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RE: Ghanaian referee collapses during Ivory Coast vs Ethiopia

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

We try to get rid of all such posts as community admins/mods. Unfortunately, some of these posts are likely to get rewarded before they are reached and dealt with. I can see from your league table that you have tackled a good number of offenders. I will surely support you in this endeavor in battling content abuse.


👍 Unfortunately, I've just smashed so many downvotes out that I've ruined my upvoting power for the next 2-3 days at least. I didn't realise that's how it worked.

Only 37% voting power left and I'd worked patiently to get it up to 60% over the past week with the aim of reaching 90% before long. I'm going to need to stop voting 😥

Now you know :)

This might help next time:

You have 10 free 100% upvotes and 2.5 free 100% downvotes per day. Of course, one can use more sometimes, but then you may have to wait a few days to reach 100% again.

I didn't realise that if I kept downvoting, I'd lose my upvote power. This makes me sad. 2.5 @ 100% downvotes per day is going to be tough going. I guess that means I get 12 x 100% downvotes if I stop upvoting people. Good to know though. A weekend without voting is on the agenda.

Effective though -

You could scale the used percentage for each vote based on the abuser's stage. For example, a warning just with 1%.

Good idea, I'll do that.

I've caught a feisty one -

Wonder how long they've been plagiarising for, certainly didn't like getting caught!

Wow, good job! This one was a bit more tricky.
I myself upvoted a few posts by him in the past.
We should keep an eye on that account.

You'd be surprised how many of the plagiarised articles have been upvoted by booming accounts. Which often means that me smashing it with a downvote increases the payout!

There are a few which have been at it for a while. They're harder to stop because they've done well from it and don't like a newbie coming in and stopping their fun.

Once they're in my sights, they either stop or get repeatedly highlighted which is bad for business 🤣


Which often means that me smashing it with a downvote increases the payout!

That's just an optical illusion, because you trigger the recalculation of the pending payout through your downvote. In case the internal median price or available fund in the reward pool changed in the meantime, it can lead to a higher payout, but it would be a bit higher without the downvote.

They don't seem to realise that if they can't put together a complete sentence in their diary game and then manage write an impeccable film review, it's going to arouse suspicion!

Don't publish too many of your detection strategies. They might come to the conclusion that going real stealth mode means copying also the diary post from other capable authors... ^^

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