Journey to aesthetics part 3//25%beneficiary to @null

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago
Hola great steemians, hope you are keeping well. Its another episode of journey to aesthetics today. Well, I wouldn't want to dwell so much on being feministic but then, you do know how it goes.

In our usual tradition I'm sure you don't mind seeing the author of "journey to aesthetics"

Notably as women, we have so much to bother about from mothering to home care to our respective careers that we often forget about our dress code.
But, dear ladies and gentlemen in the house, do you know that your outward appearance gives first credits to your personality?

its often heard dress the way you want to be addressed

But a good friend once told me the way you dress determines your mentality and personality, that is why you can't dress like a mad man and act sane neither can you dress like a whore and act holy.
A noble and respectable steemian here @patjewell had steemed a post about the true woman inside all of us. please visit that post if you haven't and even revisit if necessary. In her post, she spoke about the characteristics of a woman. Now may I ask, does your way of dress and grooming portray the virtues and characteristics she mentioned?.
OK, we'll see to that right away by looking at a few dress codes.

  • prioritize your comfort.
    No matter how stylish you may want to be, if you feel uncomfortable in that skirt please do not sacrifice your comfort just to look impressive( I'm sure you won't get paid for it😏)
    But sometimes you might not even know when you are uncomfortable. Well, I'll tell you, if you keep dragging down that stretchy gown every 10 second, its a clear indication you ain't comfortable, same goes with the trousers, if you see yourself constantly struggling with your waist band and belt or constantly pulling your trousers up you are just no comfortable.
    I'll love to mention more but I'll prefer giving you another dress code point

  • Dress your personality

Have you ever wondered why engineers wear coverall, chefs wear aprons, Doctors go on lab coats and bankers suit.
You'll agree the diversity is to distinguish function and personality.😊
If you dress on a tight fitted mini skirt and sleeveless top which exposes your cleavage. Do you think you would be ever addressed in an official event as a barrister even if you were one?
Definitely not, because you do not exude the code of conduct of the profession.
so dress how you want to be addressed.

  • Be fashionable:
    Yes, you are very busy, taking care of junior, writing reports, attending to people, your businesses and many more you still need to be fashionable, do not let stress tell on your appearance and grooming. You don't need to go to expensive boutiques or wear expensive perfumes. You can still look very cute and presentable on your clean and neat wears purchased even at low price so long as it fits well on you and isn't like some colour rioting. You won't look cheap and even with the little you have you can meet a stylist to set you on what fits you most.

  • wear what fits occasion
    I have seen people wear official wears like suits to a traditional marriage.☺terrible right? But some still do, some wear traditional beads to a White wedding, very hilarious.
    So this is what im saying when its party time dress like you are going for one and when its official hours dress like one too, dress to fit occasion

To this end beautiful ladies and gents, lets take our dress, grooming and fashion style to consideration. Do not abuse fashion or confuse being stylish to being naked or trying to impress people, remember your dress code is your top most credits to your personality as well as creates your first impression on people so be unique. See you next week on the next part of journey to aesthetics

 2 years ago 

Dressing to me should be modest and covering.

Women nowadays just copy from actresses who dresses as per their role in each play.

Thanks I have learned a thing or two here

Its true, people now copy celebrities forgetting they have their own life to live

You're absolutely correct

Thanks dear

 2 years ago 

You’ve put a smile on my face😊
Years ago I was mad about Boy George. I dressed like him. I made my hair like his. I just loved him.
This morning when I got dressed I had a few pieces over each other and when I finished I looked in the mirror and I thought.. I am home!
It was so nice to be just me again 😊

I'm elated it did
Yeaa, its always nice being yourself

 2 years ago 

Wow this is so educative dear, yes one need to take of him or herself, dressing brings out the beauty in you. I've learned something from your post and hope to apply it. Thank you so much for sharing this tips

I'm glad you have. I always learn so much from you too

 2 years ago 

You are correct, the way you dress determine your personality, so is adviceble to dress neat and for @patjewell post I will visit it to read more. Thank you for sharing

 2 years ago 

In the end all we must remember is that we are all unique and special! 🎕

 2 years ago 

Yes ma'am we are all special

Thanks for reading too. Her post is really worth it and im sire you are an exemplary woman. Cheers

One first impression that sends signal to others is dressing, it's considered to be of great important.

It speaks alot about someone.

Thank you for also supporting the ecosystem by posting this educational Content.

Its my great pleasure. Im glad you agree with me

This is such a beautiful piece,growing up I had so much criticism for the way I choose to dress,often I was called old fashioned and stuff, but truth is I felt comfortable in those wears ,they made me feel myself and on occasions when I felt I should dress to impress I always felt odd and foreign to myself ,yes I learnt that my choice of dressing might not always fit what others want but it fits me and that's what is important .

I'm very happy you shared this. And trust me you are beautiful just the way you are. Good thing you didn't give in to pressure. You are exemplary in deed.

Thanks dear.

wear what fits occasion
I have seen people wear official wears like suits to a traditional marriage.☺terrible right? But some still do, some wear traditional beads to a White wedding, very hilarious.
So this is what im saying when its party time dress like you are going for one and when its official hours dress like one too, dress to fit occasion

Yesooo, i agree with you. Sometimes seeing people dress awkward makes me laugh loud.

Thanks for supporting my dear sister
Lets gain control over indecency

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