Get To know Satay

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago


Hey steemians, especially in this creative community of women @steemwomensclub how are you guys today? Hopefully it's always in good condition, today I want to discuss and explain what is satay?

Sate is a type of food made from meat, the types of meat used vary, ranging from beef, mutton, chicken, and several other types according to the taste of the maker.


The meat is cut into small cubes, then mashed with special spices made according to the creator's creation, then the meat is skewered onto a skewer and grilled on charcoal or hot coals.

The taste of satay is indeed quite tempting, because it has always been a favorite food of many people, usually satay is eaten with peanut sauce and soup, but there are some people who eat satay in their own way, like by dipping it in a special sauce.

Although delicious and tempting, pregnant women are not recommended to consume satay because the meat is not perfectly cooked and the cooking technique, which is burning on hot coals, is not healthy for the mother and the fetus in her womb. .


Follow Me @fariqasf

 3 years ago 

It is looked very delicious
We often eat satay with family at apaleh gurugok when going to lhoksukon

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