SteemWomen's Club Community Contest # 4 || Who is your female idol and why?

Hello Friends!

Today I am going to participate in fun contest that our community @steemwomensclub here I leave you the Link to encourage you to participate.


My Sister

When we are small, all of us have dreamed of being like our older brothers, and I think this is my case, since I was a child I always saw her as my example, as my inspiration and in a certain way I contribute a lot in my formation and my way of being and seeing the world, thanks to her I obtained a lot of knowledge, especially experiences that today are no more than a memory.

  • Write a brief narrative of his life.

Born on June 22, a day of joy for the whole family being received with all the love and affection of the world, was the first granddaughter and first daughter of mom and dad, so this rest say that was the spoiled of the family, had a very beautiful childhood always being the little girl of the grandmother, always stood out in their studies and liked to dance.


In 2012 he leaves from Tecnico Medio en Estadística one of his first important achievements, always with enthusiasm he starts his studies at U.L.A (Universidad de Los Andes), where in spite of the difficulties there was no excuse to prevent him from reaching his T.S.U. in Records and Statistics, career that he exercised thanks to his outstanding presence in the final Internships, where the professors were delighted with his way of working.


That career was not enough for him, so he decided to study Computer Science at the U.P.T.E.B. (Universidad Politecnica Territorial del Estado Bolivar), where he successfully obtained his T.S.U. degree in computer science, to motivate himself to obtain the Engineering degree.


Over the years, participating in different courses was his hobby, finally becoming part of the Scouts Association of Venezuela, a volunteer movement dedicated to promoting education in young people through outdoor activities.


Finally he arrived at the community of Steemit, and with all his enthusiasm he always encouraged and shared his acquired knowledge, always looking to see the positive side of things despite the difficulties that may arise.

I can add that she is a great fighter, she always achieves what she sets out to do and there is nothing that is impossible for her. Her way of being has a great impact on my life because she motivates me to be better every day:

The only thing we can't achieve is what we don't try

Algunas fotos con @luiyi-22.
<I hope you all had a great day! The photos are from my Personal Album, some of them are in my Personal Facebook Page. Greetings <3

I invite you to see my Presentation Post:

More about me.

As long as you win, the rest is just an excuse!


Hola @cachetes-27. Me parece excelente que tengas como ídolo a un ser real como es tu hermana. Te deseo éxitos!
#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Gracia por los buenos deseos!

holi @cachetes-27! que post tan lindo <3, me gusto mucho leerlo y ver todas esas palabras bonitas hacia tu hermana, saluditos que te vaya bien en el concurso, tienes mi voto nwn👍🏼
#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Gracias por el apoyo!!!!

😍 me alegra mucho que a pesar de mis defectos puedas ver mis virtudes y te sirvan de ejemplo y motivación. Cada día trato de dar mi mejor versión para ti y leyxi.

Gracias por elegirme como tú idolo favorito ♥️

#onepercent #venezuela #affable

Gracias por ser mi mayor motivacion!

 4 years ago (edited)

Que linda historia,los mayores nunca la tenemos fácil,porque somos los modelos a seguir,por ellos nuestros padres son muy exigentes y nos preparan para que seamos ejemplo ante los demás,tus papás hicieron bien el trabajo,me alegra.
#onepercent #venezuela

Asi es!
Gracias por el apoyo!

hi @cachetes-27 I have confirmed your contest entry. It's impressive that your brother has an idol. This means you are lucky. You have a nice family. I would be my idol too. He has worked hard and has made a career. It is also a privilege to be a member of the Scouts Association. It's a nice event. Being in touch with nature. Thanks for telling us about your mother, I am happy that you are in this community. Good luck :)

Thank you for your support and good wishes!

Que linda la manera en la que te expresas de tu hermana mayor, que dicha debe sentir ella en leer tus lineas, si que tienes un muy buen ejemplo de su parte, felicidades!!!


Estoy segura que asi debe ser!

¡Lindo nena! Tener un hermano mayor es una bendición... Yo soy la mayor de mis hermanos y no se lo que eso... pero AMO SER LA HERMANA MAYOR... Te recomiendo algo hija, esto siempre se lo digo a mis hermanos: "TOMA LO BUENO Y APARTA LO MALO..." Somos seres humanos y en algún momento cometemos errores, cuando eso le pase a tu hermana: ABRÁZALA Y APOYALA.


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