Steem Women Club Contest #7 || How Did Steemit Change Your Life? ||

in SteemWomen Club4 years ago

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-04 at 10.01.52 PM.jpeg

Esta es mi entrada para el concurso número 7 de la hermosa comunidad SteemWomen Club (#hive-188403), ¿Cómo Steem cambió tu Vida?, si desean participar les cmparto el enlace.

Quiero empezar por contarles que Steem más que ser una criptomoneda, es un espacio donde el conocimiento abunda, el crecimeinto personal se dispará y las amistades sobran.

Llego aquí en Enero de 2018, gracias a un amigo @ydavgonzalez, el fue a conocer a mi bebé recien nacida, y me sugirió trabajar aquí viendo la crisis económica del país y mi situación de madre soltera.

Debo admitir que el inicio fue muy duro, aún en ocasiones lo es. No saber qu epublicar, ver post sin votos, pero fui constante por un tiempo deacuerdo a la disponibilidad de internet.

This is my entry for the contest number 7 of the beautiful SteemWomen Club community (# hive-188403), How did Steem change your Life? If you want to participate I share the link.
I want to start by telling you that Steem, more than being a cryptocurrency, is a space where knowledge abounds, personal growth will skyrocket and friendships are abundant.

I arrived here in January 2018, thanks to a friend @ydavgonzalez, he went to meet my newborn baby, and suggested that I work here seeing the economic crisis in the country and my situation as a single mother.

I must admit that the beginning was very hard, it still is sometimes. Not knowing what to post, see post without votes, but I was constant for a while according to internet availability.

Mis inicios

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Publiqué contenidos de educación, ciencia y nada, no logré encontrar apoyo, claro muchas cosas que no sabía aún.

En #Freewriters encontré un espacio dónde podia expresarme y rencontré amistad, desde ese entonces soy fiel a la comunidad y participo diariamente, allí recibí mis primeros tips para crecer, pero de verdad la conectividad, las hijas, el trabajo, me hacian el tiempo muy corto.

Otra comunidad en la que consegupi apoyo fue en #TopFamily, anteriormente #steemfamilyhi, muchos de los que pertencemos al grupo han tenido en crecimeinto exponencial, menos yo, cosa que aún siento verguenza, por lo tanto me mantuve en línea recta por mucho tiempo.

I published content on education, science and anything, I could not find support, of course many things that I did not know yet.

In #Freewriters I found a space where I could express myself and I found friendship, since then I am loyal to the community and participate daily, there I received my first tips to grow, but really connectivity, daughters, work, they made my time very short.

Another community in which I got support was #TopFamily, previously #steemfamilyhi, many of us who belong to the group have had exponential growth, except me, which I still feel ashamed, therefore I stayed in a straight line for a long time.

Los Cambios

Obra de teatro, Liceo Juan Ramón Lugo, La Chapa, Falcón

Era profesora tiempo completo, la crisis en mi país se agudizaba cada día más, sin embargo era aún sostenible. Llegó un punto en el que era imposible vivir de un salario. Razón que me motivó a dedicarme exclusivamente al trabajo con la plataforma.

El acceso a internet era esencial y me era muy limitado, salí de todo lo que tenia en la página para completar y ayudarme en este nuevo rumbo que tomaba mi vida, de esta forma logre adquirir mi antena M5 para el serivio de Wifi.

She was a full time teacher, the crisis in my country was getting worse every day, however it was still sustainable. There came a point where it was impossible to live on a salary. Reason that motivated me to dedicate myself exclusively to working with the platform.

Internet access was essential and it was very limited for me, I left everything I had on the page to complete and help me in this new direction that my life was taking, in this way I managed to acquire my M5 antenna for Wi-Fi service.

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Cosa que logré adquirir con tiempo y constancia, no era sólo la antena, era cable, routerm tubo, instalación, en fin todo los costo que esto acarrea, pero lo logré. Mientras veia como cada vez más y más personas, no sólo tenian más influecia económica, sino que su lenguaje, conocimiento y participación eran evidentes. Yosentí el desea de ser uno de ustedes.

En 2020, logré instalar, hasta tuve que mudarme para ello, y es en este punto donde siento comencpe verdaramente en Steem, conocer el funcionamiento interno, lo vital que es participar, votar y comentar. Lo esencial de hacer amistades y obtener nuevos conocimientos, porque si hay algo bueno en steem, es que aprendes algo nuevo cada día, hay lugar para cada uno de nosotros.

Something that I managed to acquire with time and perseverance, it was not only the antenna, it was cable, tube routerm, installation, in short, all the costs that this entails, but I managed it. As I watched more and more people, not only did they have more economic influence, but their language, knowledge and participation were evident. I felt he wanted to be one of you.

In 2020, I managed to install, I even had to move for it, and it is at this point where I really feel I started in Steem, knowing the inner workings, how vital it is to participate, vote and comment. The essential thing about making friends and getting new knowledge, because if there is something good in steem, it is that you learn something new every day, there is a place for each one of us.

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Este 2021 me establecí unas metas y deseo conseguirlas, estoy tranajando duro por ello, steemit es mi sustento, con steemit pago el servicio de internet, razón por la que nos todas mis publicaciones son 100% PowerUp, pero si hay una diaria que sí lo es, porque deseo no sólo vivir de Steem el día a día, Steem no es sólo algo para sobrevivir, hice de Steem mi trabajo, mi casa, mi hogar, es algo que tomo con seriedad.

He formado un grupo de trabajo, que aúnque pequeño, está en crecimiento, nos reunimos en casa y creamos un grupo de whatsapp. Porque Confiamos en steem y no dejamos de soñar.

This 2021 I set some goals and I want to achieve them, I am working hard for it, steemit is my livelihood, with steemit I pay for the internet service, which is why all my publications are 100% PowerUp, but if there is a daily one that does It is, because I want not only to live from Steem on a day-to-day basis, Steem is not just something to survive, I made Steem my job, my house, my home, it is something I take seriously.

I have formed a work group, which although small, is growing, we meet at home and create a WhatsApp group. Because we trust in steem and we don't stop dreaming.


hi @isgledysduarte I have confirmed your contest entry. I am happy that you are at Steemit. I know the state of the country. Steemit was a great opportunity for women. Being here and writing makes every woman feel amazing. I am very glad you get the internet. Life does not pass without internet anymore. it was essential for you to be active here. It's nice that you take it seriously. Keep investing.
For these women, you may have heard the slogan, we are strong together. Every day, I send 5 posts that did not receive qualified votes to the curators. You can earn by creating quality posts in the community.
I'm happy to be in the community. Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Keep sending quality posts. Good luck :)

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