Women club Engagement Contest1 | MY HOLIDAY PLAN - RED CLAY|

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago

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Let’s go on an expedition to that dreamland. An achievable dream is a holiday plan. A year is made up of many days. We work and study. But do we get time to think and make decisions as to when we are going out to relax? This is important in our lives and we have it take it seriously. If not Jim, then what else can we find to exercise and have fun? Let’s make plans for holidays and I have made a plan for a holiday as I vacate from school this May.


photo_2022-04-18_06-45-58.jpgThe Joy in the expedition

I had an expedition to this great place in my hometown. It’s great and a place anyone will love to visit. It blends nature with technology and then brings us back to architecture. The arrangement of the pace was great. That is what is taking me back there. I have a holiday plan. Since the day I visited there, it has influenced my decision about holidays. My holiday plan is at Red Clay in Ghana, Tamale. When I’m done telling you, you would like to visit it with me.


photo_2022-04-18_06-45-36.jpg Nature Lover

Red clay is an art recreational site. It’s made up of equipment of all kinds. Ranging from technology, and agriculture to what we have never seen as kids. It takes into consideration things that changed from the olden Ghana days to today. They explored what makes nature wonderful and loved and they are doing great in all aspects.



photo_2022-04-18_07-05-50.jpgThe Lamps

I remember when I was growing up, they told me about those lamps they use to learn in school. I never pictured how it could be. When I made my first visit to red clay, they showed me all those lamps. The ones that used fire as a source of light till the modern olden days one which used a bulb as its source of light. Another amazing discovery was the fact that I thought messages we sent by humans alone in the olden days. They enlightened me that, in those days, we could tie the message we wish to send and then transport it with whoever is going there. Not that only oral messages were being sent, they had written messages delivered manually too. What a place to holiday in.

photo_2022-05-02_09-09-17.jpgA letter to my granddad


photo_2022-05-02_09-10-17.jpgA dream on Screen In Red Clay

In Red Clay, we have places where you can live your dream on a screen. It allows everyone to live that life. Art that uses food show the world that there is more to art than just using crayons and other artifacts to do art. In Red clay, you will see a new creation of art and it’s that wonderful. Aren’t you salivating about the place?


It’s free of charge. The plan for the recreation site will last for 5 years. When I went there it was still in process. I will be going there as it’s my holiday plan for June. It’s located in the northern part of Ghana, Tamale. I come from there. It isn’t that much a journey. But what makes it a holiday is the joy it gives. We can’t find that on a normal day.


photo_2022-04-18_06-45-44.jpgTime with Friends at Red Clay

I will visit Red Clay again. Friends will join I believe. Anyone who wants to join me should let me know in the comment section. Let’s go have fun and explore the heart of Art and nature. @muktaraliu, @bsaad, @paulandam join me in this contest.

Red Clay, A home of Art and Hope for the Future Generation.

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 2 years ago (edited)

Estas muy profesionales las fotos, me gustaron mucho, me hubiera agradado ver mas de cerca el arte en barro y las lamparas que mencionas, espero hayas tenido un lindo dia de vacaciones


Thank you


The place looks aesthetically pleasing and you are right I already want to visit and get to see all these wonderful artifacts and more, just to enjoy the thrill of being there. I am glad you have your holiday plan already set.

Good luck!

I’m glad you loved it

it seems you've got your vacation set, the pictures look more of adventure , looking at the lamps and the old culture in the environment.

I hope you get the moment you wanted, Goodluck!!

Thank you

Seems the place only hosts day visitors and doesnt have accommodation for those who may fancy a few days stay. Wish to learn more about how Clay city blends nature with tech and architecture as you mentioned. Thanks for sharing this visit destination.

It’s still inprocess. They have those facilities. As I said, it’s plan it’s a 5 year plan and I couldn’t talk about the aorta that weren’t done yet.

I’m really glad you liked it😊

Un lugar bastante imponente, su arcilla roja, me hubiese gustado ver cosas elaboradas con esa materia prima.
Gracias por compartir.

Banner Saludos y hasta pronto.jpg

My pleasure

 2 years ago 

Hi @pandev,you are a truelly lover of nature,huh.
That looks like a place to learn historical things.
I hope you make to your holiday plan.

Kindly pass by my post

 2 years ago 

From what no read here @pandave
You are already at red clay, the memories of your last visit is still very clear and life in you, i will love to know the out come when you come back from this year holiday

Sure dear

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