Contest #18 Healthy Homemade Drink Recipe

When I read about this contest, I got really excited to submit my entry and share it with you all. This contest is just perfect for me since I have been craving for something refreshing yet healthy. I do not have to worry about my ingredients too since I got leftover fruits from my ice cream recipe.

I call this drink "Cucumber Mango Avocado smoothie". Smoothies and shakes are not just an aid to someone's thirst because with the right amount of nutritious fruits and vegetables, it can also be an answer to fill a hungry stomach.


I have been fond of experimenting with drink recipes; shakes and smoothies to be exact especially when I was still into working out and on a healthy diet. With just a mixture of different fruits or vegetables, milk and water, I can already prepare myself an easy-to-make delicious and on-the-go healthy meal.

Mango is one of my favorite ingredients in my smoothie or shake. For me, I find it perfect to be paired with any kind of vegetable and fruit.

For my ingredients, I used mangoes, cucumber, avocado, lemon, ice cubes and evaporated milk.


For me, if you are into a healthy diet or cautious about any food you take, it is important that you know the benefits the food can give you to make sure you maintain your desired weight and overall health. So, let's all learn about the benefits of every fruit that I have in this recipe of mine.

Benefits of Mango

Mango is not only known to its delicious taste. This fruit is also packed with impressive nutritional elements from fiber to different kinds of Vitamins like A, B5, B6, C, E and K. Mangoes are proven to have multiple health benefits, such as improved immunity, digestive health and eyesight, as well as it lowers risk of certain cancers. It also contains bit amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

Mango is also an antioxidant agent. Antioxidants are necessary to our body as they protect our cells against free radical damage. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds that can damage our cells.

Benefits of Avocado

This fruit is referred to as Superfood for its multiple nutrient content. It is said to contain more potassium compared to bananas. Same with mango, it also contains fiber and antioxidant that contributes to weight loss and can also reduce blood sugar and cholesterol level.

Benefits of Cucumber

It is commonly thought to be a vegetable but cucumber is actually a fruit. Now, you know! It is rich in beneficial nutrients, and antioxidants that help treat and prevent some health conditions. This fruit is low in calories and contains a reasonable amount of water and soluble fiber, making it ideal for promoting hydration and aiding in weight loss.

Benefits of Lemon

Lemons are high in Vitamin C, fiber, and responsible for several health benefits. Lemons support heart health, weight control, and digestive health. This fruit is a good source of Vitamin C which reduces heart risk and can prevent stroke.

Now, are you excited to learn how to prepare this delish and healthy drink?

Let's get started.

Preparation Process:

Step 1:

After thoroughly washing the fruits, I had them ready to be peeled and sliced enough to be placed in a blender.


Step 2:

The easiest way of removing the skin of the ripe avocado and mangoes is by scraping the flesh using a glass.


Step 3:

I cut the lemons into half for easy squeezing and sliced the cucumber thinly.


Step 4:

Since everything is ready for blending, I placed my fruits into the blender including the ice cubes. I squeezed the lemon in, making sure the seeds will not be included.

Step 5:

After all the fruits and ice have been put into the blender, I poured in a glass of evaporated milk. You can use fresh milk if you want.

So, here is my mixture of fruits and all other ingredients. For the last step of the preparation process, blend the mixture for about 2-3 minutes if you are using a high-powered blender, 3-5 minutes for regular ones.


After that last step, it is time to serve our delicious and healthy drink.

Share this with your loved ones to enjoy this drink more.

@jenesa, @mira15, @heartmich, it's time for you to share your own healthy recipe.

I hope this is something worth reading. Have a great day everyone!

 3 years ago 

Great article @rye143. It is really something worth reading!

 3 years ago 

I hope I could grab a sip of like this one on our meetup. 😁😁. For now, let's stay safe!

Sure @jenesa. I'll be happy to prepare some for you soon. 😄


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